D&D 5E What is REALLY wrong with the Wizard? (+)

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If you want to add beam struggles to things, there's no reason to not let weapons and armor deflect beams. A fighter pushing back against a wizard's fireball by smacking it with a mace is well within some depictions of magic.
Exactly. Deflecting/relfelcting magic and destroying magical wards with magic weapons should be a basic mid level fighter technique.


I don't think so. Breadth of power is not a problem. Wizards in mythology and fantasy can do almot anything. Being true to that concept is not a problem.

The only problem I see is that the spell design lacks dynamic elements that match the iconic wizard battles we've seen in fiction.
Wizards of myth and fantasy can typically do everything. But an individual wizard typically lacks access to them. There are few fantasies and mythology were a wizard has high access into all elements of magic.


Also makes group tactics much more important. A wizard needs to work with their allies to keep enemies tied up so they can't deflect their big whammy spell, and martial characters can then deflect things to other targets to use the enemy's weapon against them.


The High Aldwin
Most DM's I've seen would require a zillion checks to do this, each offering a fail point. Which is the problem with magic vs martial. Martials have to jump through many hoops, rolling multiple checks against different skills.
It would have required about 8-10 checks IIRC, but given the PC's +10 modifier (5th level, expertise, DEX 18), an 11 or better (minimum 1 roll) beat the bullywugs passive perception of 10, so I never asked for a single roll. ;)

Magic just gets to say "nah" and cash in a resource they get back after a nap.
While I get your point, I think you exaggerate a bit. ;)

Because casting "solve problem X" isn't clever play or interesting to watch.
Depends on what your solving and if it is the caster watching it. :D

Exactly. Deflecting/relfelcting magic and destroying magical wards with magic weapons should be a basic mid level fighter technique.
If you want such magic weapons in your game, have at it. But to have it as a "fighter technique" is way more "magical" than many groups want their D&D game.

Also makes group tactics much more important. A wizard needs to work with their allies to keep enemies tied up so they can't deflect their big whammy spell, and martial characters can then deflect things to other targets to use the enemy's weapon against them.
Playing a game of magical volleyball isn't the type of D&D most players want IME. YMMV, of course.

But to have it as a "fighter technique" is way more "magical" than many groups want their D&D game.
Frankly, too bad. D&D isn't low magic. D&D has at will, risk free, player facing magic. There is player magic in every. Single. Encounter. The monk does fantastic things without being a spellcaster because, as would be expected in a fantasy world, they aren't a carbon copy of what could be achieved in the real world. Apparently fighters are just too stupid to incorporate some of that into their training?
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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Actually, thinking about it, there's another franchise where you have "do everything" Wizards.

Space Wizards!

The Force can be used to shoot lightning, mentally dominate people, telekinetically move objects, move super fast, jump super high, see into the future, fight with laser swords, heal, allow people to instantaneously communicate across light years of distance, fly, command animals, create life- and I haven't even gotten into the Expanded Universe yet!


The High Aldwin
Frankly, too bad. D&D isn't low magic. D&D has at will, risk free, player facing magic. There is player magic in every. Single. Encounter. The monk does fantastic things without being a spellcaster because, as would be expected in a fantasy world, they aren't a carbon copy of what could be achieved in the real world. Apparently fighters are just too stupid to incorporate some of that into their training?
True, but it isn't HIGH magic, either, which is what you want with fighters hitting fireballs for a triple-play. So, too bad to you! :p ;)

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Actually, thinking about it, there's another franchise where you have "do everything" Wizards.

Space Wizards!
View attachment 270162
The Force can be used to shoot lightning, mentally dominate people, telekinetically move objects, move super fast, jump super high, see into the future, fight with laser swords, heal, allow people to instantaneously communicate across light years of distance, fly, command animals, create life- and I haven't even gotten into the Expanded Universe yet!
That's like a D&D half-caster at best!

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