If you mean the existing OGL, and 5E is not published under that license (which it almost certainly will not be), then any 3PP who attempted to claim compatibility with 5E based on the terms of the OGL would have to be very brave indeed. I suppose it could happen though, depending on just how the system is designed.
I really don't expect any kind of OGL-like open-ness this time around. However you measure the success of the OGL in the 3E era (and I don't blindly accept that opening the rules was responsible for 3E's success), it bred a home in Paizo for a version of D&D not under the rights-holder's control, and I can't think of any board-room that would risk such a thing happening again. I suspect the new license will be less OGL and more GSL, but released earlier and with friendlier provisions than its 4E counterpart.
I also expect software apps to be specifically excluded from any 5E publishing license, and a more traditional commercial license to be put in place to allow 3PP's to add their data to the digital tools. If this doesn't carry a fee, I'll be very surprised.
I really don't expect any kind of OGL-like open-ness this time around. However you measure the success of the OGL in the 3E era (and I don't blindly accept that opening the rules was responsible for 3E's success), it bred a home in Paizo for a version of D&D not under the rights-holder's control, and I can't think of any board-room that would risk such a thing happening again. I suspect the new license will be less OGL and more GSL, but released earlier and with friendlier provisions than its 4E counterpart.
I also expect software apps to be specifically excluded from any 5E publishing license, and a more traditional commercial license to be put in place to allow 3PP's to add their data to the digital tools. If this doesn't carry a fee, I'll be very surprised.