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Whats going on in your game?


First Post
I've just started a new campaign. Last week was character generation, a bit of scene-setting, and a gentle fight, as the PC's fought off a couple of bandits attacking the caravan they were travelling with. The mounted ranger (think Mongolian horseman-nomad) got hit by a Sleep spell and slid off his warpony in a crumpled heap: the Druid's wolf companion managed to bite one of the assailants' knees off; and the Hexblade got in a couple of killing blows on softened-up opponents.

The rogue has acquired a silver dagger (looted from the body of an unidentified monster), but hasn't realised what it is yet.

The caravan arrives in its destination city and the players have been checking out the market. One of the vendors is assaulted, and the characters are following the assailiant into the sewers...

Gotta love first-level play: one hit and BANG! the PC's fall over :]

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First Post
Two campaigns currently, one on Thursdays face-to-face and one on Fridays over OpenRPG.

D20 Modern - Agents of PSI campaign:

The PCs have investigated scenes for a few days now where some paranormal activity has been going on, thefts and damage caused by some paranormal criminals. A few stores in downtown Phoenix were robbed, each around 3 am on a different night. The first session was entirely roleplay and introduction, with the PCs checking out the crimescenes, looking for clues, asking around, inquiring about witnesses, trying to determine exactly what happened at each store.......and driving around a pair of beaten-up old Pintos all the while, totalling one of the rolling junkheaps on their way back to headquarters.

Yeah, the Phoenix - Arizona branch of PSI in my campaign is terribly underfunded and keeps only minimal, cheap-as-humanly-possible resources on-hand for its agents. They get paid decently, and have good access to other material through government connections, but they have to somehow earn the money first, to get said material when they need it. So far the squad's done nothing but total one Pinto and seriously damage (but not detsroy) a Crown Victoria. Oh, and by crashing it into a storefront on purpose. :heh:

So, yeah, that's how the second session began. They had gotten a lead, requisitioned a pair of Ford Crown Victorias to replace the Pintos, then proceeded to rush to the next crime-scene as soon as signs of another late-night robbery began in downtown. Well, they only took one Victoria, as two agents were busy and unavailable at the time (absent players). The driver, Jesus (pronounced hey-soos, it's the Spanish version of that name; yeah, that player's wierd and just likes to have fun... :heh: ), the Mexican-American Catholic priest, crashed the Crown Victoria into the storefront after he saw the dark forms of criminals inside and going about their smashing and looting of the place. He hit two thugs while a third managed to leap aside just in time; the party proceeded to get out and start shooting the robbers. Jesus, though, just proceeded to get up close and personal, beating a few criminals unconscious with his fists, while the other PCs just shot some thugs dead.

Eventually victorious, though Jesus was moderately bruised, shot up, and singed (but really quite alright despite it all!) while Exavier and Bingy had just been grazed by a few bullets, the group made a hurried retreat back into their damaged, shot-up Crown Victoria, and drove off before police could arrive and start asking unpleasant questions about just what the heck these yahoos were doing. Jesus and Bingy got zapped a bit by electricity beforehand, though, as a stranger ran off from across the street, having apparently slipped out before the party arrived and then looped back around to see how his goons had fared.

He zapped 'em with a Lightning Strike psionic power just before running off into the night, both to see if it'd kill them, and to just make sure it'd kill any of his thugs that may've still been alive, after the agents had beaten them down. Leaving no minions to squeal, he escaped before the PCs could catch him (he wasn't very close when he zapped 'em, and the PCs were mostly inside the store, amidst the rubble that was once the front wall; so he had a head start in giving them the slip, and none of them were really fast or good at tracking).

In the third session, the squad was rejoined by two previously-busy members, and they did some more investigating while figuring out what to do next. They noticed a call over the police band while they were waiting at night, and went to check it out. A cop on a motorcycle had seen and heard automatic gunfire nearby, and called for back-up, but what showed up first was the PCs, agents of PSI. Some fast-talking and convincing by the priest later, and the squad of agents was rushing into position to enter the alley where the gunfight raged. And soon they were in the midst of it, firing at a few goons from the alleyway while another PC sniped from a rooftop, together dropping two assault-rifle-wielding goons.

