[VtR] [OOC] Born into Darkness


Offline till monday

RL rears its head.
I'll be offline until Monday.
After that things should be smooth sailing for a while.
Ideally I'll be able to catch up on Deigo's stuff and be more responsive.

Sincere apologies.

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My view is that Cole's finishing up his "drug deal", Beth and Archer are still conversing and Diego is waiting for people to get finished.

I got maybe four hours of sleep last night but tomorrow I'll try to have something for Diego as well as anything else that people need.
[In other words, let me know if you're looking for a response to something.]


Was a bit blocked on Diego's post. Its up now though.
That scene happens yesterday night (confusing I know, will try to limit this going forward).

The scene should establish that Diego's got Monstrous Countenance. The next few posts should help get at least a bit more information about how the rest of the night went, including trying to visit Vanderchild.

I'll continue to be around and not busy for the next few weeks, so expect responses within 24 hours or so.


As I'm running the game I think I'm getting a better appreciation for the benefits and flaws of nWoD.

I strugglith, in particular, with humanity. The old guy is dead, and he was a person, or a close approximation thereabouts. While I think Beth and Diego's responses were a touch callous I have difficulty justifying calling for humanity rolls.

Hm. For now we'll just skip it.

And yes, Diego's prelude has stalled for a bit (again). I'll try to get it running again in a few days. I plead real life excuses of the usual variety.


Graf said:
As I'm running the game I think I'm getting a better appreciation for the benefits and flaws of nWoD.

I strugglith, in particular, with humanity. The old guy is dead, and he was a person, or a close approximation thereabouts. While I think Beth and Diego's responses were a touch callous I have difficulty justifying calling for humanity rolls.

Hm. For now we'll just skip it.

And yes, Diego's prelude has stalled for a bit (again). I'll try to get it running again in a few days. I plead real life excuses of the usual variety.

To the contrary, I believe that Beth's actions were less than callous, if not justified.

William Jefferson kidnapped her, tortured her, and generally scared the life out of her. He hurt her, made her bleed... made her wish she were dead.

This guy, while he most assuredly is not William Jefferson, is quite obviously at the very least somehow associated with him or his ilk. And he attacked. Violently.

Have you ever witnessed a scared animal? There was no way she was going through that again.

At least that's the way I see it.

Regardless, I appreciate the break. Mind giving an overview on how humanity works, so I'll be more aware of it in the future?


industrygothica said:
To the contrary, I believe that Beth's actions were less than callous, if not justified.

William Jefferson kidnapped her, tortured her, and generally scared the life out of her. He hurt her, made her bleed... made her wish she were dead.

This guy, while he most assuredly is not William Jefferson, is quite obviously at the very least somehow associated with him or his ilk. And he attacked. Violently.

Have you ever witnessed a scared animal? There was no way she was going through that again.

At least that's the way I see it.

Regardless, I appreciate the break. Mind giving an overview on how humanity works, so I'll be more aware of it in the future?
Yeah.... it's kinda ****ed up.

By the book killing somebody calls for a "humanity check".

This would make sense in nWoD by staying "the horrible things you have experienced have hardened (or threaten to harden -- you could pass the check) your heart".
On a meta level, though your character or Diego's character or whoever is being screwed over without the player having any say.
There's no spot where you can say "I don't want to have my character lose humanity".

It also, effectively, rewards people who don't do anything.
Which is bogus for role playing.

The base of this Morality subsystem is a stat that represents "how good a person you are" the higher your stat the more dice you have for certain things but the "easier" it is for your to lose (because more actions will trigger a check).

Mortals have Morality (I think) which is the basis of the system. Each 'race' as a "tweaked" version. Mages have Wisdom (which is very restrictive, supposedly because they can go crazy easily), Changelings have Clarity, etc.
The tweaked stat's hierarchy of sins is almost always more restrictive; so you at 7: no theft + some supernatural activity. Werewolves' stat is the only one that's less restrictive than humans (IIRC) they can kill with impunity, so long as it's in a fight (I think... festy probably knows this stuff better than I).

Humanity is the stat for vampires.

For humanity 7, petty larceny (i.e. shoplifting) is a sin. This is part of the reason why the first player who dropped (Jemal) wanted to start off at 5, because most normal RPG action is going to shove people down to 5 pretty quickly.

And of course, losing humanity not only has some minor mechanical effects (your social pool with humans is capped by humanity), but also forces you to make another check or get a derangement (i.e. go insane).

For now lets just say that most of the hierarchy of sins is suspended is suspended.
If it gets re-instated later I'll warn people in advance, and we'll talk about it.

(For the avoidance of doubt: really serious stuff (torture for pleasure, yucky-stuff-I-don't-think-I-need-to-mention, losing control during feeding and killing an innocent human*) will trigger a check.
*=technically this is a bit unfair, since it's tough for vampires to resist in certain situations, but I think that without it the game really swings further into Lost Boys territory than I'm interested in going.
(And, at the current stage of the game, blood points are available to people without hunting for mortals)

Thoughts, comments, feedback?
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So things have been a bit quiet.

Not sure what that means for the group.

I wasn't planning on giving out xp this early in the game, but given that you've hit certain milestones (I didn't expect you to hit) it seems curlish not to give out the xp I'd originally planned.
Planned = fairly loose sense of the word.

So Beth has 15 xp (for the picture) and everyone has 14 xp to spend.

If people want to continue then let me know, I, obviously, have a lot more stuff left. If not then let me know that too.

Going to go offline for a while to finish some stuff (I keep saying that but...).


Graf said:
So things have been a bit quiet.

Not sure what that means for the group.

I wasn't planning on giving out xp this early in the game, but given that you've hit certain milestones (I didn't expect you to hit) it seems curlish not to give out the xp I'd originally planned.
Planned = fairly loose sense of the word.

So Beth has 15 xp (for the picture) and everyone has 14 xp to spend.

If people want to continue then let me know, I, obviously, have a lot more stuff left. If not then let me know that too.

Going to go offline for a while to finish some stuff (I keep saying that but...).

Sorry I've been quiet lately. I've been neglecting my own games as well, unfortunately. Been wrapped up in building a new website--too wrapped up, apparently.

Regardless, of course I want to continue. Mind giving the quick and dirty version of spending XP?

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