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What were they thinking thread!


ok youve all done it, you had this new guy who was just dying to DM and you just had to say yes, you'll play.
well mine was an online game, I registered, had to make a character and all, it took a while before the game was even scheduled to kick off. I work a lot being a cop and all, sometimes around the clock, so I was excited that i was getting in on a scheduled game, so there I was.....
After a brief gear up in the inn, (which he did not really even detail at all) there I was standing in a sewer with a torch, ready to delve deep into the unknown. About 30 feet in, I meet my first sinister encounter, around the corner comes this 4' hamster wearing clothes, YES I said wearing clothes and that began to talk to me to convince me to take a mission for it, to go kill some evil were rats..............needless to say the game went down hill from there, it was more like a bad written Alice in Wonderland story...........DM WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!

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I recently played an R2 astromech droid with a rocket launcher. My companions and I spent much of one session battling Gungan Sith Lords. "Meesa find your lack of faith disturbing!" But you know, in this case the GM was giving us exactly what we had asked for, so I can't blame him for the weirdness!


First Post
My problems tend to be names. I get laughed at when I describe an encouter in the "Throne room". Once I introduced a cleric and when trying to introduced him made up a name on the spot "Yorn". But of course it's pronounced "Yawn" so that caused a giggle and it took me a while to get the joke.


Ampolitor said:
About 30 feet in, I meet my first sinister encounter, around the corner comes this 4' hamster wearing clothes, YES I said wearing clothes and that began to talk to me to convince me to take a mission for it, to go kill some evil were rats ... DM WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!

Was his mother a hamster and did his father smell of elderberries?

Because that could really mess a young hamster up. Even cause him to wear clothes.


First Post
I once played a session of a 3.0 D&D game where the first thing the DM did was drain everyone's Con by 1 point permanently, then take all of our equipment, give us a backpack full of rocks and send us out into the wilderness for 30 days. When I was down to 3 HP (1st level PC's) and my companion was at -6, but the three wolves kept coming at me (with only a knife - 1d3 damage), we stopped the game, never to return.

I have also gamed with a criminally psychologically abusive DM who locked us in the room and made us LARP singing love songs to each other, etc. (we were all about 12-14 year old males, he was about 16). He locked the door (no parents home) and had the other older player stand in front of it. When they went out of the room to get something (I was terrified of what), we climbed out the window.

Needless to say, I DM almost full time.



First Post
My friend is in an IRC game that he tells me about occasionally.

The DM didn't do this, but he allowed it. A PC is a necromancer/bard who travels in a wagon and has a group of skeletons that play backup instruments while he sings goth rock music to passerbys.


ThirdWizard said:
My friend is in an IRC game that he tells me about occasionally.

The DM didn't do this, but he allowed it. A PC is a necromancer/bard who travels in a wagon and has a group of skeletons that play backup instruments while he sings goth rock music to passerbys.

If you tell us the skeletons are in any way thankful for their situation, I shall find a way to hurt you.


First Post
Once, getting caught completely off-guard when a PC asked for the name of a chieftain (who was at best tertiary to the story), I said the first thing that came to mind - Chief DMDon'tKnow. That got a giggle, and gave away that he wasn't important, but it also is one I can't live down. Five years later they make jokes about the chief and his daughter "Kitty-Kitty-Tonka-Tong".

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