• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Until First Light (DM: TwoHeadsBarking. Judge: renau1g)


First Post
D'keth draws a few more arcane glyphs in the air and the newly re-reanimated is forced to pay attention to the male githyanki. He then focuses on his mind and takes to the sky for a few moments. He lands across from his sister and the blade again explodes with force, although the spell is far from effective.

Minor: Mark Risen 54
Move: Telekentic Leap to H11 (why? Because)
Standard: Swordburst on Risen 94 - vs ref; force (1d20+7=11, 1d6+5=10) miss for 10 damage :(

[sblock=Mini Stats]D'keth - Githyanki Swordmage |Wizard 1
Initiative +2 Passive perception 11 Passive Insight 11
AC 18 For 13 Ref 15 Will 14
HP 17/29 Bloodied 14 Surge value 7 Surges/day 10/10
Speed 6 squares
Languages Common, Deep Speech
AP 1
Powers: Thunderwave
Sword Burst
Sword of Sigils
Telekinetic Leap,
Second Wind
Flaming Sphere [/sblock]

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[sblock=question]Is Lily's spirit companion still there? I may have missed something.

garyh: Did you hit 28 or 18 Fort? - Ha, ninja'd R1 I did! :)

ps. Empathy is going to try to hit the boss with a -4 to all defenses thing, if folks want to wait for her attack.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Zhen's Roll]
Sorry to just drop in, but Zhen hits Fort 18, not 28. He doesn't have any way to hit Fort 28, even on a crit.

Hope that helps :)


Raijin nods at Zhen's wise advice. He turns towards Iaros, the lightning racing across his body become bright as he lifts his dagger towards the fiend. You are the source of this evil and I will strike you down. Electrical currents shoot out, pulling him towards Iaros before an arc of current leaps outward missing the foe. Raijin roars like the thunder and swings his arm out again, moving ever closer and tossing more lightning. He uses the opening these attacks give to circle around to the far side of the room.

[sblock=OOC]Standard: Stormwalk - shift 1 to I12 and attack 1d20+5=13 (vs Reflex) for 2d8+10=20 lightning damage
Action Point: Stormwalk again - shift to J12 and attack 1d20+5=17 (vs Reflex) for 2d8+10=23 lightning damage
Move: Walk to O12
Minor: Perception check on altar 1d20=12
Hopefully at least one of those hit, if he was bloodied before the attack Lith give +3 more damage

Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 16
AC 14, Fort 15, Reflex 10, Will 16
HP 15/22, Bloodied 11, Surge Value 5, Surges 6/6
Resist Lightning 5, Resist Thunder 5
Speed 6, Initiative +0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Blazing Starfall, Storm Walk
Encounter Powers: Promise of Storm, Thundering Roar
Daily Powers: Lightning Breath


"Let us slay the body of the hydra, instead of lopping off heads," he calls out to the others.
"Ok!" chimes Empathy. Bringing the full weight of her concentration to bear, Empathy begins to glow a deeper shade of red and a nearly perceptible humming noise begins to emanate from her body. Summoning all of her energy, she attempts to break into Iaros's mind forcibly and punish him relentlessly so that he drops his guard.

Unfortunately her concentration is unable to be maintained during the hectic battle and she loses focus. Her efforts quickly come to naught as her power is drained away.

[sblock=ooc]standard: mind thrust, augmented 2 on Iaros -> 7 vs. will (which I know misses... /sigh. Not much you can do about a 2.)

move: none

minor: none[/sblock]
[sblock=Empathy ministats]Empathy Shardmind Psion 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 20, Senses: Normal
AC:14, Fort:11, Reflex:14, Will:16
HP:24/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/7
Resist: 5 psychic
Action Points/Daily Item Uses/Milestones: 1/1/0
Power Points: 0
Mind Thrust

Shard Swarm
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Second Wind

Ravening Thoughts

Important Stuff:


Full sheet: PC:Empathy (evilbob) - L4W Wiki[/sblock]


First Post
K'atzn'ii hears the monk's words and their wisdom rings true as she quickly disengages from her foe, but not before leaving a rune on it. The githyanki charges across the battlefield and slashes her blade, fueled by arcane energy, at Iaros. The attack is not too powerful, but it is enough to cause him to stumble