But luck was not on their side, and all but the sniper were stunned when two of the 'goons' turned their way and stared at them a moment, unleashing Mind Blasts. The next round, the sniper PC was stunned by a Mind Blast after he managed to narrowly miss with a pair of shots. The second Mind-Blasting 'goon' then managed to stun the gang members his group had been trading fire with (like the PCs, I rolled poorly for every Will save; and I roll out in the open). However, with it becoming obvious that their presence was noticed and the gang members were proving troublesome to subdue (having resisted the mental assaults beforehand, and traded gunfire with the wierdos and the few goons who served those wierdos), the psionic foes had their goons grab the stunned gang members and carry them away while the psionic folks subdued them and they all beat a hasty escape.

The PCs recovered from the stun shortly afterward (I had rolled fairly high on the dice for determining Mind Blast stun duration), and the villains knew they might not have much time, so they just cut and run rather than waste time trying to finish off their briefly-incapicated meddling foes (who numbered 5 or 6 at that point, in addition to the half-dozen or so thugs that had been fighting the psionic folks to begin with). The PCs headed back to HQ mostly unharmed besides that initial stunning, and managed to accomplish something at least by gunning down a few of the most dangerous goons first.

And tonight's game (well, sort of; technically now it's very early Friday morning for me) had the PCs confront one of the enemy leaders a second time. They received a call from another agent, who detected some psionic activity over in the parking lot of a university campus, and the PCs drove their in the second Crown Victoria (since the first was still being repaired; also, Jesus had been forbidden from driving for a while after his little stunt two nights prior; Bingy took over the wheel). This was during the afternoon, around 4:30 pm, unlike the previous incidents which were all late at night.

The PCs met with the NPC agent, who introduced himself only as Thomas (technically, they got sent out by their boss, so they knew Thomas was an agent of the Paranormal Science and Investigation Bureau, like them), and heard about what he say; a dog-sized brain with claws had been burrowing its way into some guy's head, a student from the looks of it, and Thomas had run off to call in backup after being spotted by the four goons accompanying the clawed-brain-thing (an Intellect Devourer; only one or two players recognized it by description, but were decent enough to ignore their OOC knowledge of it during play). They apparently hadn't pursued him, and had in fact been approaching a car to escape the area when the PCs arrived. They managed to interrupt the goons and the 'student' accompanying them; Bingy sniped with his Barrett Light Fifty and dropped a goon right away, shooting from the roof of a nearby building (I natural 1'd the Fort save against massive damage).

Jesus moved closer cautiously, employing total defense, while Thomas (the NPC agent) decided to charge into melee rather than stick by the burly Jesus, now that he at had some comrades nearby against the group of paranormal foes (whom he had detected psionic auras around previously, before he had called HQ; before he had been spotted). And Thomas proceeded to rock on toast for nearly the entire session. Aside from a single natural 1 attack roll in the next-to-last round of combat, Thomas the nondescript NPC Strong Hero/Battle Mind spent the rest of the session with good attack rolls, several maximum damage rolls with his Psi-Blade and otherwise near-max damage rolls, and a single near-max-damage critical hit. Thomas was never hit during the fight, except for 3 damage from getting grazed by Exavier's first attempt at using full-autofire (which only hurt Thomas and Jesus, and Jesus has DR 2/- as a Tough Hero, so he only took 1 point; the enemies all made their Reflex saves, but the unsuspecting fellow PCs got shot in the back).

While Thomas duked it out and got flanked immediately (yet never getting hit by the enemies, by some fluke; his Defense score was lower than most of the PCs and enemies' Defense scores, but somehow.....), Jesus proceeded to beat down another thug in a barefisted (well, unless you count Jesus' brass knuckles...) brawl between karate-using thug and kung-fu-using Catholic priest........ :uhoh: Oh, and I forgot to mention a few details about the second session's investigations and how Jesus was involved.....suffice it to say that he has an unusual past, and an uncanny number of downtown gang members attend services at his church. :confused: He's pretty recognizeable as a 7-foot tall priest, wearing a leather jacket, steel-toed boots, brass knuckles, and a rosary.... But he's the only PC in the squad that doesn't carry weapons (and he doesn't have any psionic powers either).

Exavier and Bingy just worked at slowly gunning down the Intellect Devourer and the other thug, though first Thomas used his Psi-Blade to stab the 'student' host body that the Intellect Devourer had taken over (since he was the one who saw the brain-thing burrowing into the student's head....), causing it to topple over and the Intellect Devourer to crawl out a moment later, rather agitated (it didn't manage to stun anyone with Mind Blasts in this battle though, except in the next-to-last round when it stunned Exavier).

