D&D (2024) We have Arcane, Divine, and Primal lists now. Why not Psionic?


Back when WotC was trying to figure out how to do the psionic caster subclass for Tasha's, they created a "psionic" school that contained a bunch of wizard spells that they felt were psionic-themed. When creating this list, they said this:

Psionic Spells
Spell selection is part of what defines a wizard and their individual fields of expertise. When creating your Psionics wizard, consider spells that are thematically appropriate for that tradition. Psionics as a theme generally includes spells that do the following:
• contact or manipulate minds
• allow the caster to perceive distant locations or planes
• alter perception
• move objects and creatures
• teleport
• deal psychic or force damage

The list was wizard spells pulled from the PHB and Xanathar's, with some new spells that eventually did or didn't make it into Tasha's. I think it wouldn't take much to use these guidelines and pepper the list with additional spells pulled from the other classes and make a functional psionic list. If the list is too thin, it could be bulked up with some broadening of the theme (for example, spells to represent metabolic mastery like alter self) or new spells added.

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Arcane and Divine are the magic of the "weave".

Psionic and Primal are the magic of the "soul".

Martial is the magic of the "body"?


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Arcane and Divine are the magic of the "weave".

Psionic and Primal are the magic of the "soul".

Martial is the magic of the "body"?
if i had to define each of the sources myself

Arcane is the magic of the weave directly manipulated by mortals

Divine is the magic of the gods drawn from themselves

Primal is the magic of the planet drawn from nature

Psionic is the power of the soul harnessed through the mind

Martial or Ki is the power of the soul harnessed through the body

please note that 'the power of the soul' is not the same thing as 'magic'


Martial or Ki is the power of the soul harnessed through the body

please note that 'the power of the soul' is not the same thing as 'magic'
The "ki" is part of the soul.

Also, the "mind" is part of the soul.

In this way, neither Martial, nor Psionic, nor Primal relate to the cosmic "weave".

One might even say?

• Mind (Consciousness) ≈ Psionic
• Spirit (Self) ≈ Primal
• Ki (Aura) ≈ Martial

This might also imply that Fey and Shadow tend toward "Primal" in the sense of being "spirits".

Divine is the magic of the gods drawn from themselves
The 5e Paladin is Divine and has zero to do with "gods".

For the Paladin, the "oath" is the source of magic.

Whence "Divine" more accurately relates to: archetypes, concepts, ethics, ideals, symbols, words, cultures, and meaning.


if i had to define each of the sources myself

Arcane is the magic of the weave directly manipulated by mortals

Divine is the magic of the gods drawn from themselves

Primal is the magic of the planet drawn from nature

Psionic is the power of the soul harnessed through the mind

Martial or Ki is the power of the soul harnessed through the body

please note that 'the power of the soul' is not the same thing as 'magic'
Potayto potahto. If it lets you fly, it's magic.

Please note the Asimov principle applies as well.


Can you see why I found the way you completely disregarded a different way of playing D&D disingenuous?
No, and your explanations didnt help improve matters any, IMHO, especially when you want to double-down on the accusations that I'm being disingenuous. So I reject the framework of your loaded question.


Well, same reason as for Bards or Sorcerers, I reckon.

Except these classes all have mechanics that make them easily distinguished from one another. The spell list isn't the only thing that contributes to a class's identity. A psionic class would just need an easily identifiable mechanic to the class.

I think it's doable.

This is why the dictionary isn't a proper source.


Dictionaries are not a proper source.

Did FR's 'weave' really infect the other settings?

Yes. It's in the sidebar for magic in the PHB. Arcane spell casters directly affect the weave. Non-arcane spell casters affect the weave through an intermediary source. It's a meaningless distinction in how spell mechanics work and there for fluff.

Maybe, 2024 will also delete all references to Eberron?

Currently, 5e seems to be segueing away from this setting, including its founder retiring from it.

I'm not giving mine up. It's one of my favorite settings. I wouldn't mind some Mystara for nostalgic reasons though.

Off topic: Superman's vulnerability to magic is consistently existent, but inconsistently applied in DC Comics as to what that means. I wouldn't call him magic because his powers are based on the (comicbook pseudo) science of absorbing and converting solar radiation.

On topic: It seems easily to add a psionic spell spell list. Bards can choose it or ignore it as they choose the spell list initially, a mystic could use it fully, and a monk could use it on a slower progression.


Aberrant mind Sorcerer with Subtle spell metamagic and Telekinetic feat is the closest thing that we will get to psionics in 5E, I'm afraid.

Voidrunner's Codex

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