Whatever happened to the gods, anyways?


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Back when Divine Power came out, the talk about the book was mostly about Hero of the Faith and Astral Seal. A couple of us looked at assigning Domains to the gods here at L4W, but those comments got overwhelmed in that thread by talk of mechanics. Was there another discussion elsewhere, or did the discussion get dropped entirely?

[sblock=Links]For those with an interest, here is TwhoHeadsBarking's original post about Deities and Domains:

and my response:

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My list was never intended to be more than a suggestion, like the Channel Divinity feats. There's too much possibility of people seeing the gods differently than I do or having their characters worship an aspect of a god in a quasi-heretical mystery cult.


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Personally, I want to see it done one way or another, because I want to use domain-related feats. I suggested in my post the "temple" concept, wherein each particular people worships the god their own way, attributing different domains. That would allow a great deal of flexibility to the combinations allowed without trying to add different gods.

But as it stands, I can't play a character with domains, because no god has them designated yet. So, I thought I'd try to stir up the discussion again.

Mal Malenkirk

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Well, the greek archetypes we are using are more complex figures than most, but I do think we can assign domains to them.

No matter how you look at it, Hephaysto AKA Eeefaystos AKA Vulkar is not a god of Trickery or Undeath for example.

I think we can assign domains to 'mainstream' version of the gods.


Appolo (and his variations) is one of the most complex god and yet even in his case we can make rulings as to which domains are appropriate: he is mostly associated with the Sun, medecine, truth/prophecy and arts (specifically music, poetry etc).

Suggested Domain: Fate, Life, Sun

I think these are the best fit if we stick to 3 domains.

You may be want to argue that some weird cult of Apoli would have different domain but in a D&D meets greek myths context, you probably should worship an appropriate half-god or something of the sort.


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Well, if we must dictate domains, then I put my full support behind mine, although I don't really care too much as long as Persephone ends up with Winter.


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ok here is my suggestion

Joven: Arcane, Storm, Tyranny, Destruction

Juna: Justice, Protection, Tyranny, Poison

Lauto: Earth, Fate, Death, Civilization

Netari: Destruction, Sea, Wilderness, Luck

Apoli: Hope, Poison, Sun, Fate

Peresefa: Life, Winter, Change, Death, Undeath

Vulkar: Creation, Earth, Skill, Torment

Maros: Strength, Strife, War, Madness

Merkari: Change, Luck, Trickery, Strife

Mireva: Civilization, Knowledge, Skill, War

Dayna: Freedom, Moon, Wilderness, Vengeance

Vena: Freedom, Love, Madness, Life


This is exactly the kinda stuff that's wanted for the new wiki, especially "backstories and/or myths/fables". If you haven't already check out the new wiki thread, Nobody has picked up the task of putting together the Pantheon section of the campaign setting yet, If any of you here are interested it'd be a great help :p


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Joven: Arcane, Storm, Tyranny, Destruction
AKA: Sky father, the high lord,
Portfolio: Weather, the skies, minotaurs, mountains, swans, pride, hurricane, tornados

Juna: Justice, Protection, Tyranny, Poison
Portfolio: peacock, scales, goliaths, marriage, laws, rules, home, women, guards, order, balance

Lauto: Earth, Fate, Death, Civilization
AKA: the keeper
Portfolio: the dead, death, warforged, banks, mining, minerals, dogs, domestical animals, loans, hoards

Netari: Destruction, Sea, Wilderness, Luck
AKA: the deep one
Portfolio: Dragonborns, seas, horses, earthquakes, ships, exploring

Apoli: Hope, Poison, Sun, Fate
Portfolio: the sun, devas, the arts, diseases, eladrins, music, days, birds, vanity

Peresefa:, Life, Winter, Change, Death, Undeath
AKA: reaper queen, raven queen, everwalking one
Portfolio: Life, Death, Seasons, growth, decay, ravens, harvest, undead, shadar-kai, revenants,

Vulkar: Creation, Earth, Skill, Torment
AKA: the great smtih
Portfolio: Dwarfs, smiths, volcanoes, weapons, crafts, torture, insects

Maros: Strength, Strife, War, Madness
AKA: the hound of war,
Portfolio: war, weapons, warforged, orcs, halforcs, hate

Merkari: Change, Luck, Trickery, Strife
Portfolio: Halflings, thiefs, commerce, spies, jokes, medicines,vermin

Mireva: Civilization, Knowledge, Skill, War
Portfolio: strategy, libaries, eladrins, war, mercy, owls, victory, knowledge

Dayna: Freedom, Moon, Wilderness, Vengeance
AKA: the wild one, the untouched one, lady of dreams
Portfolio: elfs, assassins, gnolls, woods, vengeance, virgins, moon, wolves, longtooth shifters, nightmares, dreams

Vena: Freedom, Love, Madness, Life
AKA: the seducer, lady of cats
Portfolio: love, lust, peace, adultery, cats, razorclaw shifters, chaos

here is as far as I have come, please comment and add your thoughts

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