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Chaos Bolt is the first Sorcerer-only spell. Interesting. What I've read so far looks really good. I like the idea of Ceremony quite a bit, but some of the effects (Investiture!) might be a little overpowered.

Chaos Bolt is the first Sorcerer-only spell. Interesting.

What I've read so far looks really good. I like the idea of Ceremony quite a bit, but some of the effects (Investiture!) might be a little overpowered.


Looking at that original version, I'm even more convinced that it should be a downtime activity (or something similar) rather than a spell.

I still want to see Last Rites have a mechanical effect. As it stands right now, if a priest of a god of death buries you, there's nothing stopping a necromancer from digging you up and putting you to work, without so much as a by-your-leave.

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Ceremony: atonement doesn't do anything since alignment has no mechanical effect in 5e (and it should stay that way!).

Yes, but its an interesting little plus for Dm who wants to ask penance for a paladin who failed his oath, or a cleric who messed up in the eyes of his god. Instead of having to create a random sidequest to gain redemption, spend a little time with the party cleric or a fellow paladin to be forgiven and move on. I see it as a roleplay enhancer more than anything mechanicaly interesting.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Ceremony feels off to me, but for different reasons than have already been described. So far in 5e, the performance of rituals and ceremonies (marriage, coming or age, burials) was one of the benefits that the Acolyte background gave (Shelter of the Faithful:"you can perform religious ceremonies of your deity"). I thought that was excellent, and this spell (not for acolytes but only for (class) Clerics, takes away from that.

Further, a number of the individual ceremonies just ring false to me:
* Bless water: because the material components are not consumed, the cleric can become a holy water factory, turning water into vials of 25gp value.
* Dedication/Marriage: a 1st level spell that someone can only benefit from once? Who needs that sort of nonsense record keeping? And why is marriage once for life?
* Investiture: now (with Magic Initiate) everyone can have a familiar, for trivial investment.


I still want to see Last Rites have a mechanical effect. As it stands right now, if a priest of a god of death buries you, there's nothing stopping a necromancer from digging you up and putting you to work, without so much as a by-your-leave.
Well, there's always the hallow spell ... I don't mind the mechanical effects of the ceremony spell's options. I'd just rather see them as non-spell rituals or something.


Because "the family that slays together, stays together", right? At least for 24 hours!

Things like talking, reading, raising children, going out on dates, cooking a nice meal, earning a living--those are all so passe. The only thing that matters in THIS universe is fightin', sleepin', and then more fightin'.

What a sad, sad, sad, sad world.
Those wedding nights can be pretty rough. Perhaps the marriage part of ceremony is so that the married couple can still walk the next day.


Hemlock said:
Because "the family that slays together, stays together", right? At least for 24 hours!

Things like talking, reading, raising children, going out on dates, cooking a nice meal, earning a living--those are all so passe. The only thing that matters in THIS universe is fightin', sleepin', and then more fightin'.

What a sad, sad, sad, sad world.

That's one kinky honeymoon. ;) more appropriate for the 10-year, though. :)

It would seem that you'd want proficiency in grapple or at least to be able to hit (on) your spouse better on your wedding night.


It just hit me -- the Marriage Ceremony should have given a free Inspiration instead! After all, newlyweds are usually on Cloud Nine on their wedding day, right?


It just hit me -- the Marriage Ceremony should have given a free Inspiration instead! After all, newlyweds are usually on Cloud Nine on their wedding day, right?

I would have made it +2 to INT, WIS, and CHA saving throws (Or advantage, whichever floats your boat), and immune to the Charmed condition while able to see your spouse.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Here are some thoughts on other spells:

Toll the Dead.
It's nice to have another necromancy combat spell. I suspect d12 is too much (even if it is contingent on the target already being wounded) -- esp. since the Death cleric's Reaper ability means that it can be twinned. This will make for a very nasty villain.

Guiding Hand.
This is remarkably powerful, and seems to take away (or at least reduce) a big part of the Exploration dimension -- or rather, changing the nature of the challenge, and forcing the DM to stymie the spell effect: "The hand stands 5' off shore on the quicksand sea..."

Primal Savagery.
It seems odd to me that the wisest druid in the forest does the most savage fingernail damage. I would much prefer to see it as a weapon attack and not a spell attack. Interaction with Shapechange hard to predict just reading it.

Easy way to disarm an opponent (drop a magic wand, magic sword, etc.). Combined with Luck or disadvantage, major combats might be over quicker than intended. Curiously, it will be disproportionately adverse vs. opponents who have already acted in the round (high-initiative), since once dropped another character can scoop it up, or whatever.

