the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Per the Marvel Wiki the first appearances are mostly mid to late 1970s.Right but the stones were early 70s.
Soul: (as the "Soul Gem") Marvel Premiere 1 (Nov 1971)
Mind: Captain Marvel 41 (Aug 1975)
Power: Marvel Team-Up 55 (Dec 1976)
Time: Marvel Team-Up 55 (Dec 1976)
Space: Avengers Annual 7 (Aug 1977)
Reality: (as "Soul Gem") Avengers Annual 7 (Aug 1977)
(as "Reality Gem") Thanos Quest 2 (Aug 1990)
(as Reality Stone) Captain Marvel v7 126 (Nov 2017)
While the Soul Stone technically first appeared in 1971, the idea of multiple stones was developed years later, and the idea of combining them into a weapon was years after that. But the idea of the stones is slightly different than restoring a shattered weapon/device to full functioning. But that concept is not original to D&D either -- Tolkien has Narsil, for example.