D&D (2024) Why aren't Angels concidered a type of Empryeans?

Are angels confirmed as in the new Monster Manual?

Quite a lot of people believe that angels are real things, so WotC are going to want to handle them sensitively, and avoid contracting real world beliefs.

There is past history of avoiding the word “angel” in D&D, giving them different names instead.

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Are angels confirmed as in the new Monster Manual?

Quite a lot of people believe that angels are real things, so WotC are going to want to handle them sensitively, and avoid contracting real world beliefs.

There is past history of avoiding the word “angel” in D&D, giving them different names instead.
Everything that was in the 5e MM is coming to the new one even if slightly renamed. The Angels the Deva, Planetar, and Solar will not doubt come.

Everything that was in the 5e MM is coming to the new one even if slightly renamed. The Angels the Deva, Planetar, and Solar will not doubt come.
They have abilities "angelic dooby dooby do" though, implying they are angels. They could drop that language. Deva are celestial beings from Hinduism. "Angel" is a westernisation.

I know they have, that is why I suggested they post it. If your going to talk about something it is helpful to have that something right in front of you. That's all. It was a suggesting to help the conversation that is all.
From what I understand about the online D&D community, they're very hidebound about posting direct text from the books (even if that text is available elsewhere) due to that period when TSR would sue everyone on earth.

Are angels confirmed as in the new Monster Manual?

Quite a lot of people believe that angels are real things, so WotC are going to want to handle them sensitively, and avoid contracting real world beliefs.

There is past history of avoiding the word “angel” in D&D, giving them different names instead.
People believe that humans, cats and horses are real and they're in the monster manual too, what's the big deal?

Faith. That's the difference between believing in something you can see, and something you can't.
But you can clearly see the angels printed in the monster manual, so that's not a matter of faith. Plenty of people believe in ghosts and witches and demons and those are in the monster manual too. Why are we being so sensitive for angels?

But you can clearly see the angels printed in the monster manual, so that's not a matter of faith. Plenty of people believe in ghosts and witches and demons and those are in the monster manual too. Why are we being so sensitive for angels?
D&D has been very sensitive to demons, to the degree that all trace of the word was removed for a time.

Why? It's called treating others with respect, even if we don't share their beliefs.


5e Freelancer
From what I understand about the online D&D community, they're very hidebound about posting direct text from the books (even if that text is available elsewhere) due to that period when TSR would sue everyone on earth.
That’s not true. We post direct text from books all the time, as do reviewers. As far as I know, WotC has never sued or Pinkerton’ed anyone for that.

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