TSR What is your physical old school module/adventure filing system?

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Greggy C

Getting drunk and crying in the dark thinking about the fact that I traded all my OD&D and 1e stuff in 1990 for a crate of mead and wine.
I never had a crazy amount of 1e/2e stuff, but it didn't follow me around the world, hence rebuilding now.

I think I miss the solid lead miniatures the most.

Surprisingly terrible for someone that used to be a librarian! I roughly organize by edition (2e in one spot, BECMI in another, etc.). The stuff I'm actively running gets assigned to a different shelf. That's about it.

What is your filing system?

My brother once traded his entire 40K Harlequin army for a single Sisters of Mercy t-shirt.

Getting drunk and crying in the dark thinking about the fact that I traded all my OD&D and 1e stuff in 1990 for a crate of mead and wine.


Getting drunk and crying in the dark thinking about the fact that I traded all my OD&D and 1e stuff in 1990 for a crate of mead and wine.

Depending on brand and year...may be a decent trade if you weren't using it (the D&D stuff)...

Could also be worst trade ever...


Assuming you have built a collection over time. The older modules aren't books of course, they are super thin and so you need some system to be able to find the ones you are looking for.

Some options perhaps you could do them all by published year.

Another option by name (ignoring the word The I suppose?)

What is your filing system?

Having only three old modules (and never having had more than maybe a half dozen), I'd really like to hear about your collection! How many do you have? Any non-TSR ones (like old Judges Guild)? Any pictures of them spread out anywhere or how much space they take up on a shelf? (Somewhere on here is a "Picture of your gaming bookshelf" thread).

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
Words escape me at the moment, so...



There might be more somewhere around here.

Greggy C

Having only three old modules (and never having had more than maybe a half dozen), I'd really like to hear about your collection! How many do you have? Any non-TSR ones (like old Judges Guild)? Any pictures of them spread out anywhere or how much space they take up on a shelf? (Somewhere on here is a "Picture of your gaming bookshelf" thread).
So I have one shelf of all 5e, then this is my shelves for the 1e/2e

I have a bunch of stuff in the mail, on its way from ebay purchases (maybe 2 dozen more 1e/2e modules), including the judges guild thracia module.


I realize that I need to start on a system otherwise I will never find the ones I'm looking for. Most of these I never read in 90s so its going to be super nostalgia and fun to sit back, put on Duran Duran and read 1e or put on Queen and read 2e modules.


Probably just as proud of these too


Greggy C

Apart from just collecting I have various ideas I would like to breath life into the older modules and get people to look at them again, even if its only the pdf version. For example I'd like to let people relive a large battle of the H1 series on D&D Obviously got to watch the copyright, but I think if it is tastefully done and encourages people to buy the PDF series, should be fine, and a lot of fun.

My first dragon magazine arrived today too :)


Voidrunner's Codex

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