The gunfire had little effect most of the time, but Thomas' unprecedented bad-a$$edness with the Psi-Blade turned out to really help in putting a few permanent holes in the DR-possessing Intellect Devourer, weakening it enough for Jesus to grapple it and dish out near-maximum damage (partially overcoming the DR) and Bingy to score a critical hit and a normal hit with semi-automatic fire from his sniper rifle (thanks to his Gunslinger ability of Lightning Shot).

The critical hit pretty well finished it, but the second hit just made sure it was quite dead and not just dying or pretending. The ID had tried multiple Mind Blasts, but pretty much to no effect; Jesus and Exavier and Thomas each spent action points to boost their saving throws when needed, and only Exavier failed once, just before the others finished off the ID with a nasty round of combined attacks. It had sneaked off through Invisibility twice to heal itself with Lesser Body Adjustment, but couldn't quite manage to take down Exavier or escape by itself; Jesus and Thomas kept pursuing, and Bingy blew up the car the ID had run under for cover at one point. He shot up the gas tank and managed to ignite the fuel (Jesus and the Intellect Devourer were both caught in the explosion, and both made their saves....even though the ID was under the freakin' car; I rolled awesome on its save).

It became kind of a repeated joke around the table that Thomas kept wondering why he didn't just take on all those goons and the brain by himself, considering how unstoppably awesome he did in the fight after bothering to call for apparently-unnecessary back-up first. And to think he had been intimidated by them outnumbering him 5-to-1..... Certainly it went faster with the PCs fighting, but we're all still kinda wondering if my uncannily awesome rolls for Thomas, the random NPC agent of PSI, would've continued through a prolonged one-against-five battle. And he wasn't really strong either, just reasonably experienced, and apparently possessed of the Devil's own luck. Yeesh.

In any case, the agents were victorious and got a lot of XP for the tough battle (the second time Jesus and Bingy had suffered any harm, and not very much at that; but the enemies took a beating and were tough to drop; one failed save against the Mind Blast early in the fight would've probably done-in Jesus or Exavier or Thomas, if they weren't careful; especially since they didn't tend to move far apart to avoid being caught in the same blast....). Fun was had, everybody got some spotlight time and good hits (though Thomas did the most, somehow, and Exavier mostly did tactics and support fire and such; oh, and he upgraded Jesus' brass knuckles with a taser-like apparatus.....don't ask), action points were spent, one of the leaders of the psionic group causing trouble in the area was definitely perforated, and some real progress was finally being made on taking care of this mission.

The PCs had some explaining to do afterwards when their boss and some other agents arrived to do clean-up, since Bingy had, y'know, blown up a car in the university's parking lot and a lot of gunfire was going around during the fight. And a student had been murdered in the parking lot, his brain destroyed and replaced by a monster that should not exist as far as the public knows......so yeah, clean-up had to be done. A few players were absent that session, so only Bingy, Jesus, and Exavier took part in the fight, along with Thomas the one-use NPC. Thomas drove off to HQ with the dead brain-with-claws stashed away in his trunk, with another agent sent with him to make sure the creature was taken in and studied properly by PSI's people.

Characters ---
[sblock]PCs (last names and middle names left off, since half the players didn't bother giving them full names): Exavier, male human Smart Hero 3/Strong Hero 1/Techie 2/Battle Mind 2, the group's resident computer geek, engineer, mechanic, electrician, tinkerer, chemist, and backup gunman, also one of the few agents in the group to actually possess psionic abilities, for some reason; "Bingy", nickname, no normal PC name given, male human Fast Hero 3/Gunslinger 5, the group's driver, sniper, close-range gunman, sneak, and - did I mention he's a gun freak?; Jesus, pronounced hey-soos, Mexican-American Catholic priest, male human Tough Hero 8, unarmed brawler and extremely tough guy, the burly priest with no diplomacy and wearing brass knuckles, steel-toed boots, and a leather jacket; "Dracus", nickname, no normal PC name given (he thought we were still playing D&D on Thursdays, and just copied over his D&D character's name....), male human Charismatic Hero 2/Dedicated Hero 1/Telepath 5, the group's medic, kind of demented surgeon, investigator, occasional faceman, manipulator, mind-reader, and mind-zapper, consequently the group's only charismatic individual (PC-wise that is) and only capable psionic manifester, since Exavier has only a little psionic ability right now, and consequently he misses half the sessions; "Little Pain", nickname, no normal PC name given, female human Charismatic Hero 1/Fast Hero 4/Strong Hero 1/Battle Mind 2, the group's second sniper and gun-freak, kind of fragile but a good gunner, minor psionic ability in case she gets stuck in melee and has to cut her way out with a psi-blade[/sblock]

