Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Gives You Subclasses For Monk, Ranger, and Paladin

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.

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Yeah, and there was a variation on it in the last 2 archtypes as well. Only thing now is to see if they pop out the spell completely and graft this onto the pre exisiting enclaves in a revised revised ranger
Just a quick note: I don't mind the spell and it can stay as an additional option, just as long as there's a non-concentrate version for Rangers, since the spell heavily favors ranged rangers: melee rangers will have to make too many Conc saves for the spell to be worthwhile. And ranged combat is superior already, so...

Actually this is a replacement for colossus slayer, not hunter's mark. You would have this going along side hunter's mark.
Ah, okay. Thx


The paladin "16 + Dex AC" isn't that big of a deal. A heavy armor paladin with a shield gets an AC of 20; 21 with Defense style. This paladin can't use defense style, since it isn't wearing armor. It can't use a shield, and it's first ability requires it to use a simple bludgeoning weapon. Since there are no finesse bludgeoning weapons (though I'd allow club and quarterstaff personally), they're not going to gain full benefit of pushing for 20 Dex. Picking up 1 level of Monk would help, and be very fitting, though.

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Guest 6801328

Oh oh oh....

I love both Drunken Master and Redemption Paladin. I would have a blast roleplaying either one.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I wish the Monster Hunter was exploiting more the favored enemy mechanic of the base class. Something like:
- Using a reaction to stop a Lair Action against F.E
- A ribon that gives advantage on Intimidate checks against F.E and counter monster's environemental effects when long resting in a place.
- final feature to ignore one Legendary Resistance on a hit. 1/long rest.

That would be my take on a Monster Hunter.

The AC 16 thing, is essentially medium armor without wearing medium armor. I think they should allow it to be treated more like wearing medium armor, as this is quite easily something that can be abused in level dipping.

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