Vecna: Eve of Ruin

D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin Coming May 21st!

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Ghosts of Saltmarsh reset the timeline to the original Folio. Any callback to Ghosts of Saltmarsh, since this is a 5E greatest hits compilation, will therefore likely be the same. Ditto for Dragonlamce being around 351.

Timey-whimey shenanigans.
They are one-off adventures so I guess they can set them in any time they please. This upcoming adventure is a plane-hopping one that jumps between the worlds, though, so it would be interesting to see what timeline they make Greyhawk and Dragonlance in relation to the Realms.

If they reset Greyhawk and Dragonlance to 576CY and 351AC, then it also begs the question if the events of Vecna Lives!, Vecna Reborn and Die Vecna Die! occurred or if it is a reset Vecna, too.


They are one-off adventures so I guess they can set them in any time they please. This upcoming adventure is a plane-hopping one that jumps between the worlds, though, so it would be interesting to see what timeline they make Greyhawk and Dragonlance in relation to the Realms.

If they reset Greyhawk and Dragonlance to 576CY and 351AC, then it also begs the question if the events of Vecna Lives!, Vecna Reborn and Die Vecna Die! occurred or if it is a reset Vecna, too.
Considering 5e Vecna is very different from older Vecnas I would say its a pseudo-reboot. As far as the timeline, I am sure they won't be too concerned with that considering time travel OOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRR they could bump the timeline forward for the adventure, especially since so much is different. I would be willing to bet that Ghosts was set in the time period it was set in because that is when the original adventures took place. I feel it is a simple answer and people are over thinking the whole thing. Occam's razor is very much Saltmarsh is then because that's when they were published and Vecna will be "now". But they don't seem overly concerned about timelines.

Any bets on Greyhawk being their sample setting in the DMG?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Considering 5e Vecna is very different from older Vecnas I would say its a pseudo-reboot. As far as the timeline, I am sure they won't be too concerned with that considering time travel OOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRR they could bump the timeline forward for the adventure, especially since so much is different. I would be willing to bet that Ghosts was set in the time period it was set in because that is when the original adventures took place. I feel it is a simple answer and people are over thinking the whole thing. Occam's razor is very much Saltmarsh is then because that's when they were published and Vecna will be "now". But they don't seem overly concerned about timelines.

Any bets on Greyhawk being their sample setting in the DMG?
A reboot from late-stage 5e. How surprising!


But they don't seem overly concerned about timelines.
They've carefully considered the FR timeline up to this point. It just seems odd to have the other settings rebooted in a linked multiverse when FR isn't. You mention 5e Vecna is very different to the older Vecnas. What are some of the differences?


They've carefully considered the FR timeline up to this point. It just seems odd to have the other settings rebooted in a linked multiverse when FR isn't. You mention 5e Vecna is very different to the older Vecnas. What are some of the differences?
well he doesn't have the Book of Vile Darkness in his rib cage for one. He didn't wear a gauntlet, or have two eyes. He wasn't colored like a Daemonette of Slaanesh. He had a very yellow pallor. Sometimes he was shown with the BoVD. He seems to have taken on the persona from Critical Role vs the more hushed, background noise Vecna. He also wasn't quite so... bedazzled. He wore worn robes and didn't have gold implants in his face.

I love new Vecna still, he's all warm and fuzzy but he's very different from original.


Book-Friend, he/him
well he doesn't have the Book of Vile Darkness in his rib cage for one. He didn't wear a gauntlet, or have two eyes. He wasn't colored like a Daemonette of Slaanesh. He had a very yellow pallor. Sometimes he was shown with the BoVD. He seems to have taken on the persona from Critical Role vs the more hushed, background noise Vecna. He also wasn't quite so... bedazzled. He wore worn robes and didn't have gold implants in his face.

I love new Vecna still, he's all warm and fuzzy but he's very different from original.
Worth outing, this Vecna only has one hand and one eye; but he has spectral substitute for the missing limbs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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