D&D (2024) We’ll be merging the One D&D and D&D forums shortly

As of the latest playtest (number 8), there is no mention of jump mechanic alterations, in fact jumping isn't even listed in the glossary.

Sure they have playtested some, but they playtested a lot of things that didn't make it to the later phases.
You're kind of illustrating the issue - we have no way to tell the difference between "We playtested this change and rejected it!" and "We playtested this change and approved it, but it's not relevant to this packet and/or we don't need more feedback on it so we won't include it", so it's actually very hard to tell what we're going to get in September! It's literally not possible for it to be just playtest 8 because that's missing tons of races/classes/feats/spells/subclasses and so on. But which bits from the other playtests will make it and which won't?! IT IS A MYSTERY!

(@Morrus can I just say I very much appreciate the right-side sidebar with the release dates of the upcoming products on - this is good design work and convenient!)

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Judging by what i'm seeing across the net, 2034 is already here.

Pictured: Next Tuesday.


You're kind of illustrating the issue - we have no way to tell the difference between "We playtested this change and rejected it!" and "We playtested this change and approved it, but it's not relevant to this packet so we won't include it", so it's actually very hard to tell what we're going to get in September! It's literally not possible for it to be just playtest 8 because that's missing tons of races/classes/feats/spells/subclasses and so on. But which bits from the other playtests will make it and which won't?! IT IS A MYSTERY!
Since you felt the need to specifically call out jump as undermining my argument because I couldn't bother to doublecheck myself....I had to call it out.

I agree that we won't know what we have until Sept, but my point remains that people have seen a limited amount of changes (includes many that haven't made the cutting room floor) and are going "its just as big the 3.5 change".

That is just simply not true from what we have seen so far. Now again, september rolls around, maybe there are a truckload of changes we haven't seen yet that dwarfs anything 3.5 does. But that is pure speculation, when people say "this thing is absolutely as big as 3.5" that's where I push back, as the facts do not yet support that.


Morkus from Orkus
As of the latest playtest (number 8), there is no mention of jump mechanic alterations, in fact jumping isn't even listed in the glossary.

Sure they have playtested some, but they playtested a lot of things that didn't make it to the later phases.
Not making it to a later phase doesn't mean that it won't appear. I could very easily mean that it didn't need to be tested anymore.

Since you felt the need to specifically call out jump as undermining my argument because I couldn't bother to doublecheck myself....I had to call it out.
It's a fair point and I appreciate you calling me out there, because I hadn't checked!
That is just simply not true from what we have seen so far.
I disagree, but I guess we shall see. The problem is even if it is as big as 3.5E some people will deny that, and others would assert that even were it just the changes in packet 8 and nothing else. C'est la jeux.


Book-Friend, he/him
You're flatly wrong.

That's exactly what happened to me when I bought D&D for the first time. AD&D 2E had just come out. That wasn't just "not a secret", it was downright advertised - but I wasn't already inside the hobby, I wasn't reading magazines or browsing forums. I went straight into a Games Workshop store (as was the fashion at the time) and bought "AD&D" - and a couple of weeks later when I showed it to a friend he was like "You've bought the wrong edition!" - so I got an early taste of edition warring!

Anyway, this still happens. Absolutely normal people, new to the hobby DO walk into shops and just pick up "D&D". This is absolutely a thing and pretending it isn't shows that you're out-of-touch with how the a significant proportion of people got into this game in 5E, which wasn't through deep knowledge and careful research, but just becoming aware of D&D and going and buying it. The first new-to-5E group I DM'd for had done exactly what you're denying happens! They didn't really understand what they'd bought and through a friend of a friend I was asked to come and DM for them one time to get them started.
That low information customer is first and foremost in WotC mind, to be fair: they aren't trying to sell up the Edition, it's just "here are the latest books, they work with everything already on the shelf, no problems."


Book-Friend, he/him
It's still basic math. 5.5 is more than 5, yet still in the 5 range. Not many will be confused by that since they pretty much all learned basic math a long time ago. As for another revision in 2034, WotC will have to release another completely new set of rules at some point that is probably before that date. A lot of people get bored with the same rules year in and year out, and making minor changes as a revision doesn't change the game enough.
WotC doesn't sell to the same people, they sell to 12-24 year olds. In 2034, there will be a new batch of Middle schoolers who are not bored with D&D. Same in 2044, 2054, etc...
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Yeah, for books I totally do. This will be especially true for the revised core books. If they are not aesthetically pleasing, I just get them on D&D Beyond and/or my VTT of choice. I have no room or time for books that don't offer me enjoyment beyond being a functional rules reference.
My group and myself prefer physical books for reading and reference, pdf for cost and storage. Art is nice, but not a major factor in purchase.

Voidrunner's Codex

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