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Whats going on in your game?


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In the City of Sharn four persons trying to run away from their past and hide that they have an aberrant Dragonmark are going to be recruited by House Tarkanan. They will be some of the first recruits to aid the House's attempts to make it better known and liked and to reach the final goal of House Tarkanan becoming a full Dragonmarked House.

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Victoria Rules
My crew are currently wading through the alternate ending (found on Dragonsfoot) to the original Q1 Demonweb Pits adventure. Once they're done that, the campaign ends; the players know this, so there's been some accidently-on-purpose delays and spinning things out. I was hoping they'd be done by the end of March; now, it could easily take till the end of May or beyond.

That said, *all* credit to the players - though they know this to be a lame-duck campaign, they soldier on week after week and earn even more of my respect in so doing.

Lane-"can I please get out of Riveria sometime soon?"-fan


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My one PC (my wife's character) just returned from a week-long excursion across the shadow-barrier to the modern world to find that 5 years had passed back home. She's now trying to sort out all of the changes and track down her husband...either to embrace him or kill him she hasn't decided yet. She's also setting down the fast-track to becoming a goddess...she even has worshippers now, though she's not real comfortable around them yet.

Also, hopefully, about to start a new group running The Sunless Citadel to test the waters and make sure our playing styles are all compatible.


I'm running three games:

C&C / Yggsburgh. The PCs are exploring the "Watery Caverns" deep beneath the Dark Chateau of the arch-mage, Zagyg. (Dark Chateau is a C&C adventure by Rob Kuntz. I've developed the "Watery Caverns" that are mentioned therein.)

C&C / Wilderlands. The PCs are exploring the underground complex called "Quasqueton," one the home of the famous adventuring pair, Zelligar and Roghan. (B1 - In Search of the Unknown). Session write-ups here.

Holmes Basic (expanded w/house rules) / Wilderlands. The PCs were members as part of a desert caravan that was lost in a sandstorm. Dying by inches from lack of water, a small group of survirors came across a ruined city buried in sand, and found an entrance to a ancient pyramid. Within, they found water, but also became embroiled in the affairs of a lost civilization under the dunes. (B4 - The Lost City) Session write-ups here.

Lastly, I'm preparing/working on a home-brew adventure in the Wilderlands. Dunno who I'll run it for, though. See here, and also here.


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In D&D 3.5, we're 8th and 9th level and just killed Strahd in Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. DM wants to take a break and play some, and looks like I'll be taking over where I'll bump everybody up to 11th level so I can see some high level play. Questions are, should I stay in Greyhawk or import them into my homebrew, and who should the BBEGs be? Near the end of Epedition one of the characters got turned to stone and then teleported to another plane and only a re-reading of the rules saved him. I could say that happened to my character while cleaning out Ravenloft and now they're trying to find him in my world. For BBEGs, I was thinking maybe Mindflayers or dump them in the middle of some plots of demons and devils. We're sick of undead and no one is interested in Drow. I want something with sufficient high level spells or spell like abilities so that I also can get some use out of the higher level spells, feats and abilities.

In the Unhallowed Metropolis game (final playtest), the characters have just met having been the survivors of a train wreck that was caused by persons unkown and made to look like a natural outbreak of the zombie plague in order to kill a MP that was onboard. Having put the peices together, they are now about to venture into the London underworld to investigate who would do such a thing against Queen and Country and bring them to justice.
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First Post
I'm running a homebrew world with lots of stuff stolen from everywhere. In my game, good ol Diamond Lake is a mining town for Ptolus. The party just worked their way through the better part of 'Three Faces of Evil', only with a substantially different end game.

Deep below the town they discovered an ancient dwarven statue rising out of an abyss, something they guess is near 2000 feet high. After recovering the keys to opening the thing in the three dungeons of 'Three Faces of Evil', they fought the preserved undead corpse of an ancient dwarf (equivelent of a mummy with 1 level of fighter thrown in). Right before the managed to take it down, the wizard lit it up with Flaming Sphere, but unfortunately got a little too close, as the mummy stormed over, did a full power attack, and rolled. . . a 20. Net result, 40 pt hit on a 4th level wizard, dead wizard.

As the player commented later, at least it was a spectacular way to go, being broken in half by a flaming mummy.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
A few games ago the players ran in to some serious trouble from a hit team sent to get the heavily speed-modified member of the team. From that they were able to trace that they were in pretty deep, and a bunch of other people with similar mods were on their tail.