Rhunaria side-campaign (main one is on hiatus for now):

The PCs have begun to head northeast across the Broken-Crest Hills and the Khasidra Marshes, meandering with little direction or purpose for a while up to this point. They have finally decided to go north, into the Theocracy of Riza, and try to get an audience with the current Pharaoh, Pah-Ri-Oris, the Divine Benevolence.

After a great deal of bickering, some ranting by Kai that they should go to his homeland in the Hirotashi Empire for aid or advice from yamabushi, and the occasional attempt by Lashu to chop off Kai's right arm (his sword-wielding arm) to remove the unnatural symbiote stuck there (thwarted only by the efforts of other PCs on watch).......the party finally decided to head into Riza to seek potential aid in removing the parasitic symbiotes. From what the party had heard, Roarn and Aederax figured that the Pharaoh might be able to remove the strange artifacts with whatever divine powers he may have, considering the Rizans worship him. Assuming he's willing to do so, of course.

The PCs had no particular destination in mind before, after they finished looting the treacherous tomb of a gnomish bandit prince. Kai, Lashu, Roarn, Gabr'el, and Gromb were sprung upon by small, insectoid, artificial symbiotes in the burial chamber of the tomb. Each symbiote looked to be an insect crafted of some rare material, and animated through magic. They had proven impossible to remove by normal means; they dug their claws, mandibles, and similar sharp protrusions even deeper into their unwilling hosts' flesh and bone when anyone attempted to damage or remove the strange magic items.

The Witch of Tabrae was able to offer some bit of advice, and remove the Orichalcum Ant from Lashu with some spells, but it was rather straining and difficult, not at all like most attempts to remove cursed items or their ilk. She couldn't do anything more for them, aside from provide what little knowledge she possessed of the Mithril Centipede on Kai's right arm, and the Sargassum Wasp clamped over Roarn's left eyebrow. Gromb left with his comrades after the PCs left their temporary NPC allies; Gromb and his friends would have to find their own way to remove the Brimstone Spider stuck to his chest.

The party at first thought to go east and check for anything the tribal folk of the Tikaminari Jungle might know regarding the old artifact-symbiotes; but internal conflict and indecision turned them northeast, and then into Riza, after a failed attempt by Kai to convince his traveling companions to seek help in the Empire. Grudgingly he follows them into Riza, though he doesn't believe a word of the Rizan 'propaganda' about the divinity and holyness of their Pharaoh. As far as he's concerned the Emperor Hirotashi is the only divine ruler in Rhunaria, kin to dragons and kami; the Pharaoh in his mind is probably just an oni or youkai masquerading as a powerful human.

[sblock]Lashu just wants to see the unnatural insect-things removed from her friends, thinking the occasional changes in her friends' appearance or behavior are signs of the insects controlling them. Roarn has gone murderously berserk once during battle, in a fury of stirge-stabbing and lizardman-stabbing, thanks to the Sargassum Wasp on his eyebrow. But despite that he's kinda okay with it, though worried about further overwhelming rages, since the Wasp has enhanced his senses and agility to inhuman levels once or twice, which is handy to a rogue. It didn't make him attack his friends at least, so he's not sure if it's entirely a bad thing (though the tremendous sapping of his energy after the battle was rather unpleasant and crippling for a while).

Kai doesn't like the Mithril Centipede stuck to his arm, but its occasional strength augmentation and instinct boosting has proven quite handy in more than one fight. He'll get it removed if he can, but so far it's the least dangerous-seeming (but the easiest to potentially remove; the only one not latched onto a vital area). Kai's has been fairly crippling once with its parasitic bond, but has usually been of mild drawback. Gabr'el has turned invisible once thanks to the Cloudstone Mantis, and acquired brief prowess in two-weapon fighting, even striking lethally with his bare hands that way thanks to the Mantis' power, but it's also shown a similar possibliity of control to that of Roarn's Wasp. Gabr'el was fairly well weakend and slowed down to sloth-like activity after his Mantis finally activated during a fight, though it didn't afflict him until afterwards. Gabr'el's about as uneasy as Lashu about the unnatural construct-parasites stuck to them, but more rational about it and hasn't tried too hard to remove his, especially since the Mantis is stuck to the back of his neck and skull, and dug in deeper whenever he or Lashu tried to do anything about it.

