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Up from the Dust: IC


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LeifVignirsson said:
Grundy will make the long trek back to the group and report his findings.

OOC: Sorry, I thought someone had caught me before I went down to explore, thus my response... Won't happen again... ;)

Unfazed by the cold, Grundy and his cohorts turn and begin the long trek back to the cave...

Kal and Wato, you both notice that Grundy, accompanied by his white dragon and winter fox, are departing the area.

OOC: No prob!

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Mad Hatter said:
Sorry, my intent was to go with Grundy, but since you have said that he has already left, then I'll travel down to the structure.

Ganshinji departs the cave, heading towards the structure. About mid-way down the freezing snow slope, you pass Grundy, who is apparently returning to the cave...


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"As far as a leader goes I have no problem with the best one fore the job taking the position, however I Also feel that the the best one for the job varies by situation, The best leader for combat and tactics may not be the best when stealth is required or when arcane matters are of primary concern. As for my experience when the leutenant said left and the sargent said right I tended to side with the sargent. "

Taking a sip of soup," Now that being said I have no problems with orders as long as it is established before hand that it is by mutual consent- I'm sorry but I have no plans to act as decoy or target practice for anyone. Or to put it more simply, I ain't dyin' here. If you can see to that then hey go for it. But If we come across any ergsheighlin(sp) leave them to me or with awansheighlin(sp) follow my lead."
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Kelleris said:
Hrm. Lots of easily ruffled feathers here.

"Please, I mean no disrespect. I am simply trying to get a feel for the situation. As the Master says, to be prepared is be always free to act. If we rush headlong into a situation where we could so easily find ourselves out of our league, disaster awaits. I would prefer not to face the imminent conflicts as an unruly mob when we could be working together to escape our pursuers. Now, I have a great deal of experience both as a soldier and as a leader of small companies, and I would like to think we can all appreciate the value of a good plan. We should have some kind of leader in mind before we fragment - as we have here - and all go looking for trouble. I'm willing to take up that role, unless there is someone here better qualified, but to do that I need to know who I'll be leading and as much as possible about what is going on."

"Unless another candidate steps forward, I believe I would be the best choice for a, shall we say, coordinator of efforts. I have no desire to impose my will on you - far from it - but a rather strong desire not to go back to whatever nightmare we were receently plucked from. To ensure that that does not happen, we need to take swift and decisive action, yes, but also action guided by one purpose and one plan. "

"I was a soldier for many years and an officer and field commander for many more before I fell in with the adventuring crowd. Since then, I've had the distinction of leading more than a dozen expeditions into terrain as dangerous and forbidding as this mysterious frozen wasteland. Indeed, command has become second-nature for me, and I know intimately the value of the right advice at the right time. I have even been privelaged to take up the arcane arts, as you've seen, and I am familiar with the vagaries of personality and ability that keep adventurers, wanderers, and old hands at the game of combat such as you appear to be from acting with one purpose. If you'll cooperate, I guarantee our chances of survival and escape will increase dramatically than if we simply wander over to mysterious buildings to poke them and see what they do. "

{OOC - Adauth is looking to be recognized as overly-large-party leader here. From an objective standpoint, I don't think there's any doubt that he's the best qualified, since he has everything you'd want in a leader (that's the way I made him). He has solid wisdom and intelligence scores (13 and 14), the highest non-imp charisma (18), bardic knowledge and divinations for reconnaissance and planning, marshal's auras and bardic music to represent the appropriately-given orders, all of the interaction skills he needs (Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, etc.), and a spell selection geared to group tactics and battlefield control. Adauth is also tied for second-highest level character present, behind the imp, who doesn't strike me as the leaderly sort. Not trying to force anyone's decision, but there you have it.}

{For reference only, I rolled a Perform (oratory) check for the little speech and a Diplomacy check to soothe any bruised egos. The results were 31 and 26, respectively.}

Ashy - [sblock]The proper abbreviation of my handle is Kell. ;) :p I'm making the bardic knowledge check to see if I recognize such structures as this shrine from my research and travel, now that I've gotten a good look inside and out. Given Adauth's background, this most likely would come from the adventurer rumor mill - Adauth is something of a freelance commander for the leadership-impaired, so he's well in tune with goings-on of the adventuring sort. I know I'm out of my usual haunts here, but I figured a check result good enough to get know that's "extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don’t understand the significance of the knowledge" will dredge up something to work with.

