Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Gives You Subclasses For Monk, Ranger, and Paladin

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.


So 13 STR, 13 CHA, 3 levels out of your primary class and then max your DEX. What class benefits from that choice?

Dip 3 levels with a rogue (1) and you end up with a AC 19-21, lay on hands, a fighting style (either another +1 to AC, or +2 damage when wielding a single weapon), divine smite, spellcasting (3 1st level spells), and immunity to disease. A sneak attack from a pally dipped rogue could do 3d8+1d6+2 on a normal hit at 4th level (3 pally, 1 rogue).

Right now, you can't multiclass into UA content, but that could change in the future.

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I wish the Monster Hunter was exploiting more the favored enemy mechanic of the base class. Something like:
- Using a reaction to stop a Lair Action against F.E
- A ribon that gives advantage on Intimidate checks against F.E and counter monster's environemental effects when long resting in a place.
- final feature to ignore one Legendary Resistance on a hit. 1/long rest.

That would be my take on a Monster Hunter.

Ok, I really like the stopping lair action idea. I think a monster hunter would have that ability. Don't know about using a reaction though, because you're pretty much shutting down lair actions every round, which is pretty strong. Then again, it's a class ability that overall during the course of a campaign isn't used all that often--only against "boss" fights. So maybe....

Monk, in fact it's better than the Monk's ability as Wisdom is mostly capped at 20. A Monk that dips into this subclass, doesn't have to put as much into Wisdom.

Yeah, but then you screw up your Save DC, which having played a monk, is pretty darn important, especially stun locking.


Dip 3 levels with a rogue (1) and you end up with a AC 19-21, lay on hands, a fighting style (either another +1 to AC, or +2 damage when wielding a single weapon), divine smite, spellcasting (3 1st level spells), and immunity to disease. A sneak attack from a pally dipped rogue could do 3d8+1d6+2 on a normal hit at 4th level (3 pally, 1 rogue).

Right now, you can't multiclass into UA content, but that could change in the future.

Doesn't make a lot of sense for a pacifist to do things like sneak attacks. Seems contradictory. Just say'n... :)


Guest 6801328

Doesn't make a lot of sense for a pacifist to do things like sneak attacks. Seems contradictory. Just say'n... :)

Call me an old grognard, but I actually agree with this. If you want to play a mean Paladin pick a different Oath.


First Post
Why that 16+AC just look abusive to me if:
-you multiclass, but UA isn't balanced for that.
-is one of those guys that roll for atribute 18-17-17-17-14-12, and nothing in game was balanced for that.


First Post
Dip 3 levels with a rogue (1) and you end up with a AC 19-21, lay on hands, a fighting style (either another +1 to AC, or +2 damage when wielding a single weapon), divine smite, spellcasting (3 1st level spells), and immunity to disease. A sneak attack from a pally dipped rogue could do 3d8+1d6+2 on a normal hit at 4th level (3 pally, 1 rogue).

Right now, you can't multiclass into UA content, but that could change in the future.

I mean, you can do that with any 3 pally/1 rogue, right? Maybe 1 less AC?

And this pally cant benefit from the armored fighting style because he isn't wearing armor


Call me an old grognard, but I actually agree with this. If you want to play a mean Paladin pick a different Oath.

For the record, I would have no problem having a multiclass rogue/pacifist paladin. But it would have to be more of a Robin Hood style rogue, and less Sith style rogue ;) Some of the rogue skills would synergize well with the pacifist theme of the paladin, like avoiding damage and getting out of dodge.

Patrick McGill

First Post
Very interesting take on the pacifist paladin concept. Of course, as mentioned earlier, the mechanics aren't based around the flavor so if the player comes up with a different take using the same abilities I see no problem with it (or dipping, etc.).


I mean, you can do that with any 3 pally/1 rogue, right? Maybe 1 less AC?

And this pally cant benefit from the armored fighting style because he isn't wearing armor

You would have disadvantage on stealth with a standard pally dip due to wearing heavy armor, making it pretty useless. The pacifist pally gives you the AC while retaining your stealth ability.

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