D&D (2024) What Should A New Core Setting Look Like?

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Imo, a new core setting should be everything I dislike about a setting, as that's what's proven most popular, and is what the lore has been heading towards for a while.

Cosmopolitan, high magic, without potentially triggering topics like racism and slavery. Every species lives side by side, with the 'bad guys' being things like undead, fiends, and constructs, in order to completely avoid moral questions.
Not gonna lie, that does sound pretty great.


Imo, a new core setting should be everything I dislike about a setting, as that's what's proven most popular, and is what the lore has been heading towards for a while.

Cosmopolitan, high magic, without potentially triggering topics like racism and slavery. Every species lives side by side, with the 'bad guys' being things like undead, fiends, and constructs, in order to completely avoid moral questions.

"We have 5e at home."

Not gonna lie, that does sound pretty great.
Yeah conversations around the topic make it seem like a world such as that one would be extremely popular, so it makes sense to go that direction.

I'm the complete opposite for what I prefer. Sparsely populated, magic is rare, and lots of really grim things for the heroes to go and fight against. And then the sapient species haven't had the time yet needed to go and cover the world evenly, so each species is largely a mystery to the others.

It's why my two favorite settings are Nentir Vale and Dark Sun.
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A sample home brew setting that fit on two pages.
That could be added to the PHB.
In the DM guide they will explain the steps and decision taken to create this sample setting.
The world of Yuurz

Voidrunner's Codex

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