D&D 5E What direction do you want to see D&D 5e go?

Here are my demands. Wizards must meet them before 2016, or Pun Pun gets it.

Monster books. Pregenerated NPC books.

Integrated addons to the game like a Psionics handbook with Psions and subclasses for the core classes with psionics. I only want to see new classes when they are iconic to the fantasy genre (and not just "kewl", mechanically), and truly add something universal to the game.

Deeply iconic and thematic sourcebooks like Oriental Adventures, Arabian Adventures, Bronze Age Adventures, Science Fantasy, etc. A lot of this I'll be creating (in part) on my own, so I'd love it if Wizards did it better.

GMing toolboxes filled with advice, rules options for drifting the genre and tone of the game a bit.

Rules for play beyond 20th level. It's going to need to be better than 40 level classes, although careful application of bounded accuracy might allow that as a true cap for a Demigod. Anything beyond that and you're going to have to change fundamental game play...but I'm all for it. Just no +50 modifiers to a d20, please.

A pony.

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Wow, [MENTION=1288]Mouseferatu[/MENTION] listed pretty much exactly what I did. I wish I could claim 'great minds...and all' ;)

And you put it better than I regarding the 'Complete...' books. Most of the ideas, writing, etc in them was not bad - I just did not like the concept (or lack of) for the books.

Also to add to thematic. I am very happy with cultural books as thematic too. I still sing the praises of one of my favourite books released: Atlas Games' Nyambe: African Adventures by Chris Dolunt. I love adding African elements to my games and this book was fantastic.

So themeatic books: Monster types, Settings, Cultural, Historical, and Terrain Types/Camapign styles.

I am actually all for races and new classes/subclasses being in these. I would rather take the stats for say thri kreen from a Dark Sun book where all the flavour text makes sense, rather than an expanded book on 'Races'.

Only provide rules for concepts that fit in somewhere. etc etc. repeating what others have said now ;)

I like what I've seen so far of the current direction of 5E. WotC seems intent on organizing product releases into story lines, with the first post-launch story line centering on Elemental Evil. We'll have one player-oriented book with new character options, and one DM-oriented book with a super-adventure, presumably stocked with new monsters, magic items, NPCs, and encounter ideas. Even if you don't want to run that specific adventure, those two books in addition to the core will hopefully give you everything you need to run a "Temple of Elemental Evil"-style campaign.

I want to see them continue applying this template moving forward. Find out how DMs and players want to fill in the blank: "Let's play a ________ campaign" and release a player book and a DM book for each response/theme. Craft an adventure around each theme for those who just want to run a cool adventure path. Build a story arc around that to connect to other media. For those who just want the crunch, consider offering digital splatbooks via DungeonScape.

Possible things to put into those blanks:
Swords & Sorcery
Court Intrigue
Blood War
Far Realms/Psionics

(Campaign settings would receive at least two DM books: the traditional book covering the entire setting, in addition to the adventure diving into a particular location and story.)

There are already enough topics to last WotC quite some time, at the rate of two, maybe three, story lines a year. They should open it up officially to third parties ASAP. (I would kill for an Arcana Evolved adaptation, although obviously I'm not holding my breath.)

I want them to update and convert old classic modules to 5e. Not just a stat conversion; some of those old modules had great stories and scenarios, but were poorly organized and badly written. Others are a little "sparse" and could use more plot elements.

I want my children to play Isle of Dread and Keep on the Borderlands and Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth and not struggle with lousy usability.

This is what I'm hoping for. We are midway through the second part of The Lost Mine of Phandelver, then making the move to White Plume Mountain.

I would like to see a diversity of adventures delivered thru a variety of mediums like OP, adventre books, boxed sets, and especially digital medium. It would be great if Dungeonscape had adventures you could buy/load up and reference conveniently on a tablet (i.e. with bookmarks and hyperlinks).

More generally, I agree with [MENTION=1288]Mouseferatu[/MENTION] wholeheartedly about "meaningfully different content". I would also add that I hope they continue to pay more attention to "quality control" even if that means producing less player-side content to allow for more rigorous playtesting. I think they're heading that way with more natural language rather than "game-speak", and I hope that even as they maintain rigorous rules design standards that the Spirit of the Game remains always more important than the Letter of the Rules.

The push toward embracing diversity of game styles / preferred editions, campaign settings, and more real world diversity issues is something that I hope continues too. Gamers have always been an eclectic bunch of home-brewers and house-rulers. Embracing that seems a good start.

Agree. Basically I want to see Advanced 5e. Basic and Standard 5e look like they are shining, so I am looking forward to seeing what Advanced looks like. This will depend on what the DMG has in store of course, but there is quite a big design space left for advanced options.

This is what i want. And a monster manual with more complex monsters. I don't care if a third party does it, so long as it is done well.

I want more sub-classes, more backgrounds (a lot more) and a brand new vanilla fanasty setting that is in the same vien as Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms, but is ALL new!

I think they might even have an unused map lying around for it;


Actually, off topic I know, does anyone have a link to a better image of this map? Also wasn't there another black map on one of the 3e covers or in it?

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