Just don't give me the usual "you heard in a song a while back" result, please. :D Ugh, I hate those. :mad: I see Adauth's bardic knowledge as representing a careful attention to detail and extensive travel and research, especially since he's not a musician of any kind.

I'm putting this into a spoiler block because I don't want anyone to get the impression I'm trying to force you to adjudicate bardic knowledge in a certain way. I've just been burned one too many times by DMs who make BK into a completely useless ability. :\ [/sblock]

Kell: [sblock]Despite your best efforts and the most thorough searches of your memory, you cannot recall any references that might lead you to an idea of what this structure might be...[/sblock]


First Post
You all can squabble over leadershipa ll you want. I can spill out the list of my leadership skills and negotiation tactics. I was the voice of a Governor... When that Governer left, I became the Governor myself... I helped start a civil war... I killed off the son of a dragon goddess... And I am not demanding we have a leader. Survival is the key first, not to show each other who has the biggest member in their pants, so to speak.

Grundy pets Hume, who whines at him for recalling some of the past.

Onto matters at hand, I see no way to get into the structure, nor are their any doors that I can see. I might suggest that someone fly over and see what they can find out over the top, but Valandra is a bit shaken from this last little bit of business. If not having a leader prevents us from even finding shelter, then so be it... I will go stand off and not have any say in the matter. All I care about is surviving and trying to find my way back home to see my sister and my nephew again...

With that, Grundy walks over to where he can keep an eye on the outpost, Hume whining at his feet and Valandra curling around his feet and falling into a quick nap.

Tor L'Tha

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Wato Q'Tar

Wato that is tired of being cold turn his back to the structure when the others informs that the doors are going to be tricky to open.
“I getting back to the cave to inform what we have found” “maybe we got a skilled lock picker or door smasher with us” “the winged guy may help too”
Wato makes his way back to the cave where he reaches the leader discussion, after hearing the others Wato raises his voice from outside the fire circle “My weapons are yours” “I have fight many battles and i know to recognize a leader” “what i can't see... yet ... is your skills to lead in combat... that part is still to be proved” he looks at the others looks over to the structure and says “the building thing has some kind of doors” “but we cant figure it out how to make them open” “flying over may help too” he looks at Nebiro that still are some fets above the ground flapping his wings lazily ”there are some strange metal sound from inside too” “like somebody striking metal on metal” "we should really get over there and check it out" he crunches down besides the fire warming his hands “are there any more stew left? I'm so hungry....”


With a bemused look on his face Adauth says, "Well, as I have no reason to see you dead and every reason to hope you can help us get out of here, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that I'm tagging you for fang-fodder."

Adauth will give an abbreviated version of his little speech to the stragglers as they come back to the camp, and wait for a few more responses before telling everyone his proposed plan.


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"I only say so because I have traveled with kings and peasents, High clerics, and thieves, Archmages and simple scribes, and It has been my experience that in situations like this leaders dont matter as much as one may think, we did our best work when we all pulled together not when we all did what we were told. When we were working together there were times it would seem there was not an awansheighlin that could stand against us."

"But if you have a plan- well spit it out man, lets here it you dont have to be a leader to have a plan at all, let alone a good plan, so lets here."


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I say we fly over and figure out what it looks like overhead, or have all of us touch the building at the same time... Maybe even both... Individuals may not help out in the situation but a team just might... You all decide what you want to do, I am going to keep an eye out for predators and anything else that might take advantage of us. The cold doesn't bother me at all...

Voidrunner's Codex

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