D&D General Who would you pick as the most iconic deities in the D&D game?


A suffusion of yellow
Bahamut -because Gold Dragon
Tiamat - due to Babylon origin and cartoon
Garl Glittergold - only notable gnome diety
Helm - Paladins
Tempus Foehammer - cool name
Oghma - due to Celtic link
Yondalla - just because
Chauntee - Mother Nature rocks
Annam - giants are cool
Gruumsh - um
Raven Queen - Shadowfell
Blidbliboop - she of the memorable name and lobster boobies

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Sekolah - I use lots of Islands menaced by Sahuagin
The Threat From the Sea novels were pretty good. The Sea of Fallen Stars for 2E FR that came out around 1998 and the Wyrmskull Throne were really good FR supplement and adventure. Pretty sure the novels and D&D books came out around the same time.


Victoria Rules
Let's say you're making a world-agnostic pantheon of deities, and you want to include all the big name deities of D&D. What deities would you include in that pantheon?

If I had to answer my own question, I'd probably start with the patron deities of the five longest-running playable nonhuman species:

1) Corellon Larethian (representing elves and half-elves)
2) Garl Glittergold (representing gnomes)
3) Gruumsh (representing orcs and half-orcs)
4) Moradin (representing dwarves)
5) Yondalla (representing halflings)

I would also include at least one dragon-themed deity on the list, possibly:

6) Bahamut
7) Tiamat

To the above, I'd probably add at least two fiends who have ascended to godhood:

8) Lolth
9) Asmodeus

Orcus was temporarily a deity, so he could arguably be added to the list. Demogorgon would be on the list if he were an actual deity, but I don't think he ever was.

I'd probably also include two evil deities who've shown up in multiple settings throughout the D&D multiverse:

10) The Elder Elemental Eye (though I don't know which of its proper names I'd use, if any)
11) Vecna

Too make it an even dozen, I'm inclined to add Annam All-Father, progenitor of giants and titans, but I'm not sure he's sufficiently iconic. Also, he's mostly retired from the world, having been more-or-less replaced by his even less-iconic offspring. The most powerful of these are Haitea and Stronmaus, neither of whom gets mentioned very often.

That's my answer off the top of my head, but I'm not 100% committed to it. What would your choices be?
Immediate thought: I think there needs to be a Human representative on the list other than Vecna. :)

Your first five are locks. Tiamat, Llolth, and [Asmodeus, Dispater, Orcus - pick one] are also locks.

After that? How about:

Mystra (or equivalent; to represent magic)
Vecna (or equivalent; to represent the undead)
St. Cuthbert (or equivalent; to represent warriors)
[another Human deity, preferably female] (to represent hearth, home, and peace)

Mystra, St Cuthbert, and the last one can between them also represent Humans.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Tharizdun. For all will be nothing!
Seriously, Tharizdun is great as a “terror beyond terror” in any game, and particularly in this anniversary year.

Allow the name of the eternal darkess to pass your lips, and you will regret what little life you have left.

Do not summon doom, or the winged monkeys of Hasbro's in-house counsel, by even thinking of Tharizdun. For that way lies madness.


Sound it out
Nah thanks. It’s sounds like someone sneezing then clearing their nose.

I love the Forgotten Realms and it’s my most used setting but the first names are often it’s worst feature. I’ve lost count of the superfluous vowels and consonants I’ve removed from names that seem
Intentionally difficult to roll off the tongue.

I have a job where I have to very quickly have a go at pronouncing lots of people names in multiple languages with no time to practice. So I like to think I’m pretty good at it. If I find them inconvenient I can’t imagine how players find them.
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Nah thanks. It’s sounds like someone sneezing then clearing their nose.
I actually liked his name and thought it was one of the more unique ones.
I love the Forgotten Realms and it’s my most used setting but the first names are often it’s worst feature. I’ve lost count of the superfluous vowels I’ve removed from names that seem
Intentionally difficult to roll off the tongue.
You are correct. I recall reading the 2E Cult of the Dragon book and the 2E Secrets of the Magister and there were a ton of NPCs with ridiculously hard to pronounce names. Skullport and the Sea of Fallen Stars as well. Hell, most of the books were like that. Ahghairon and Piergeiron are two that I still don't know how to pronounce those names. In the later 90s as 2E was coming to an end it seemed like the names got longer and harder to pronounce

Voidrunner's Codex

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