D&D 5E Unearthed Arcana: Travelers of the Multiverse

New free content from WotC - the latest 4-page Unearthed Arcana introduces six new races: astral elf, autognome, giff, hadozee, plasmoid, and thri-kreen. https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/travelers-multiverse Looks like Spelljammer and/or Planescape is back on the menu!

New free content from WotC - the latest 4-page Unearthed Arcana introduces six new races: astral elf, autognome, giff, hadozee, plasmoid, and thri-kreen.

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Looks like Spelljammer and/or Planescape is back on the menu!

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
But your pseudopod can carry it for you...
You can’t squeeze through small openings whilst wearing or carrying anything. That means you will have to strip and/or drop your equipment before taking advantage of this ability. At best, maybe you can hold your stuff on the other side of the opening with your pseudopod if you don’t need to go more than 10 feet from it. Maybe useful for squeezing under a door crack to open it from the other side or something. Unless your DM decides to be a stickler about the wording and rule that holding something in your pseudopod is still you carrying that thing, and therefore you can’t squeeze through small openings when doing so.

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As someone who is not particularly familiar with planescape (I know of Sigil, factions, LoP, & the blood war), what about the setting needs to be updated? It seems to me that everything about planescape is pretty much fluff and could just be use directly from earlier sources.
First rule of Planescape is: Don't mess with the Lady of Pain.

Second rule of Planescape is: DON'T MESS WITH THE LADY OF PAIN!

Brad Pitt is somewhere in there for some reason.


You can’t squeeze through small openings whilst wearing or carrying anything. That means you will have to strip and/or drop your equipment before taking advantage of this ability. At best, maybe you can hold your stuff on the other side of the opening with your pseudopod if you don’t need to go more than 10 feet from it. Maybe useful for squeezing under a door crack to open it from the other side or something. Unless your DM decides to be a stickler about the wording and rule that holding something in your pseudopod is still you carrying that thing, and therefore you can’t squeeze through small openings when doing so.

A plasmoid: Can I tell a joke about Spock?

The astral elf: you can, if I tell after other about

The scro: Don't say a word about the klingons!

* A jedi, a protos zealot, a Solarian(Starfinder) and an astral elf enter into a tabern and...


This sounds as a fusion of planescape with Spelljammer, and borrowing some PC races from d20 Future(Star Frontiers+Star*Drive/Alternity).

I hope the return of the fraals (little greyskin aliens) in the future psionic handbook.

They are a lot of PC races for only a module/adventure.

The monsters girls are like a softer version of rule34. You may find something who creates the waifu version. Sometimes I imagine a female half-ogre as a PC, a kawai+Xena warrior princess version of little-ugly-duckling.

Who will buy Spelljammer? Who wanted to play a d20 version of their favorite sci-fi franchise.

About the three-ken with four arms, they can use a shield, one-hand weapons and two-hand weapon.
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