After a nearly lethal encounter with one of these speed-augmented people, they learned from another that there is a commune of these people trying to remain hidden from the company that created them because they were being used as expendable troops in the current corporate war. However, the leadership of this cell has gone crazy it seems, and is now purging members as well as hunting down non-members who were created by the same company.

So the players hike off to Iceland to find the commune, negotiate their way in, and determine that Arasaka has planted a brainworm ghosthack in the leadership of the cell. The cell has also discovered that the speedware they were equipped with causes permanent neurological damage (a metagame tweak to make players remove their speedware because it was unbalanced), and are now researching new replacement speedware.

The party netrunner forces the AI system at the commune to reboot. This gives them about two minutes to either (a) talk to the leadership and explain the brainworm situation to them or (b) head downstairs and take out the AI mainframe. Being a more combat oriented team, they took B and went after one of the three leaders in the Mainframe control room. Turns out that leader was a weird full conversion and to quote one of the players "Shiv's eating 1d4 investigators per round!"

In the end they take out Shiv, blow up the mainframe and THEN negotiate with the elders. With Arasaka having the location of the commune, they ask the players to take an EMP device with them to an anti-Arasaka activist they know and then bring him back to Night City where he can get a team together to use it to wipe out the Arasaka mainframe.

Next thing you know, they rescue this activist (none other than Johnny Silverhand) from a riot, and head back to Night City where they drop off Johnny, Santiago and company at the Arasaka towers, and then split when the gunfire from Adam Smasher gets nasty.

They were flying out of town when Johnny triggered the EMP device, which turned out to actually be a small nuclear weapon, in the Arasaka basement. That in turn triggered Arasaka's larger nuke down there, and the corporate centre of Night City starts to collapse in a white fireball as the EMP pulse takes their AV out of the air.

They all wake up in the hospital, and the fourth Corporate war quickly spins down as several nations re-establish their power over the corporations.

Next game we head back into the Heaven Over Mountain storyline as they get involved in the merger of Petrochem and Orbital Air and the building of the first Space Elevator.


First Post
I have two cliff hangers (spoilers for Age of Worms and Savage Tide):

Age of Worms, after setting off a trap that pushed the entire party down a tube and down a waterfall that plummets 750 feet, most of the party has some method of soft falling or flight, except the plate wearing cleric, who is the last one to come out the tunnel and into the passage where all the others are floating. It should make for some real cinematics as the players have had two weeks to consider how to save the cleric from certain doom.

Savage Tide, the group just found out that they can't go back the way they came and are essentially trapped.

In both instances I have to introduce new players. Savage Tide will likely have to retcon in the player, but the Age of Worms I am considering a "Land of the Lost" moment, where the cleric (who is a cohort) switches places with the new player.


First Post
[sblock=Ravenloft Spoilers]In the last session, we continued our invasion/ransacking of the castle. We finally found the Tome of Strahd in the well hidden treasury by the bell tower. I don't know which excited my character more, accomplishing that final task, or looting the treasury. We also remembered Gertruda and happened to find her too. The party is really starting to come together and work as a cohesive unit. We ended the session on a cliffhanger, about to hold the first of the three vigils with the Tome. Our plan for the next session is to hold those three vigils and then find where to hold the vigils for the sword and amulet. We're looking forward to sitting on our rears for a few days. I get the feeling Strahd isn't going to allow that though.[/sblock]
The full story is the on-going Story Hour I've been writing.


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The Eberron campaign in which I have been playing has just completed a couple of story arcs:

We recovered an airship that was lost during the Last War, and saved Sharn from a manifest zone meltdown with Fernia - the final battle was over a lava lake deep in the cogs, with the bad-guy spellslinger and minions protecting the portal which was causing the city grief. The big-bad fled through the portal in the end because he couldn’t spellcast - I had him covered (read: readied) with a wand of silence.

Our Frenzied Berserker came very close to doing an Anakin – our Warlock had to heal him while the berserker was still frenzied, with no other targets around, before it ended and killed him. It was close. Very, very close.

So, we now have an airship, which we have called ‘The Lazy Phoenix’, and we are now hiring out our serves, as both a party and as a transport.

Voidrunner's Codex

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