Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Gives You Subclasses For Monk, Ranger, and Paladin

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.

The paladin unarmored ability is pretty amusing for a druid paladin multiclass. Overall I like the flavor and ability of all three sub classes.


I like all three!

Paladin: Repent! (Bonk.)
Orc: No. (Miss)
Paladin: Bad orc! Repent! (Bonk.)
Orc. Rarh! (Miss)
Paladin: (Bonk) Go home, and think about what you've done!
Orc: Okay. (Shuffles away from the battle)

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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
If my players suggest a multi-class Paladin while ignoring the code by which the Paladin must live in order to get their powers I would reject it. For the Oath of Redemption they get their powers from adhering to a code of Peace, Innocence, Patience and Wisdom. Any build that ignores those isn't building an Oath of Redemption Paladin. They are instead building one of the Fallen Paladins.


Doesn't make a lot of sense for a pacifist to do things like sneak attacks. Seems contradictory. Just say'n...

Makes sense to me: Violence is the last resort - the best path is to defuse a fight before it happens. But if violence has already started the next best option is to end the fight as quickly as possible with the fewest lethal injuries. And since it's the Redemption Paladin that can drop creatures to zero hp without killing, the least violent path is for the Paladin to deal as much damage as possible, by any means possible.

Peace through diplomacy is best, but if peace through overwhelming force is the only available solution it will have to do.


First Post
Makes sense to me: Violence is the last resort - the best path is to defuse a fight before it happens. But if violence has already started the next best option is to end the fight as quickly as possible with the fewest lethal injuries. And since it's the Redemption Paladin that can drop creatures to zero hp without killing, the least violent path is for the Paladin to deal as much damage as possible, by any means possible.

Peace through diplomacy is best, but if peace through overwhelming force is the only available solution it will have to do.

All characters can choose to have the killing blow just be a knockout, though.

But I agree with your thought that once the paladin decides to resort to violence, there ain't nothing odd about being being decidedly violent.


The monk is very underwhelming. Nothing it gains is on par with the Shadow/Open Fist tradition. It honestly feels less capable that Four Elements.

The paladin option I think it really flavorful and could definitely work in some campaign styles.

I also like the ranger. I do think that Slayer’s Counter should additionally allow a free move if you are wielding a melee weapon, in addition to the attack though (must be used to move closer to the target forcing the saving throw).


First Post
Dual Wielding Paladin with the Feat and Mariner Fighting Style and 20 Dexterity. AC = 16+5+1+1 = 23.
Oh look, one of the spells they get is shield...that's another +5, so 28 AC.

Dex is already a dominant stat, this makes strength simply useless for minmaxers. People that say the flavor is a massive restriction forget that...it actually really isn't in combat. Yes, you don't kill...but KOing an enemy or killing them isn't that big of a difference in the grand scheme of things.

Never underestimate a minmaxer...


So 13 STR, 13 CHA, 3 levels out of your primary class and then max your DEX. What class benefits from that choice?

A Bard would love it. Maybe a Bladelock as well. I actually like the idea of a Hexblade Bladelock, bound to a bloodthirsty weapon that he doesn't want to use, so he takes on an Oath of Redemption, with his ultimate goal being to redeem his Patron. Good story stuff right there. I might actually build this...

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