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Whats going on in your game?


The party Tiefling Rogue/Fighter died 2 sessions ago. The group took his body to the Planewalker's Guild on the Infinate Staircase to have him raised. Being a Bleaker, he refused the raise attempt & the player introduced his new PC to the group (the new guide they just met while trying to find the Planewalker's Guild).

They went back to the Outlands and stormed the Mirrored Library in the Rilmani city Sum of All. They found the books they were looking for and the Sorceress was jumped by a group of Khaasta, Gnolls, & a Neogi riding on an Umber Hulks back. The Neogi stole some of her beauty with a magic wand and left in a large caravan. Now the PC's are tracking the caravan down. Along the way, after seeing a Mind Flayer's head explode as he stumbled out of an old building, the PC's moved on and encountered a Beholder for the first time.

We stopped there since it was late and I wanted to give them 2 weeks to worry about the Beholder that they might need to fight.

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Our group just finished up the second magazine of The Savage Tide AP. We started in November, and it's taken us this long to get to the end of The Bullywug Gambit.

Next week, I take over as DM. We should get through the next 5 magazines in about the same time it took our old DM to do 2. Gotta introduce a new PC as well as a bunch of NPCs for the boat they're traveling on.

We saved the girl, got the gold, and won the hearts of the town. Also, one of our team apparently knocked a minor NPC up during a drunken tryst (oh Book of Erotic Fantasy, I knew you'd actually be useful twice). So now, he has the tough decision of "bring the little woman along" or "leave her behind with some cash and hope for the best".




Last session, my PCs successfully made it to the true tomb of Zosciel (sp) in the Whispering Cairn (1st adventure in the AoW AP). They are now third level.

Next session has been called off due to half the players having other commitments. I'm trying to decide whether I want to continue with the AP or create my own material.


Well, it's been quite a while for me, (both posting and running a game!), but I'm getting ready to start up a Ptolus game, with a brief intro adventure I wrote (4th level, looks to be a party of 6), that will be leading into the Night Of Dissolution / Banewarrens hybrid, then, assuming this resourceful bunch isn't ready to kill me for the modifications I'm making, into Queen Of Lies (Ptolus version), and then, finally into Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, which I will modify based on the results of the previous adventures.

It's been over 10 years since I've ran a D&D game, but I figure if I'm going to jump in, go big. lol.


My PCs are on the nearly-abandoned githyanki home world, fighting a 400' tall colossus made out of skeletons, shadows and specters. The githyanki have been trying to kill them because they captured and stole a famous githyanki sword, so they've (partially by mistake) brought Gith herself back to life and sicced her on the Lich Queen. They've also shattered the alliance between the githyanki and the red dragons, and (briefly) enslaved the entire githzerai race. Oops.

Now they're trying to fight some sort of illithid overmind who has been breeding hellish undead worms. When they're done, they'll head back to their own prime, make magic items, and go about solving their actual problems.

Doug McCrae

Savage Species game. 12th level. High death rate. Party currently consists of a drider (me!), ogre and stone giant.

We're currently building a temple to the elven goddess of flowers (pretty manly, huh?) so we took a portal to Sigil for supplies. On the way back we made unexpectedly short work of a dread wraith.

The group has part of an artefact which is supposed to save the world. The sun's energies are being drained by great mechanisms on each planet of our solar system, causing a rise in the numbers of undead. The artefact, called The Cogs Of Time, should stop the power drain.

The goddess of flowers representative, a unicorn named Oni, told us the drow have another part of the Cogs, so we went into the Underdark to kill them and take their stuff. Things went well, until we came up against a high level Bladesinger. No only did he beat us, he did so using non-lethal damage - a total humiliation. We were forced to negotiate for their part of the cogs and struck a deal. The drow wanted us to do a quest for them, rescuing prisoners from a slaadi. We managed this, with great difficulty, as the slaad had disguised itself as one of the prisoners. Eventually we headed back to the surface with a second part of the Cogs.

Coolest part of the session for me was when I charged into a whole unit of drow with daggers drawn, saying something like "You're all dead!" I ran up the side of the cave, going round the protective shield wall, and stabbed the priestess.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
Piratecat said:
My PCs are on the nearly-abandoned githyanki home world, fighting a 400' tall colossus made out of skeletons, shadows and specters. The githyanki have been trying to kill them because they captured and stole a famous githyanki sword, so they've (partially by mistake) brought Gith herself back to life and sicced her on the Lich Queen. They've also shattered the alliance between the githyanki and the red dragons, and (briefly) enslaved the entire githzerai race. Oops.

Now they're trying to fight some sort of illithid overmind who has been breeding hellish undead worms. When they're done, they'll head back to their own prime, make magic items, and go about solving their actual problems.

What's that, a level 3-5 scenario? :D



First Post
We’ve basically just finished off the Caverns of Tharcia (circa 1979 version) with a large battle SPOILERS: with the Minotaur King, his pyrohydra, manticores, harpies and goblinoid hordes (roughly 80 left) (dog brothers and gnolls were converted to hobgoblins and bugbears). The party was aided by an alliance with the lizardmen on level 2 and the other humans near the caverns, not the Thanotos (Set IMC) worshipping ones but those they raided for slaves and sacrifices. And also the aid of the dryads, its sometimes good to have a druid in your party. Parley garnered the neutrality of the goblins, after slaying the manticores, neutralizing the harpies and the dryads wreaking vengeance on the goblins.

This was all after the lizardmen controlling the TP pad for about a week, slowly starving the Minotaur Kings forces and causing dissension in the ranks.

Near HPK (half-party kill). Two of six PCs brought to within 1 HP of death and the one PC who chased the Minotaur King, who they almost caught, was slain. 6 lizardmen were slain and several injured in the fray.

Not so bad after 16 sessions and 9 months of playing. They pretty much cleared every room on levels 1 and 2, and 3a.


I finally got to run Expedition to Castle Ravenloft! It has been going on for 4 weeks now, and the players entered Ravenloft itself.


*que Mario death music*

So tonight we are starting our new Mutants & Masterminds game. Hooray :D

S. Baldrick

In my Age of Worms campaign, the party is about to make the trip from Diamond Lake to the town of Magepoint to speak to their associate Allustan’s former master the Archmage Tenser. This is after rescuing Allustan from being trapped in the tomb of a long dead Wind Duke general.

In my Ptolus campaign, the party has just finished clearing out an underground temple that was inhabited by a number of Chaos cultists. Well, not exactly cleared out as they left an entire section un-explored. Despite that, they did manage to rescue a number of people that were being held prisoner by the cults. Now, the party doesn’t know what to do. At least some of them want to ride out and try to talk to the barbarian horde that is advanced to just outside the city before the barbarians attack.

In the Savage Tide game that I am playing in, we are exploring a cave that was at one time a pirate hide out in a place called Kraken’s Cove. Something has changed a number of monkeys and human pirates into mutated and savage mutants. When last we played, the party killed off a mutated raptor dinosaur that nearly bit the party’s rogue in half.

In the heavily modified Return to the Elemental Temple of Evil, the party has just destroyed the main alter of the dark god Krall at the top of a tower completely comprised of Dreamstone. Now, we have to fight our way out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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