Neat. I look forward to picking this up. Also, the cynicism on display here is kinda silly.
I'm not sure I understand your point.yes they did
do play below 10th level?
this is not a counterargument to the previous post
The left hand in the illustration isn't real - it's glowing and translucent, presumably made of some sort of magical energy.Could someone please explain to me why he has both his hands in the illustration. I haven't read the previously-published Vecna adventures, so did he somehow regain his eyeball and his hand and then reattach them in one of those modules? Or maybe regrow new ones somehow?
That's an intriguing idea! Avernus is featured on both covers, so it's likely to play a big role, and Arkhan having the Hand would be a very reasonable link.Arkhan has Vecnas hand in Avernus. Wonder if Arkhan will show up?