D&D General Who would you pick as the most iconic deities in the D&D game?


Bane is definitely up there. He featured in Curse of Strahd and is probably the most consistently antagonistic god of the Forgotten Realms.
I preferred it when he was dead and Iyachtu Xvim and Cyric took his followers. Mintar with Teldorn Darkhope in the Lands of Intrigue or Empires of the Shining Sea ICR which it was but a cool little niche of the Realms

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I preferred it when he was dead and Iyachtu Xvim and Cyric took his followers. Mintar with Teldorn Darkhope in the Lands of Intrigue or Empires of the Shining Sea ICR which it was but a cool little niche of the Realms
Cyric was ok. But madness is a poor substitute for evil. Bane coming back was both needed and excellent.

As for the Godson I can’t get behind a bad guy who’s name I can’t pronounce.


Modified Dawn War Pantheon

  1. Racial Patron deities
    1. Corellon Larethian
    2. Garl Glittergold
    3. Gruumsh
    4. Moradin
    5. Yondalla
    6. Lloth
  2. Dragon dieties
    1. Bahamut
    2. Tiamat
    3. Sardior
  3. Monster dieties
    1. Annam
    2. (Insert Snake god)
  4. Astonomacal dieties
    1. Pelor
    2. Selune
    3. Shar
  5. Planar domain deities
    1. Primus
    2. Raven Queen
    3. Asmodeus
    4. Tharizdun
    5. (Insert Fey Dieity here)
  6. Aspect domain dieties
    1. Bane
    2. Vecna
    3. Mystra
    4. (Insert nature goddess here)
    5. (Insert Sea god here)


If we're just voting for who we like best and not who is iconic and people have heard of them, then the Raven Queen, absolutely.

And also people not from a famous module or Drizzt book.

Let's say you're making a world-agnostic pantheon of deities, and you want to include all the big name deities of D&D. What deities would you include in that pantheon?
Off the top of my head as the A-list:
1: The Raven Queen. Blame Critical Role - and a lot of writing for her.
2: Tiamat (inc. Takhsis). She's iconic, especially thanks to strong visual imagery.
3: Vecna. Looks iconic, has iconic artifacts, and is pretty famous.
4: Lolth. Again strong visual aesthetic and known for stuff including the Drow.
5: Asmodeus. The iconic demonic deity.
6: Gruumsh. The God of Orcs is simultaneously a deity with a common enemy, someone with an appropriate ideology, and has a fairly iconic look. More low key than the previous ones.

It is not a coincidence that most of these are evil deities; people spend more time facing bad guys than dealing with allies. Also there's iconic imagery attached to them.

Other possible adversaries:
1: Demogorgon. Blame Stranger things for this - but if we want the "classic" Blood War we need a lead demon as well as a lead devil
2: Tharizdun. A world ending threat; the Chained God is the iconic one.
3: Magublyet. The god of goblins isn't as iconic as Gruumsh but misses out.
4: Blipbloppool. We ne3ed a lesser evil deity - and it's fun to say!

Other possible patrons:
0: Mystra. I suppose we have to mention Ed Greenwood's fetish and the Lady of the Weave. But I wouldn't want her.
1: Correlon. The God of Elves has a relationship with Gruumsh. He's about the only good racial deity that makes it, especially as we have both Lolth and Gruumsh.
2: Bahamut. The Platinum Dragon definitely has a place as a rival to Tiamat. Probably makes it in over Pelor.
3: Erathis. The Lawful Neutral Goddess of Civilisation
4: St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel. Because we need a Hitty Deity.

We also need more of a trickster.


The first ones the sprung to mind were Lolth, Moradin, and Corellon. The 2nd group included Bane, Gruumsh, and Tempus.

I guess the twin dragon gods would be good to include.

I personally wouldn't include any demon lords or arch devils, including Asmodeus, but I can understand if others thought he should be. I just like to keep my archfiends as archfiends.


Does the Raven Queen count as iconic these days? I do think she's one of the more interesting D&D death deities (alliteration for the win!), although she probably loses out to Orcus if we're counting him as a deity.
until this thread, she'd completely dropped off my radar.

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