Vecna: Eve of Ruin

D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin Coming May 21st!

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I miss when WotC made more stories with lower stakes. I know they have an excuse here, but I'm rather tired of "save the world" as the most common plot.
i mean, i'm fine with "save the world" plots. but why does he want to blow everything up? i thought he wanted to lord over things. what the hell will there be to rule over if he blows it all up?

I miss when WotC made more stories with lower stakes. I know they have an excuse here, but I'm rather tired of "save the world" as the most common plot.

Or, to answer your question: marketing.
This time we're not saving the world, we're saving the multiverse! If you're going to have stakes like that, a level 10-20 campaign is the right place to do it!

I do hope that Vecna actually has a reason that makes sense from his perspective to want to destroy existence. Stories with high stakes can be fun, but when human writers try to write characters that have alien motivations, the results can be hit or miss. I'm quite excited for this adventure, so I'm hoping they'll come up with something good!


Book-Friend, he/him
I do hope that Vecna actually has a reason that makes sense from his perspective to want to destroy existence. Stories with high stakes can be fun, but when human writers try to write characters that have alien motivations, the results can be hit or miss. I'm quite excited for this adventure, so I'm hoping they'll come up with something good!
Well, spoilers for a couple recent Campaigns:

We learned in Icewind Dale and alao in The Shattered Obelisk that the world as the characters know it is already the result of Vecna using rhe Obelisks to wipe and rewrite reality...possibly more than once. Another go to achieve hia esoteric goals seems in character

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Who do you think will be the 11 Legendary figures and will that include the 3 Archmages (my guess is yes)?

I think it will certainly include Drizzt, Minsc, Tasha, Van Richten, Mordenkien, Dalamar, and Elminister. Maybe Fizban. Maybe the Nameless One.

I don't think Volo will be high enough level for this adventure.

I'm not sure who would be chosen from Planescape of its not Morte or Nameless One, Spelljammer, or Eberron (Vi? Who else can even leave Eberron for the wider multiverse? Vol? Lord of Blades?).
Artis Cimber?

Voidrunner's Codex

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