I voted Roll20, but I don't want that to sound like an endorsement.
We played two games of D&D this weekend on Roll20, and it was a bear. It was slow and laggy, with unreliable audio/video and glitchy lighting. We would be using a different platform if a superior option were available, but alas.
We too use Roll20. You have just explained my experiences with it. My feelings are that the program works but Im considering switching to FG. With Roll20, the voice/video option lags at times, or players get kicked off, and performing simple actions takes a long time. I bought a month $5 subscription to try FoW and Dynamic lighting but that just slowed everything down to the point that I had to turn those features off. I thought that my laptop might have some effect on this as it takes awhile to respond opening webpages and when I right click for menus but Ive cleaned my cache and defragged which doesnt help much so I may have to find what program is hogging ram in the background. This would make some sense until I remembered that I have AutoCAD 2018 installed and it works fine. So this leads me to believe that the performance issues are web based, I am using Chrome not sure if everyone else is. Ive chalked it up to Roll20 systems being taxed as well as internet providers bandwidth being maxed out with everyone pandemic streaming, gaming among other things at the hours we play which is probably peak times for all of the aforementioned. We play on Wednesdays at 630PM to 900 PM. Can anyone confirm or refute my suspicions? Thanks.