WotC What Official 5E non-D&D Game Do You Want To See from WotC?

What non-D&D 5E game should WotC make?

  • Gamma World

    Votes: 34 40.0%
  • Star Frontiers

    Votes: 25 29.4%
  • 5E Modern (not setting specific)

    Votes: 23 27.1%
  • 5E Sci Fi (not setting specific)

    Votes: 17 20.0%
  • Star Wars 5E

    Votes: 15 17.6%
  • Other (Boot Hill, Gangbusters, Etc...)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • WotC Should Stick to D&D

    Votes: 18 21.2%

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
On the other hand, the bizarre admixture of Western tropes with Chivalric romance, Sword & Sorcery, and Tolkienian tropes is part of their brand.
True that.

But I have in mind something closer to King's Dark Tower (Americana mixed with Chivalry, Sorcery and Western tropes) rather than gonzo LotR, but that's just me, I know it well. I'm also the one who said Dark Sun should be the main setting for D&D in this era because of the themes it approached.

Or go full-on science fantasy ala Final Fantasy, if you want heroes with magic pouring out of their pores, even the fight-y ones!

But like I said, I'm the outlier here :p

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Book-Friend, he/him
True that.

But I have in mind something closer to King's Dark Tower (Americana mixed with Chivalry, Sorcery and Western tropes) rather than gonzo LotR, but that's just me, I know it well. I'm also the one who said Dark Sun should be the main setting for D&D in this era because of the themes it approached.

Or go full-on science fantasy ala Final Fantasy, if you want heroes with magic pouring out of their pores, even the fight-y ones!

But like I said, I'm the outlier here :p
I think they were smart to pick the Forgotten Realms, and specifically the Sword Coast, as the usual assumption, as that reflects what is popular in the genre.


I think they were smart to pick the Forgotten Realms, and specifically the Sword Coast, as the usual assumption, as that reflects what is popular in the genre.
Really? I can't recall a fantasy media thing that feels like the forgotten realms in a long time. Witcher certainly doesn't. GoT doesn't. Arcane doesn't. Psuedo Victorian Magitech feels far, far closer to the popular fantasy Zeitgeist these days. Aka Ebberon.


Book-Friend, he/him
Really? I can't recall a fantasy media thing that feels like the forgotten realms in a long time. Witcher certainly doesn't. GoT doesn't. Arcane doesn't. Psuedo Victorian Magitech feels far, far closer to the popular fantasy Zeitgeist these days. Aka Ebberon.
Neither the Witcher nor Game of Thrones feel particularly like Eberron.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I think it is interesting that Star Frontiers has a fanbase. I played it way back when, too, but I can't say anything except the races have stick with me. I don't remember anything about the setting or system. I think Star*Drive was a far superior setting and would love to see it revived.
Yeah, not that you write it, same here. Just nostalgia and I scratched that itch when I bought it on DTRPG.

Dire Bare

Didn't Lorraine Williams take Buck with her?
Not exactly. Williams doesn't own Buck Rogers . . . but has family that do have a controlling interest in the IP. She greased the wheels to get TSR to license Buck Rogers, as a bit of nepotism.

There's no reason why WotC couldn't license Buck Rogers now . . . if they and the Dille Trust were both willing . . . and I feel like another company currently has the license, but I can't find anything on the internet about it. Maybe I'm thinking of Flash Gordon or John Carter.

Voidrunner's Codex

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