Sense Emotion.
With no save, I would expect public figures to have this being cast whenever in public -- instant detection of anyone wishing them ill.

Sudden Awakening.
I think it's meant to be a spell to deal with wandering monsters at night, but it's pretty cool as an anti-Sleep spell too.

Healing Elixer.
Replaces goodberry as the way to burn through remaining spell slots at the end of the day.

Unearthly chorus.
Bardic performance checks now amped up significantly, with 100 attempts to beguile your target for each song. It needs to have a clause adding that anyone who makes a save is immune from the effects of the spell.

Zephyr Strike.
This is an excellent spell, if only because (as has been noted) it offers a different way of rangering than Hunter's Mark. However, it makes you fast. Too fast. A regular Dash will now take you not 60' but 120'; a Rogue 2 with cunning action would be able to move 180'/turn.
A rouge 2 with a Haste spell can move (((30' + 30' [Zephyr]) x 2 [Haste]) x 4 [move, action, bonus action, additional action]) = 480', 520' if you are a Wood elf. zoom! 59 mph/95 kph!


There is a lot of interesting stuff here.

First off, some of these spells fill in holes. Ceremony gives us Atonement and the creation of Holy Water. Healing Elixir shows us the basis for the creation of Healing Potions (but not how they are made permanent).

Best news ever though? Clerics now have two additional attack cantrips. Praise the Gods and Goddesses finally. Hand of Radiance is interesting, but my Cleric who worships a Death Goddes and recently found an artifact of hers is really going to have fun with Toll the Dead (just need to reflavor the bell to a Flute and it is perfect).

I agree with Ceremony perhaps being better modeled by a non-magical ritual or perhaps a class ability, but the ship has sailed. I would remove the 25 gp silver (which isn't consumed, though that is probably a typo) and replace it with a holy relic or something similar. I feel some of these should be doable with just your holy symbol, though adding costs into the individual effects wouldn't be too bad. I agree with Funeral Rite being less powerful than Gentle Repose, but Gentle Repose is a 2nd level spell. Perhaps an option to upcast this spell to create more permanent or powerful effects, but that gets into dangerous territory fast. Easy enough for a DM to house-rule but it could make Ceremony one of the more powerful spells in the game if WoTC did it.

Cause Fear is fascinating, because for levels 1-3 or maybe even as high as 5 enemies having 25 or less hp is fairly common, so it is a spell that in it's level bracket almost automatically gives itself advantage. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Chaos Bolt is super cool, but I'd like up casting it to give a better chance to hit multiple targets. I like being able to pick which d8 is used to determine type after you roll though, gives the player some control over it.

Guiding Hand is... I'm not sure I like it. It essentially means the party is never going to get lost as long as they know at least one major landmark that somebody has made a map of at some point. Not a huge deal unless the game relies on them not knowing exactly where they are going, but it does point directly to the landmark, ignoring barriers and easiest passage, so it can still work out to a degree.

Primal Savagery is cool, but I don't think it is necessary to specify the player can choose teeth or claws. It took me two read-throughs to understand why that sentence was there.

Is Puppet potentially better than Command? They are similar, but Puppet is completely silent (the only spell I'm aware of with only a Somatic component) and is really long range. But, it does specify it only works on Humanoids and is limited to only movement or dropping.

Snare is cool, though I might increase the DC for a nearly invisible trap to be slight above a 12 to spot (Ranger Spell DC with Wis 14)

Sudden Awakening is way to niche for it to be a spell. I think the only reason it is not a cantrip is because they want Ranger's to have it and I don't think most Rangers would waste the slot on it.

Unearthly Chorus is an Epic spell for the bard to have, love everything about it.

Wild Cunning is nearly useless in some of it's aspects. Spend 10 minutes talking Nature Spirits into setting up camp, or do it yourself... I do like the ability to find tracks or water and the like though, and for the first time I'm wondering about taking Ritual Caster for the Ranger.

Virtue is interesting. It seems meant to be cast on the front line before their turn (or before the enemies turn) could be useful for a non-combat cleric who has run out of healing spells, but is probably not worth using otherwise. Still, the ability to prevent some amount of damage at will is very nice.

Zephyr Strike is amazing. Permanent Disengage, advantage on your first attack and an extra 30 ft of movement. That is amazing and definitely a strong contender against Hunter's Mark. I can actually see both melee and archer builds liking it too, which is always a bonus.

So yeah, 90% of this is really cool, even if few of the spells are actually going to replace staple abilities.

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