D&D (2024) What happens if One DnD fails?


(And since this would be the second time they've tried to make D&D huge, and the second time it's blown up in their faces, I doubt we'd see a third chance.)
Is it ironic that the one time it did get huge under their stewardship wasn't really because of anything they did?
More than that -- it got huge when they were actively ignoring it for once.
All of this is 100% correct. The absolute best growth that D&D has ever experienced as a game is when the company producing it reduced its publication schedule down to crumbs, put it back under an open license for the fans to support for themselves, and then staffed the product team with a skeleton crew to keep the brand alive for non-gaming purposes.

There's a lesson for executives to learn in there, but as I've said elsewhere it would hurt their feelings to learn it, so they won't.

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Matt Thomason

Fine isn't good enough.
Indeed. Someone, somewhere in management is going to ask, at some point, for a report that shows the number of users they actually have and how many were lost during "the great OGL storm of 2023" and never came back. Then they'll be asking why the extra income they could have had from those users is not heading into the bank monthly..


There's a lesson for executives to learn in there, but as I've said elsewhere it would hurt their feelings to learn it, so they won't.
Indeed, they say the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.

Mattel for a time looked like it was going to listen to the fans for a IP that had been going at this point 77 years old, but no the made it into the same "act like kids are stupid" mentality that we have been suffering from since the 1990s. And I swore off Mattel save for Hot Wheels.

Granted Mattel had only one IP I truly grew up with, Hasbro is a different story and it was only because of 5E that I got into D&D and TTRPGs as a whole. Now they have two franchises I love still, Power Rangers and Transformers I prefer to buy the license brands like Super 7 for Power Rangers and only Transformers I like. Star Wars died in 2012, so I won't buy the garbage Disney Swill but I will collect vintage.

I know that so many people love to march and protest for the dumbest (and truly worthwhile) stuff at government locations, why the freaking crap can we not as a community (and I know there are just as many of us who like swill but like everything there is a half and half) march on Hasbro HQ and protest, I want my fellow community members to be safe, but as long as we don't carry weapons we are in no legal or federal fault.

This is why I plan to make my toy company once I get it running more like A.C. Gilbert the man who saved Christmas (look up the movie by that name it is great) and make my toys for all consumers, I will take everyone seriously on the flaws but also not go too far with it. "It is a sad man who doesn't take care of those who made him a success!"

That needs to be drilled into the mindless fogeys running those boards, they will die lonely and forgotten, we will take their place and keep bringing dreams. Lego got to number 1 for a reason you know, it has only recently made slips and I think are trying to turn around.


Since OneDnD is backwards compatible, I don't see how it's a problem.

Someone will buy the new PHB (as they stop selling the old one) and they can still play with the other people playing with the old PHB. So any new player will be using a revised class.

And the new version will just be better in a bunch of little ways. So eventually one of those old players will want buy a new book to play the new class.

Over time, everyone will eventually switch. It's just a question of how fast.


That appears to be the strategy - to avoid a jumping off point like previous editions created.

Bu then Hasbro created a brand new jumping off point a few weeks ago, lol.

Since OneDnD is backwards compatible, I don't see how it's a problem.

Someone will buy the new PHB (as they stop selling the old one) and they can still play with the other people playing with the old PHB. So any new player will be using a revised class.

And the new version will just be better in a bunch of little ways. So eventually one of those old players will want buy a new book to play the new class.

Over time, everyone will eventually switch. It's just a question of how fast.

That's what is said, but I have real doubts that it is truly "compatible", especially given the obvious differences between things. It's not like you can sub in aspects of the old book with the new.

And I do not think everyone is moving over because that's not how edition changes work. Doesn't matter which edition change it is, there are always a small but substantial portion that are too invested in the old edition that they stay there. I suspect this time around there may be a more substantial portion that want to stay behind because of this whole scandal, let alone if their changes in strategy end up being true.


Since OneDnD is backwards compatible, I don't see how it's a problem.

Someone will buy the new PHB (as they stop selling the old one) and they can still play with the other people playing with the old PHB. So any new player will be using a revised class.

And the new version will just be better in a bunch of little ways. So eventually one of those old players will want buy a new book to play the new class.

Over time, everyone will eventually switch. It's just a question of how fast.
saying ti would be backwards compatible was a PR move. Announce a new version and everybody stops buying the current version. this was to sotop so much sales bleeding, nothing more. There will be conversion guides and nothing more.


Really, they should have just revived 4e and given it a new coat of paint for their digital initiative while leaving 5e and OGL 1.0a alone.

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