D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +

Sometimes the porridge is too hot.
Sometimes the porridge is too cold.
Will the porridge ever be jussst right???
There is also a reason why you usually have lower and upper limits for essays. Because deciding what is nit needed and just makes it unwieldy is often as difficult as deciding what needs to be in.

Same goes for documenting your calculations/proofs in math.

Not enough and noone understands your thoughts, and too many little steps, and it once again becomes way less clear.

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Tell me more about this subskill system idea.
@Corinnguard has the right of it with the subskills - but the engine I've now adopted for the newer D&D games I run changes everything in that combat has been folded into Skills (and Knowledges).

Melee is a skill like Animal Handling, Athletics or Spellcraft (Spellcraft is rolled for casting while Arcana is the Knowledge).
Weapon groups (along the lines of 2e) being the subskills for the skill Melee.


@Corinnguard has the right of it with the subskills - but the engine I've now adopted for the newer D&D games I run changes everything in that combat has been folded into Skills (and Knowledges).

Melee is a skill like Animal Handling, Athletics or Spellcraft (Spellcraft is rolled for casting while Arcana is the Knowledge).
Weapon groups (along the lines of 2e) being the subskills for the skill Melee.
Very similar to what I have been working on. Interaction with just about everything is via a skill, with the exception of saves (for the moment).

Very similar to what I have been working on. Interaction with just about everything is via a skill, with the exception of saves (for the moment).
I'm not ready yet to reveal my engine until I work out a few details (character creation specifically)...but needless to say my idea is not at all novel. I've borrowed massively from here and there but IMO its where D&D should have gone.


It was more a moment of weakness when reading the thread that I brought it up.
Fair enough. FWIW, I agree with you that we don't have all the specifics, and out info on the DMG in particular is pretty lean, but the "town hall" video does give us a solid foundation to talk about things that we know aren't there in the PHB at least, and broadly the rules in general. The point in this thread wasn't to talk about minutiae, but to discuss what an actual whole new edition might have looked like.

Voidrunner's Codex

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