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"Well, that's two hours of my life I'll never get back..."


barsoomcore said:
And reaper would find some way to make it sound like he knew it would happen all along.
Since I don't use some secret ninja-technique which allows me to predict the future actions of 2 people based on body language and facial expressions, I'd probably go "Whoa - I couldn't have guessed THAT would have happened.

And then I'd clean the barsoom/Hyp goo off my shirt and not spoil the show/surprise for anyone else after you respawn.

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[post used as a learning tool] Hey, barsoom - between you and me liking the D&D movie, what would be funny (but too much work) would be if everytime anyone mentioned anything bad against it, we fervently post tons of times, overwhelming their opinion with unexamined proclamations of how good the movie is.

Then, when people point out examples of where the movie didn't work for them, we just put the movie in a category where the criticism doesn't apply.
Further, we could claim that unless the person being critical has a degree in Film, their opinion is moot. [/learning tool]


First Post
How could anyone have forgotten "Batman & Robin"?
My friends and I almost walked out in that utterly ridiculous opening museum sequence, but decided to stay and watch the train wreck. Every frame of that movie was painful!


First Post
Man, Dreamcatcher. If I had spent money to see that I would have been pissed. Thankfully my friend worked at the theater, so it's simply two hours I wish I had back.


Inventor of Super-Toast
I was reading this thread, thinking "I've never really had a movie I could honestly say that I wasted my time. Even the really bad movies I've seen have had some entertainment factor, even unintentional". And then I remembered it

Miss Congeniality
I hate almost all romantic comedies with a passion reserved by normal people for Nazi war criminals. And I was dragged to see this in the theaters. And I wanted to die, or flee screaming, but I could not.
I still bear the scars.

reapersaurus said:
Really, these threads are revealing MUCH more about the people posting, and reflect mush worse on the person, than about or on the movies that are listed. :rolleyes:
What possibly was on screen in 5 minutes that made you want to gouge your eyes out? You couldn't handle people working in a lab, a container breaking, people getting sealed in and dying, and then seeing a naked Milla Jovovich in the shower?
Yeah - really difficult frames of film to watch there.... why don't you take up a collection to pay for your psychiatric therapy bills to purge the memory from your brain.

This may strike you as odd, Reap, but most people have these amazing things called "opinions". You see, people believe in different things and have different tastes. And even when people disagree with these "opinions", they are respected, not savaged and met with invective and sarcasm.

Demiurge out.


This may strike you as odd, Demi, but most people have this amazing thing called "a sense of humor."
The original poster has one... get one.

Mister Congeniality out.


Hmmm...do those black and white slowwwww films I was forced to watch in high school chemistry class count? :)

Spawn. A friend wanted to see it. I went. Not even on a cheap evening. Argh.

Also, The Transporter. I kept hoping it would get better. Then that it would stop getting worse. More Argh. Luc Besson, I feel betrayed by you.

A friend showed Hell Comes to Frogtown on VHS. I left to go to another party. Not because of the movie, but there was on the other hand nothing about the movie that made me care about how it ended. Certainly given a choice between it and either of the former I would see it again.

The problem faced by Dungeons and Dragons: the movie, is the same as that which would be faced by Monopoly: The movie. How do you make a movie based on a game? Where does the interesting plot come from? For me the good version of Dungeons and Dragons: The Movie, is the Lord of the Rings trilogy by Peter Jackson. Now THAT has a good plot!

I like 13th Warrior. I even think about doing a campaign based on it, with 12 barbarians and 1 rogue. Guilty pleasure, perhaps. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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