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What are You Looking Forward To?

Erik Mona


What announced but not-yet-released d20 product are you most looking forward to buying and reading?



Erik Mona

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The big thing I'm looking forward to is the ELH. I'm eager to see and read of ways to explore the higher levels.

The other things are the race books different people are putting out. I'd like to come up with a more complete view of the other races so that I can have better and more complete societies.


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World Builder's Guidebook by Troll Lord Games which is supposed to be released in August.

Guildcraft by Bastion Press

Hammer and Helm by Green Ronin

All Bluffside adventures and supplements by THG

All Urban Blight books by Mystic Eye Games

I think that's enough for now. :D

Viking Games

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Stuff I'm wanting:

... FR City of the Spider Queen,
... Epic Level Handbook,
... d20 Modern,
... (if this year) Birthright (3e),
... Book of Vile Darkness,
... Arm of the Tuatha de Danaan,
... Oathbound, Domains of the Forge,
... Windhaven,
... Banewarrens...

Why? Because I think that these products would be well worth the look.

That's my list...


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It's a hard list. There are some great products coming out that I'm looking forward to.


Swashbuckling Adventure (7th Seas)

Occult Lore

Cults of Law & Chaos: I've been highly unimpressed with Chaosiums support for D20 but I'm always willing to look.

Path of the Sword: Dying to see more examples of the Legendary PrCs

Game Mastering Secrets 2nd ed. I'm a sucker for these books. I rarely see anything that strikes me as "Wow, I never thought of that," but often see stuff that makes me go, "Hmmm, I haven't used that in a while or tried that in the game."

Villain Design Handbook: If this is half as good as their (Kenzer) Kalamar Player's Guide, I'm so there.

The Slayer's Guide to Dragons: I'm not terribly impressed by Gary's D20 material yet and haven't really liked the Slayer's guides, but hope sprints eternal.

Quintessential Elf: I like the series thus far (where's the Wizard eh?). More important though, it'll be interesting to see how this compares with other racial books coming out.

Urban Blight: Since I started running my campaign, I've noted a lack of city based goods.

Arcane Mysteries: Blight Magic: Sucker for magic books.

Codex Germania: I'll state up front I haven't liked the Maze series but I love the Vikings so it'll be interesting to see if the mechanics and other material in this book is sound. Thank god Robert doesn't have his own game system of this would be dual slatted for that too.

Waysides & Fields of Blood from Eden. Heck, throw Secrets of the Ancients, the vignitte book that you don't even hear about anymore in there too.

AEG's Mercenaries: Hated war but I've enjoyed the other one word books in the series.

Everquest: It'll be interesting to see how compatible this is. If it's not more compatible than Wheel of Time, I suspect that it'll flop.

Hammer and Helm: I'm interested to see how this and the giant book from Pardigm match up. In the new Polyhedron they talked about working together a little and it does indeed look like the covers match and make one larger cover. Interesting.

Epic Level Handbook: Well, since the start of 3rd ed, they've boasted that it's meant to handle various levels of play. Bring it on I say.

There are numerous other books but for now, I think that list will do.


2 things:

1. ELH-20+ level PC's. I am a HUGe fan of higher level play..

2. Modern D20-It's time standards were put in place and that is what WOTC is doing with the modern ruleset. I hate learning 8 different ways to drive a car and fire a gun. Now I have to only learn 1 set of rules to do it!.

These are the 2 biggest hurdles we at PCGen are having to handle, getting pc's to go above 20th level when the source is loaded and rearranging the code to take advantage of the rules for ModernD20.


First Post
FR City of the Spider Queen
GR's race books
GR's book of the righteous
Occult lore
Tome of Horrors
Fields of Blood

I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting.


I'm most looking forward to:

- Gamma World d20 (hope to see a more "official" version after the Polyhedron mini-game... hint..hint.. <wink> <wink> :D ). I've been a GW fan since the 1st edition.

- d20 Modern. I like what I saw in Shadow Chasers and Thunderball Rally.

- Chaosium's Pulp Cthulhu: Reckless Adventures in the 1930's. Cthulhu fhtagn!

- Pagan's dual statted re-printing of Delta Green. Cthulhu fhtagn! (with cool guns and government agents...)

- Epic Level Handbook. After Storm Lord's Keep this is looking better and better - not to mention my Forgotten Realms campaign is rapidly heading towards epic levels.

- The Silver Marches. Love the 'Realms.

- The Power of the Jedi Sourcebook. Looking forward to some new Jedi PrC's, and the rumored rules for padawans travelling without their masters.

- The Book of Vile Darkness for stats on the Demon Princes and Archdevils.

- Tome of Horrors.
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