Spelljammer Watch these preview videos -- SPELLJAMMER minis, Adventures in Space, Trailer

Here are three of the SPELLJAMMER preview videos show during today's D&D Direct event.

Here are three of the SPELLJAMMER preview videos shown during today's D&D Direct event.

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Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone

It's not entirely clear, but it does sound like the Astral Plane is mostly taking the place of Phlogiston. It's repeatedly mentioned on the product page. Wild Space is also mentioned, so at least Astral/Wild Space seem distinct.



B/X Known World
If this opens up Spelljammer for Community Content on DMsGuild, this means I can put the word "Spelljammer" back into my Realmspace project for DMsGuild. Woot!
It’ll be interesting to see how they handle this. Especially is the phlogiston and crystal spheres are out for 5E. Will the stop people from mentioning them or let it slide?


Speculation Specialist Wizard

It's not entirely clear, but it does sound like the Astral Plane is mostly taking the place of Phlogiston. It's repeatedly mentioned on the product page. Wild Space is also mentioned, so at least Astral/Wild Space seem distinct.

View attachment 155714
I'm not a huge fan of including the Astral Plane in this, but I can pull out what I don't like without an issue. I am the excite!

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