So they all have some good reasons for wanting to remove the creatures, while at the same time they've recognized the beneficial effects the artificial insects have had on them once in a while. By this point Roarn and Kai are probably the only ones who might choose to avoid getting their symbiotes removed, and only if further combats don't prove the insects to be too dangerous. Gabr'el will certainly want his removed, being a druid and a tribal fellow who has always been close to nature, though he freaks out less noticeably than Lashu about it. Kai is probably going to seek out a means of removing his symbiote, but has less of a problem with it in general (and his is the most direct of them in effect; it has shown no unusual qualities or extremely useful ones so far; just basic strength and instinct augmentation), so it's possible he may keep it (assuming Lashu ever stops trying to chop his arm off when he isn't looking/awake). Roarn is still uncertain about his, and the only problem he has with it is the 'occasional berserk rage followed by crippling weakness' deal, especially since he's fairly meek and fragile himself (only strong or tough when the symbiote has him absorbed in a state of berserk fury).

The party has learned that they are relics of the ancient Nari, but very little is known of Nari magic, since it is the primitive basis from which more modern forms of magic (like those of the wizard, wu jen, cleric, druid, and shaman) are derived. The Nari are the race who gave the world its common name amongst mortals, as the first prominant mortal race before others took their place.[/sblock]

This isn't even me railroading, since I never truly railroad; I gave the PCs an opening adventure/task of a simple nature, and not something they had to be constrained by; it was perfectly open for them to leave that task unfinished for some other cheap mercenaries or the like, but they chose to handle it all themselves and then continued to seek out their own adventures.

They ended up with the symbiotic/parasitic magic items near the end of their second adventure, and then decided to make removing those same cursed items their next adventure. Figures, huh? :D I decide they could use a bit of help surviving since they had absolutely no teamwork/tactics as a group (in-character at least), and so I spring some unique minor artifacts on them. Sure they have drawbacks, but they help out in a battle and stuff, right? And then right afterward they hurriedly decide to get rid of the strange constructs partially burrowed into their flesh, as though they were a bad thing. :heh: :p

Characters/notes ---
[sblock]Current PCs are: Kai Isawa, male human Samurai 5, from the Hirotashi Empire; Roarn Gladecrest, male human Rogue 5, an orphan of sorts from some town in the Majestic Kingdom of the Gilded Throne; Lashu Storm, female human Barbarian 4 (IIRC she hasn't quite reached 5th yet), an orphan raised mostly by a bear, and otherwise of tribal human descent; and Gabr'el Verda, male human Druid 4 (don't recall off-hand if he's reached 5th just yet, since folks only just started to get close to 6,000 XP recently), similar to Lashu in that he was raised by a pack of wolves, otherwise of tribal human descent and somewhat more familiar with civilization than Lashu.

Also traveling with the group just recently is a minor NPC, Aederax Estaviar, male dark elf Shaman 4 (probably 5th now, I keep forgetting to track his XP since he started helping the group out), hailing from an unspecified dark elven city; a devotee of the Spirit King from Rhunarian elven religion, former priestly rank of Zev within the Crystal Star, one of the many elven sects devoted to the faith of the Spirit King; Aederax follows the elven path of asiq'mohar, the shamanistic division of elven faith, and he's a sworn pacifist since he fled his hometown to avoid being forced to participate in humanoid sacrifices; a strict vegetarian and rather extremist follower of the Spirit King's faith, his unusual ideas and respect for non-elves makes him lawful neutral, unlike his primarily-evil brethren.

Aederax is basically the group's healer, diviner, and voice of reason, at present; he gives a bit of advice based on what his spells and the spirits reveal, provides a lot of healing and a bit of blessing for an otherwise mundanely-skilled party, manages to intervene with a bit of logic and diplomacy when needed to stem the tide of samurai-barbarian conflict, and I suppose serves as the token non-human presence in the party, since everyone (and I mean everyone, right from the start, even the folks who joined later or left after a while) chose to play human PCs in this side-campaign.

