D&D (2024) What do we call One D&D?

Which Acronym?


If I can't buy future supplements or adventures without doing a bunch of conversions, I'll be calling it THE END.

For now, I'm sticking with 6E because like 1E -> 2E, it looks like it is going to be a consolidation + update with all-new "Core" books, but you can still "grandfather" what you want into it.

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Book-Friend, he/him
If I can't buy future supplements or adventures without doing a bunch of conversions, I'll be calling it THE END.

For now, I'm sticking with 6E because like 1E -> 2E, it looks like it is going to be a consolidation + update with all-new "Core" books, but you can still "grandfather" what you want into it.
Yeah, that does seem to be one of their central design goals.


I feel like this is not going to be what you are saying 2024 lol.
Not likely me personally, buy maybe others. All books are a kit-of-parts for out home game. So we will use whatever we want from any 5e book. I mean, I seriously doubt the 2024 books will depart as much as LevelUp did from 2014 5e, but I still use my LevelUp books right along side of my 2014 books.


3.x lacked the modular system design at the core of 5E. It is very easy to unplug rule elements and replace them without disruption.
You say that, but PF1 made a fair number of modular design changes to the 3e engine for how many years? Pretty impressive for a game built on broken math and busted classes.

It is modular in that it is made up of elements that can plug in or out of the game. What they didn't deliver on was delivering a huge variety of modules, like 4E style material. They could have, but they didn't. You can remove the Race rules and replace them, and it doesn't break classes or Skills. That's modularity.
I'm not sure how this doesn't equally apply to 3e?


Book-Friend, he/him
You say that, but PF1 made a fair number of modular design changes to the 3e engine for how many years? Pretty impressive for a game built on broken math and busted classes.

I'm not sure how this doesn't equally apply to 3e?
Well, sure, obviously, we did it. But they didn't design 3E with that in mind. 5E, they did from the start.


Currently, I'm referring to it as "6th edition." If it proves to be mostly backwards compatible but replacing the existing books, I'll call it 5.5.
If it ends up being something that can be added as options (like Essentials was to 4e), then I'll find something else (maybe "NewCore?")

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