[VtR] [OOC] Born into Darkness


I'd never run a game before when I started, so I think that a lot of my expectations and some of my behaviors weren't particularly productive.

And it is true that online games don't take a lot of effort once you've started (or at least that's my thinking). It's setup that's a pain.

Just for the record I think that this much experience is pretty rare. If you'd asked when we started I would have said "you won't get more than a few points for the first night" so don't expect to be getting 10+ points every night.
(How much are you going to get? I have no idea...)

Not that I'm planning on skimping if you hit other targets...
It'd be funny if this game turns into something like 48 hours...
Trait ---------------------- Cost
Attribute ---------------------- New dots x 5
Skill ---------------------- New dots x 3
Skill Specialty ---------------------- 3 points
Clan or Bloodline Discipline ---------------------- New dots x 5
Other Discipline* ---------------------- New dots x 7
Theban Sorcery or Crúac Ritual Ritual ---------------------- level x 2
Merit ---------------------- New dots x 2
Blood Potency ---------------------- New dots x 8
Humanity ---------------------- New dots x 3
Willpower ---------------------- 8 points​
* Includes Coils of the Dragon. [/sblock]

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First Post
Can you give us an example on how the exp system works? What about our Merits now? Do we get them now or do we still have to role-play them out?



People still need to rp out the background-merits.
I feel compelled to stick to my guns on that one.

You just haven't had a chance to develop relationships with people yet (except for the drug dealer of course).

XP works just like in the chart:
So if Beth says "I used Celerity a bunch last game, I'd like to buy another dot" then you look at her current dots (one) so the next dot would be (two).
Its a clan discipline, so it's 5x(two)=ten experience. She'd have spent 10 and have 4 left.

Certain characters (*cough* Diego *cough* Cole *cough*) seem to be rolling a lot of intimidate. Since neither of you have the skill it'd cost 3 xp to buy a dot and another 6 (for a total of 9) if you wanted to go crazy and buy two dots.

If you're looking for stuff to buy then you might want to check out the Character Thread. The Key Pools box on the top of each character post has some of the die pools that I wind up using the most frequently for you. It's not exhaustive, but at the very least all of your disciplines and a few more things are there.

You don't need to spend all your xp of course. You can buy bank it for later.


First Post
Very Cool.
I was thinking of Cole sinking a bunch of points into intimidate.

Character Update Summary:
Gained EXP: 14
Spent EXP: 9
Remaining EXP: 5

Intimidation: 00

Last edited:


You had Auspex 2 before?
You have to pay the points at -each- level.

(That's the sucky part of starting with one dot in each), if you want' since you never used shadow's touch (three people have it and only Diego uses it... why? I have no idea.... but anyway....) you we could move that dot to Auspex ** and then spend the 15 for Auspex 3.

You'd overlap with Archer, but he doesn't seem to use Auspex ** anyway.


Graf said:
You had Auspex 2 before?
You have to pay the points at -each- level.

(That's the sucky part of starting with one dot in each), if you want' since you never used shadow's touch (three people have it and only Diego uses it... why? I have no idea.... but anyway....) you we could move that dot to Auspex ** and then spend the 15 for Auspex 3.

You'd overlap with Archer, but he doesn't seem to use Auspex ** anyway.

Ok, I didn't realize that we had to pay at each level like that. So going from Auspex * to Auspex *** would actually cost 25 xp then, right?

That being said, I think I'd like to keep Obfuscate*. Just give me Auspex** (10 xp, right?) and I'll bank the other 5 for now.


Yeah. Disciplines are expensive like that.

OK! Auspex ** is also really good.

(I used to think Obfuscate * was lame, then I realized it lets you carry shotguns/dead bodies around in public without anyone noticing...)


First Post
I assure you, Graf, once Archer has something in hand that warrants the use of Obfuscate (like getting his suitcase by those guards earlier in the evening) then he'll make use of it.

And I didn't realize I had access to Archer's second dot of Auspex yet, did I miss the post where it became available?

I'm going to spend most of the experience on the advancements I would have taken from the beginning, as long as it's alright by you:

Craft * (3 xp)

Language (Arabic) * (2 xp)
Language (Mandarin) * (2 xp)
Resources * (2 xp)

Exp Remaining: 5/14

Should I invest the points of Mentor into another talent, as it hasn't seen any use yet, or do you have a mentor in the works for Archer?

Voidrunner's Codex

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