Whatever happened to the gods, anyways?


First Post
I had forgotten about Hektates being established. I'm with THB, Id rather not change the lineage. In fact, I'm really not for taking away anything thats been established. I'd really rather focus on adding and fleshing things out.

I would have no issue with dropping the Raven Queen.

I will reiterate, that I am against specifying domains.

And now, another god.


Original Text: Mireva was born of Joven's intellect; appearing full grown.
* Mireva's Clerics often have the Channel Divinity feat: Ioun's Poise which they sometimes call Mireva's Perspective

Proposed Text:

AKA: The Great Mentor
Favored weapon: “battlecaller” spear
Portfolio: strategy, libraries, eladrins, war, mercy, owls, victory, knowledge, warlords, paladins
Suggested Chanel Divinty Feat: Ioun's Poise which is sometimes called Mireva's Perspective


Birth: At an earlier time in the world the gods were not content to pass the time, in the heavens with their own affairs, nor were they content to rule over their portfolio alone. They looked down upon the world and saw many beasts and men who did not fear or worship them. So they sought out to dominate the world more fully.

The primal spirits were troubled by this. They could feel that the balance of the world was being breached and overrun. They greatest spirits of the sky, dragon, roc, old north wind, and phoenix decided that in order to stop the gods, they would have to stop the sky lord himself, Joven.

However, there was one sky spirit, the wisest of them all who saw that this would only lead to more pain. Who knew that not all battles were to be fought with beak and claw. So owl, one of the smallest of the great spirits, set out to intervene.

As the sky spirits battled Joven, owl circled above, and at just the right moment swooped down. Joven saw the bird, and seeing its size, opened his mouth and swallowed owl whole, thinking he had made quick work of him. Such is not the case with spirits. Instead owl's surged through the great god, sought his own wisdom, and from Joven's divinty sprang forth from the great god's forehead, reborn as Mireva.

Using her great wisdom, Mireva managed to convince the gods and spirits that this was not a battle where any would come out the victor.

*This myth is often used to explain the gods relative lack of influence over some lands, such as the Kingdom of Jade.

Role of Consellor: While Mireva is far from the lodest of the gods she is clearly considered the wisest and often called the mentor of the gods. Great heroes, completing monumental tasks are often given guidance by Mireva in legend, though they don't always realize it.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation doesn't need gods. Afterall, if he is the re-incarnation of you-know-who, then the gods didn't help him much, did they? ;)

Lord Sessadore

We really should clear up domains. Does anyone have an objection to allowing people to choose themselves?
I'm all for free interpretation on the domain<->god relationships.

Also (and this is something I meant to mention earlier and forgot), Mireva's favored weapon should probably be the spear. So thanks for that, Scorpius :)


First Post
So what are the perameters for choosing domains? Limit of three, choose them upon character creation and they cant be changed; Anything else?

Voidrunner's Codex

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