The main campaign had a few elves, half-dragons, goblins, kobolds, and an aasimar at one point, along with the usual humans of varying descent; but this one's turned out to be a very humanocentric campaign so far. Enemies in the side-campaign have ranged from humans to lizardfolk, a wyrmling green dragon, a deinonychus, stirges, wild animals, zombies, monstrous spiders, small elementals, a black-draconic-descendant orc, a tiefling goblin, a bugbear, and a bunch of typical goblins, along with probably one or two other things I'm forgetting. The main campaign has had an even broader range of stuff, but it also went to higher levels (and more places across the map) before I put it on hiatus.[/sblock]


The 3 2nd level & 1 3rd level PC IMC finally trapped and killed the barbed devil (with added wings) they'd been hunting. C&C rules, devil from 1e MM. This was the 2nd time around - it had previously escaped them with 1/32 hp left. It helped that this time the Rogue got a critical backstab ('20' x2 dmg house rule) for x4 damage, doing 4d8 > 20 damage in 1 strike. All the 2nd level PCs levelled up.


First Post
In my Eberron game thus far...

Sessions 1: PC's get introduced in Wroat and discuss threats to Breland with the captain of the Kings Blades*, Captain Ellenar. They hit the hay as they won't be getting their assignments until tomorrow but are attacked close to dawn by a few goblins and hobgoblin wielding poisoned weapons. Thankfully, the warforged were awake and managed to hold off the gobbo's and yell loudly. A letter is found making a number of claims of various targets that have been hit that night, for which the goblinoids claim responsibility.

They hear a yell outside and go outside to find an old guard (who they met earlier) fighting off a pair of goblins outside the barracks next to theirs. They easily take care of the nasty little critters, even taking one hostage. Further inspection reveals that everyone in the barracks nearby (this belonged to another Blades team, so 6-7 soldiers) is dead.

PC's rush to the citadel to alert Captain Ellenar and find her haivng just survived an attack, wounded but not dead. A loud boom is heard from outside and the Cap'n suggests they investigate. They head outside and see a large pillar of fire to the south, over the bridge. They investigate to see three humans and four warforged outside of a three story building. The warforged are carrying a large object and are just beginning to head east.

Session 2: PC's chase the fleeing 'forged and humans; one of the latter, a man in a heavy red coat and large hat, stays to delay them. Slowing them is about all he manages; they beat him down and he runs and jumps into the river, sinking rather quickly.

PC's eventually decide to try and catch up with the rest of the fleeing group. They run east and catch the sound of the rail whistle in the distance. They get to the station to find two House Orien workers knocked out and a lightning rail a little ways in the distance, headed north. Several warforged are atop another rail (a freighter) heading south. PC's manage to climb aboard. A complicated fight ensues as the rail picks up much more speed than it should be capable of, and the shaking makes footing unsteady.

The 'forged atop the train are ultimately dispatched, and the artificer manages to disarm the strange object (rigged to explode!) that they find in the control car. Upon stopping the rail, investigation of the other cars proves that they are full of alchemists fire, rather alot of it, and several objects that appear to be intended to set the whole thing off and likely have a tie to the object in the front car.

Session 3: PC's get back to Wroat (The rail only managed to make it a mile before they stopped it) and find a pair of watchmen questioning the now conscious Orien workers. Turns out they were jumped by the warforged. A watchmen comments that the city is in a bit of a bind right now. Lots of bad stuff happened that morning/last night. PC's learn about a hostage situation in the temple of Boldrei and immediately head over. (Which I admit, I didn't expect)

An angry mob is outside screaming to be let in the temple. Apparently the goblinoids in there murdered the parish priest, Father Mulrick, and the city watch have their hands full just keeping the angry mob from charging in there. Turns out there's about 6 goblinoids and 7 hostages; 5 commonfolk and two gaurds that got a bit banged up.

PC's find the back way in (Through the second floor) and unlock the door after searching the dead priest for the key. The warforged scout moves in and looks around but is discovered. A big fight ensues. The warforged duskblade actually makes the twenty foot leap off the second floor balcony to get at the gob and hob that are guarding the hostages on the first floor. The hob makes good on his threat to kill a hostage but the party cleric charms him (domain spell). At this point, being poorly guarded, the hostages decide to make a break for the front door.

