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Wik's Triumphant Return to 3e!


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We played a game of 3e the other night. Something like three years after I put my hands in the air and declared "I will never run a game of 3e again!"

The last year of running 4e convinced me that system was not for me. After talking to a lot of people, first and foremost being my group, we decided to give 3e another chance... with a few big changes (e6 being the biggest)

For me, the moment that really made me smile as a GM was when the psion tried to use Mind Thrust on a Scorpion, assuming the usual 4e philosophy that every power works on every monster. That was fun.

On the the flip side, one player took out two monsters for most of the fight with a well-placed Entangle spell, and it wasn't in the 4e "save ends" sort of vein - those monsters were out of the fight for ten rounds!

I guess what I'm saying is, it was fun to play a game that fit my GM style a bit more. It felt a bit more like the players were running characters in a fictional reality, and less like they were moving game pieces across a board. That may come off as a 4e jab, but to me, it's more like this game just jives better with my playstyle, and I'm actually more excited about gaming than I've been in a while. :)

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The good thing about the forking of the D&D community -- and the moment it went open source, a forking of some size was inevitable -- is that, at this point, there's pretty much a game for everyone's tastes. The trick is finding it and then convincing others to play it.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Welcome back. Have you looked any at pathfinder? will you be returning to lew? there is a living pathfinder here if you are interested to know more. You were greatly missed at living en world when you left, but no guilt and no pressure.



Personally, I do not have any probleming playing 3.x, but I will not DM it anymore (Savage Worlds, Baby!). I hope that whatever drove you away does not bite you again! Have fun with it! There is certainly a ton of material available.


Have fun! :)

I think if I was to DM 3E now I would be much more relaxed about it, just dishing out HP and AC and not really worrying about how many feats a creature ought to have or whatnot.



Wow. Wik! I could have written the same post almost word for word! (Well...with different gaming anecdotes).

By best friend (and formerly most frequent player), sadly, is staunchly 4e now, and will not play in my 3e game. But next fall we're going to compromise and run a GURPS superheroes game.

It is important for a DM to love the system he/she uses, but it's worth playing something else every now and then to get your favorite players to the table.


First Post
3e's had a lot of bashing since 4e was released. Which was predictable, if nothing else.

Here and there though, gamers have realised (for the first time, or once again) that 3e actually has a lot going for it. Even just the three core books have a wealth of great stuff in them. Like, crazy amounts: how to design classes, monsters, magic items and so on, being just one example.

Which, come to think of it, was inevitable too, I suppose. :) The wheel turns.

Anyway, that aside - w00t! :D You found a game that works. That's more than some groups can claim. Great to hear.


I'm in a somewhat similar situation myself. I've been DM'ing and playing 4e since it was released, going so far as to sell off my 3.x material.

Recently, one of my players (also a co-player in another game) and I have had been kind of jonesing for 3.x. We decided to give 2 Pathfinder modules a go while one of the players in our group was out of town for a few weeks.

...I think we've convinced the two guys in our group who never played 3.x (played 2e, got away from the game for about 15 years, and came back to it with 4e) that they like Pathfinder/3.x much better than 4e.

I can't wait to see what happens when our missing player returns. He's staunchly 4e, hosts our weekly game, and is often the DM as well. It'll be...interesting.

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