What film(s) have you seen the most times?

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
  1. Star Wars: A New Hope
  2. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
  3. Princess Bride
  4. My Fair Lady (B&W)
  5. Wargames
  6. Ghostbusters
  7. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  8. The Wizard of Oz
  9. Ladyhawke
  10. When Harry Met Sally
Not 100% on the ranking, but here's my top ten watched.

My VHS tape of The 13th Warrior definitely got worn out from watching it. I think it's still somehow the best Beowulf adaptation that's been done to date.

It's also the swan song of McTiernan, before he went to jail.

A little surprised how much love 13th Warrior gets. I mean, I enjoyed it when I saw it, but some folks just revere that movie.


I am the mysterious professor.
I think a lot of folks who watch The 13th Warrior go into it with the expectation of a big action film, while, although there are battles and action, it's actually more of a film about the Hero's Journey than the fights the hero gets into along the way. If you look at it as a reality tv show following a regular guy as he gets dragged off to become a hero, it gets more interesting. Think of Antonio Banderas as a really tall hobbit, lol.

If you read the introduction to Crichton's book, The Eaters of the Dead, he actually wrote it as a faux scholarly paper to explore the question of how legends take root from real-life seeds - He tacked the Beowulf story onto the real-life travelogue written by a 13th-century Arab who actually did travel far into the northwestern part of Russia, and threw in the possibility of small pockets of Neanderthals surviving into the modern era. I definitely recommend reading the book (or at least the intro to it, lol) to anyone seeking a deeper appreciation of the movie.
I read the book also. I really enjoyed it too. I hadn't read many books that were later made into movies at that time. It was interesting to compare the book and movie. I have since seen movies based on books I read or read the book after seeing the movie. It's still fun to compare, but on occasion I'm disappointed in how the book was changed. Under The Dome was changed so much it was unwatchable to me.

I don't think they were Neanderthals. They were sober Russians. Just as rare. 😝

I've never seen Rob Roy. Drank plenty of them, though.

I vividly remember seeing The Crow in the theater. In no small part because my glasses broke and I had to spend the whole time holding them in place. But what a movie! When people talk about the move of comics into pop culture, that movie absolutely deserves a mention.

I should add Rob Roy, Highlander, and The Crow. Oh, and Krull. Can't forget Krull.


I've never seen Rob Roy. Drank plenty of them, though.

I vividly remember seeing The Crow in the theater. In no small part because my glasses broke and I had to spend the whole time holding them in place. But what a movie! When people talk about the move of comics into pop culture, that movie absolutely deserves a mention.
The "Rob Roy" final fight scene is epic and well worth making it through the rest of the film for.


Never seen Rob Roy either. Most for me is probably Alien and Blade Runner. Though one summer it was hot and a theater had Logan's Run for a dollar, so we would go sit in there and cool off. Others that I have seen countless times as midnight features at theaters is The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Heavy Metal, and Pink Floyd's The Wall.

Voidrunner's Codex

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