Using Magic Item Pricing Rules - Boots of Freedom

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First Post
Good points made. Thanks!

  • Ring of Freedom of Movement (RAW) costs 40,000gp for a continuous effect. No activation time, obviously. Are we claiming an item that has a much more limited duration (and activation time) should cost more?
  • I see that magic items have one listed caster level. I'm not sure I see a rule that requires all powers to have the same caster level. I'll bet if we look at some Staves, we might find one or two with different caster levels for different powers. How about a scroll with multiple spells on it? Etc.
  • A psion can work with a wizard or cleric on a ....shucks, Patyrn beat me to it. :)
  • If I want Dimension(al) Slide as a move action, isn't that equivalent to a 5th level spell-like power, 9th level caster?
  • So, Boots of Speed that only have 5 rds per day of use cost the same (or more?!!) than those that have 10 rds per day? Wow, you guys are harsh! ;)
  • Expeditious Retreat is a 1st level spell. Longstrider is a 1st level spell. Their only difference in price comes from duration, which I took into account in the initial post.


First Post
You are combining several items into one here, and that's expensive.

Ring of Freedom
Boots of Speed
Winged Boots

Plus Blink and Dimensional Slide.

In addition to that, by manipulating the activation actions you've made it so you can use multiple function all in one round.

You can't expect that to be cheap, even with some shorter durations on some powers than a similar book item.

Personally, I would not let you have such an item as designed. I would require that you may have one continuously operating power and the rest take a standard action to activate.

Nail said:
[*]Ring of Freedom of Movement (RAW) costs 40,000gp for a continuous effect. No activation time, obviously. Are we claiming an item that has a much more limited duration (and activation time) should cost more?

Well ...

SRD said:
Freedom of Movement: This gold ring allows the wearer to act as if continually under the effect of a freedom of movement spell.
Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Forge Ring, freedom of movement; Price 40,000 gp.

Continuous effects are priced at: SL * CL * 2,000gp * Duration Mod.

For a ring of FoM, that's: 4 * 7 * 2,000gp * 1.5 = 84,000gp.

The 40K price tag it currently has seems to be a hold-over from the 3.0 pricing, where there wasn't a duration modifier. Additionally, it seems it's got an ~30% discount on top of that price, as well.

I see that magic items have one listed caster level. I'm not sure I see a rule that requires all powers to have the same caster level. I'll bet if we look at some Staves, we might find one or two with different caster levels for different powers. How about a scroll with multiple spells on it? Etc.

All powers in a staff have the same caster level. As for why magic items must have the same CL for all powers, it's because items have *one* CL.


SRD said:
If the object that you target is a magic item, you make a dispel check against the item’s caster level.

SRD said:
• Caster Level: The next item in a notational entry gives the caster level of the item, indicating its relative power. The caster level determines the item’s saving throw bonus, as well as range or other level-dependent aspects of the powers of the item (if variable). It also determines the level that must be contended with should the item come under the effect of a dispel magic spell or similar situation. This information is given in the form “CL x,” where “CL” is an abbreviation for caster level and “x” is an ordinal number representing the caster level itself.

Note the use of the singular: "the caster level."

[*]If I want Dimension(al) Slide as a move action, isn't that equivalent to a 5th level spell-like power, 9th level caster?

9th-level caster, yes, but I don't see anything in the Psionic section of the SRD that indicates how the power level increases based on augmentation. All I can find is:

SRD said:
Augment: Many powers have variable effects based on the number of power points you spend when you manifest them. The more points spent, the more powerful the manifestation. How this extra expenditure affects a power is specific to the power. Some augmentations allow you to increase the number of damage dice, while others extend a power’s duration or modify a power in unique ways. Each power that can be augmented includes an entry giving how many power points it costs to augment and the effects of doing so. However, you can spend only a total number of points on a power equal to your manifester level.

Augmenting a power takes place as part of another action (manifesting a power). Unless otherwise noted in the Augment section of an individual power description, you can augment a power only at the time you manifest it.

SRD said:
Assume that the power is manifested at the minimum level required to manifest it, unless otherwise noted. Increasing the manifester level so increases the cost of the item; see Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Value, substituting “spell” for “power” and “caster level” for “manifester level” as appropriate.

SRD said:
Any time a character creates an item using a power augmented by spending additional power points, the character’s effective manifester level for the purpose of calculating the item’s cost increases by 1 for each 1 additional power point spent. (Augmentation is a feature of many powers that allows the power to be amplified in various ways if additional power points are spent.)

[*]So, Boots of Speed that only have 5 rds per day of use cost the same (or more?!!) than those that have 10 rds per day? Wow, you guys are harsh! ;)

Not sure what this is responding to ...

[*]Expeditious Retreat is a 1st level spell. Longstrider is a 1st level spell. Their only difference in price comes from duration, which I took into account in the initial post.[/list]

Incorrectly. You'll notice that the boots for which Longstrider is a prerequisite are not priced based on the spell formula. They are priced based on the formula I outlined above, which is the general formula for enhancement bonuses (bonus^2 * constant). Therefore, what I provided is the more appropriate price.

However, even if we were to go your way, ER is a 1 minute / level spell. That makes the base price equal to:

1 * 9 * 2,000 * 2 = 36,000gp

That would be increased by a factor of 1.5 for being a secondary power, leaving you with 54,000gp for that power. I suggest you stick with my recommendation of 27K. :)

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