Under strange stars


[Hmm... this is going quite slow. I hope the rest of you hang on soon and we continue the game normally]

Unable to concentrate rolling in the floor (scratc that spell), Jagra is carried by the rolling stones (?) to the edge of the cliff, directly to Al-Khazad´s arms.

But the captain, distracetd by the falling debris can´t manage to catch the gnome, and he falls the rest of the way onto the pile of gravel and rocks (31 damage), where he, and the rest of you, are half buried by the stream of stones (Amira 7 hit points, Menghil 5, Al-Khazad nothing, Akeeta heals her wounds in a matter of seconds. Status is: Jagra 13/53, Al-Khazad 60/69, Amira 32/45, Menghil 58/63)

If finally ends. A solitary pebble falls on Jagrás head and that´s all.

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"I'm more or less in one piece," Amira says. "Oh no, Jagra!" she cries, when she can see the gnome again. She goes to heal him, after they manage to dig themselves free from the rocks.

OOC: CSW & CLW on Jagra. Use wand of CLW once to heal herself.


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Jagra moans again, but manages a smile, "Many thanks, Princess..."

He then looks to the Captain, "Can ya not just fly each of us all the way to the top?"


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"As always, you're welcome," Amira says smiling back at Jagra. "Unless we can find a climbable path your suggestion is the only way up," she continues. "Al-Khazad can carry the rest of us, but Razeem might be able to carry you," Amira adds looking at the gnome.

(OOC: Razeem and Jagra are both small, so maybe the mephit [str 14] could do it? If carrying people up is not possible, Amira uses Survival (+8 or +10 in Far Realms) [maybe together with Al-Khazad?] to find a safer path.)


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Jagra shrugs, "Whichever, so long as I don't have to get down the same way..." The gnome wipes some drying blood from his jerkin as he looks back up to the summit, muttering something about 'deep-fried divine birds...'


Razeem checks finds that the upper ledge is mostly free of the unstable stones and pebbles, so Al-Khazad lifts the rest of the party there. (his limited flight ability isn´t however long lived enough to carry anyone to the mountain´s top.) From there, you find your way again, in a tiring and difficult climb that doesn´t treat well Amira´s dress.

Several hours pass. When you look down, you see the distance dissolve the jungle into a green mist. The top where you saw the ships is near, but soon after you continue the little rest you´re having, you find something: a dried skeleton, laying flat against the rocks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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