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Pathfinder 1E Why I play pathfinder

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They said that 4th was going to be the game of all games

They didn't say this.

and about how much it was better than 3rd.

That's the point of releasing a new edition.

Heck they even told stores that if they wanted to sell 4th edition that could not sell any 3rd or 3.5.

That's pretty standard practice when you come out with an iterative improvement to your product. You don't want consumers exposed to older, less refined material as a representation of your brand.

Now thats like taking a crapper on all gamers who enjoy 3rd and the rest.

No, it's not, and it's totally ridiculous that you think it is.

You're criticizing WotC's marketing for things they didn't do (calling it "the game of all games"), and for things that they do because that's how all companies work.

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us gamers can still look back with a smile on our face and say remember when there was Thaco ahh yes Thaco I do love Thaco and then he look to the future at 4th and we just cry as one the system is mutating into a thing of horriblenss. What would MR gygox say if he saw what wizards did to his system????

I think the real question is: what would Mr Gygax do if he saw what you were doing to his language?

Edit: There is honestly no way this thread is serious.


This is blind frothing rage at its finest. The fact that it's capped off with an honest-to-god book burning is frosting on the cake.

WotC enraged you by releasing a game you didn't like so much that you burned books.

... wait for it... wait for it....


First Post
I did feel that WotC had taken DnD and turning it on its head.

Cue hilarious misrepresentation of 4e.

1 time I played, I said, alright, my basic attack ... and the guy across the table leapt down my throat saying why in the world would you basic attack?
He leapt down your throat? Sounds like a problem with your fellow gamer rather than the system.

you have a dozen at wills and like 5 encounters!!
You have two at-wills (three if you were playing a human paladin). You will have, at most, four encounter attack powers plus a potential racial power depending on your race. If you're under level 11, you have fewer.

I was going What? if I wanted to let lose a fire ball I would go get a mage and cast fireball.
Except none of your powers were fireball, sooooo...

Game play then stopped as the guy proceeded to explain how, long story short, everyone casts fireball in different forms now, and that using a basic attack is pointless when you can cast fireball instead.
Okay, so either you're wildly misrepresenting what your gaming group explained to you, or your gaming group is comically terrible at explaining basic concepts.

This makes sense on a SPELL CASTING PERSON, but the paladin I was playing I didn't think of as a caster.
Ignoring the fact that in 3.5/PF paladins are spell casters, your 4e paladin wasn't casting spells. Powers =/= spells.

The "at will" was something like blade storm (been a while so digging out suppressed memories, sorry on exact details).
Assuming you were playing with a paladin using only PHB1 options, it was either Enfeebling Strike, Bolstering Strike, Valiant Strike or Holy Strike. Blade Storm is an epic-tier fighter daily power.

Then the caster in the group unleashed his 1 daily, and was like, wow, the pally did triple my damage with his at will...... And kinda sat there disappointed that he was outclassed and couldn't keep anywhere near the same dps.
A paladin is a defender and, assuming you were talking about a wizard or some other controller, should not be doing significantly more damage than a controller.

It sounds like you had either a terrible play experience because of a poor group, or you have an amazingly distorted memory of your only 4e play session that you're now sharing with others, who will take your grossly inaccurate account of what the game is like and say "Man, that doesn't sound fun!"

So either you're blaming the system for your group's problems, or you're misrepresenting the system (purposefully or not) as having problems it doesn't actually have. Either way, it's irresponsible.


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As for this post not being serious meh who cares. I just made this post to tell people why I play pathfinder and why I dont like 4th. There is a Million ways I could of done better then burning my books but so what they are MY books who cares.


This thread needs to keep going. I want to see how many more Mar 2011 registered posters with *maybe* 2 posts to their name pop up.


First Post
I just made this post to tell people why I play pathfinder and why I dont like 4th.

The fact that you feel the need to justify your own preferences by badmouthing a game that you don't play and that others enjoy says everything.

Pathfinder is a good enough game that you should be able to describe why you enjoy it with reasons beyond "It's not 4e!"


The fact that you feel the need to justify your own preferences by badmouthing a game that you don't play and that others enjoy says everything.

Pathfinder is a good enough game that you should be able to describe why you enjoy it with reasons beyond "It's not 4e!"

Thank you for speaking truth to power.

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