Minor: mark Risen 94
Move: shift to J10
Standard: Charge Iaros (to L12 if I can) - Charge, eldritch strike; vs ac; dmg (1d20+8=25, 1d8+4=8) hits AC 25 for 8 and slide Iaros to K12 (if I can't get to L12, then leave him here as K'atzn'ii will be in K12 then)

[sblock=Mini Stats]K’atzn’ii - Githyanki Warlock|Swordmage 1
Initiative +2 Passive perception 9 Passive Insight 9
AC 19 For 14 Ref 14 Will 14
HP 21/31 Bloodied 15 Surge value 7 Surges/day 11/11
Speed 6 squares
Languages Common, Deep Speech AP 1
Magic Items Uses 1
Powers: Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Vampiric Embrace
Telekinetic Leap
Second Wind
Armor of Agathys [/sblock]
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First Post
Lily slipped nimbly away from the lurching zombie while Lith came barreling into it from the side, collapsing over the corpse like a hungry wave made up of countless hungry insects. Then as suddenly as it had come, the shadow vanished from around the undead and erupted from the floor next to Iaros, menacing him predatorily.


move: Lily shifts to G10, Lith moves to G12.

standard: Stalker's Strike: vs Fort [Target: Risen 54] (1d20+7+1=23)
Damage (1d10+5=8). Until the end of Lily's next turn, her spirit companion can flank with her and her allies.

minor: Summon Spirit Companion to K13.


[sblock=ministats]Lily- Female Human Shaman 3
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20, Senses: Normal
AC:16, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:18 -- Speed:6
HP:36/36, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1
Powers -
Call Spirit Companion
Spirit's Fangs
Haunting Spirits
Stalker's Strike
Watcher's Strike

Healing Spirit
Healing Spirit
Speak with Spirits
Bonds of the Clan
Twin Panthers
Sly Fox Spirit
Second Wind

Spirit of the Healing Flood
Hungry Spirits Totem


Full character sheet
[sblock=Lily's Spirit Primer (Please Read!)]
Spirit companions are complex critters, so this is to remind everyone, myself included, of the important points. The first three items are probably the most relevant to the other players.
  • Any of Lily's allies who start their turn adjacent to her spirit companion can shift 1 square as a free action, as the first action during their turn.
  • Any of Lily's allies adjacent to her spirit companion gain a +3 bonus to their damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
  • Lily's spirit companion occupies 1 square, Lily's allies may move through its space, but her enemies may not.
  • Lily's spirit companion may be targeted by melee and ranged attacks. If a single attack deals 11 or more damage to Lily's spirit companion it disappears and Lily takes 6 damage. Otherwise her spirit companion is unaffected by the attack.
  • Lily's spirit companion uses Lily's defenses.
  • Any enemy that leaves a square adjacent to Lily's spirit companion without shifting is subject its Spirit Fang attack. (This is an opportunity action and so may used once per turn, rather than once per round. Since there is no reason not to take this attack DM please feel free to roll them as necessary.)
  • Lily's spirit companion is unaffected by terrain and environmental phenomena.


First Post
Iaros stumbles away from the press of attacks. He spits blood on the ground and snarls, "Fools! Even if I die, you will never escape this place. Your deaths were determined as soon as the sun set!" Shakily, he raises the crystal at Zhen, sending more arcs that bind the monk in place.

One of the zombies lurches up to D'keth and slams him in the back of the head. The gith staggers and nearly loses consciousness, but manages to hang on. The other risen rushes K'atzn'ii, but she parries its wild swing.

D'keth (3/29
, bloodied)
Empathy (24/24)
K'atzn'ii (21/31)
Lily (36/36)
Zhen (19/24, immobilized (save ends))
Raijin (15/22)
Iaros (-46, bloodied)
Risen 54 (-44, bloodied, Aegised (D'keth))
Risen 66 (-56
, dead)
Risen 77 (-53, dead)
Risen 94 (-33, bloodied, Aegised (K'atzn'ii))

Iaros's AoE does not recharge.
He shifts to J11 and attacks Zhen, hitting Reflex 19 for 5 necrotic damage, and Zhen is immobilized (save ends).

Risen 54 shifts to G12 and attacks D'keth, hitting AC 21 for 14 damage. D'keth is bloodied.

Risen 94 shifts to J9 and charges K'atzn'ii, but misses.[/sblock]


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