The scout fights off three goblin archers while the rest of the party have their hands full of a large, foul-mouthed bugbear wizard that I affectionately dubbed Mr. Tulip#. He gives them a good run but ultimately, they plug him and he falls over the second floor railing, crashing onto the alter below.

*By the book, the name of the orginization is the Kings Swords. I got the name wrong initially and only found out about the error after I had already been calling them that for a while. I figured I might as well stick with it.

# Named after a large, foul-mouthed character in the Discworld book, The Truth
"Why does that man keep saying "ing"?"

Mark Hope

I'm taking my turn behind the screen in our rotating-DM group and am nearing the end of a half-dozen Dark Sun sessions (two more to go, I think). We're just over halfway through Merchant House of Amketch. The characters are investigating a black-market trade in beetles whose bite surpresses psionics. After being betrayed by agents involved in the trade and sold to a tribe of gith, they escaped last session, slaughtered the gith tribe, pursued and found their betrayers and exacted some truly horrible vengeance upon them. Next session (Tuesday) they're heading back to a nearby city-state to smash the beetle distribution point and hopefully uncover more intelligence about where the beetles are coming from and who is giving them these weird powers. Oh, and one character took his first level in the thrallherd prcl, so he has his own little cult following him about the place, much to the derision of the other players.

At present the party looks like this (some of these are athas.org classes):

Nefen ar Taran'Dai - Elf scout 5/preserver 5/arcane trickster 1 (crazy_cat plays him)
Vok - Mul gladiator 4/mul paragon 3/barbarian 1/arena champion 1 (reinbowarrior plays him)
Zaloc - Human ranger 10 (his player posts in various places as Nellkyn, but I don't think he comes here much)
Ptellac Terrorclaw - Pterran psion (telepath) 6/pterran paragon 3/thrallherd 1 (not sure about his screen-name, or if he comes to Enworld)
Draxis - Human cleric (water) 10/elementalist 1 (he lurks here all the time, but I can't remember his screen name - yes, I'm talking about you!!! ;) )


First Post
In our Eberron game the Marple, Marlow, and Spade Inquisitives agency is investigating Nicolas Logues, "Chimes at Midnight." We started the adventure getting our butts handed to us by an unfriendly Ettin. In our defense, we've got a a shifter ranger, a changeling rogue/ master inquisitive, and a warforged monk. We rock at investigation, but aren't so great in combat. Subsequently we blew up the home of our major suspect, but not before we uncovered evidence that he intends to assassinate our employer.

In our Age of Worms game, "Gathering of Winds," is drawing to a close. We rescued Allustan, but he promptly got killed in battle against a pair of ice golems. Darn those low-hp NPCs. We wrapped up after our paladin fell a looong way down a waterfall. My conjurer/ alienist sent a pseudonatural griffin to retrieve her and we've stopped to consider our next move.

In Swashbuckling in Freeport the party is nearing the end of Rich Pett's, "The Weavers." The party has made it through with much more negotiation and a lot less fighting than is their normal pattern. "The Weavers," is mostly a distraction from the main plot, where the PCs have agreed to track down a member of Freeport's Captain's Council on charges of kidnapping and treason. Assuming they don't get distracted again they can expect a dangerous over seas journey with sea monsters, a whole lot o' pirates, unfriendly figures from the past, revenge, angry yuan-ti cultists, and even some opportunity to do a little pirating of their own.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
The rumours of the Emperor's death has sparked a riot in the capital. This is what's going on:

- one is trying to restore order by rallying the people to fight the evil rioters and stand proud for the Emperor

- one is trying to get home after having become involved with the daughter of the boss of the city's largest and most violent crime syndicate and waking up in entirely the wrong place

- one wizard is trying to get away from the mob of angry people out to kill all nobles and burn all wizards that she has inadvertantly ... joined.

It's a right chaos. And it's a blast.



The PCs have just arrived in the city of Rhiathon, after spending the last six days travelling from the Royal City of Michaea, on the trail of a villainous thaumaturgist who had set into motion plans to unleash the beginning of a devilish army on that city. The PCs had thwarted those plans, and now they are hunting down the perpetrator. During their travels, they fought off a trio of ghasts who inhabited a small graveyard not far from the main road, and they help a farmer dispatch an aurumvorax who had been raiding his chicken coop.

Voidrunner's Codex

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