Will you be gaming in 20 years?

Will you be gaming in 20 years?

  • Yes. And I'm going to be writing the books to!!

    Votes: 64 28.4%
  • Yes. I'll be playing and/or DMing forever

    Votes: 137 60.9%
  • No. I imagine by then family/work/etc will keep me too busy.

    Votes: 16 7.1%
  • No. I'll be tired of it by then.

    Votes: 8 3.6%

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ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
I've been gaming now for over 20 years, and will be for another 20 at least.

I've already taught my kids to game, and they ALSO write gaming books now, which is awesome!

Hopefully I will be teachng my GRANDCHILDREN to game, and maybe one day produce a book written by three generations of gamers in the same family.


First Post
I will be, and hope to write some rulebooks or work a game store. and if i have children, they will be too (i hope). not so radical for me, as i'm only 17.


First Post
HellHound said:

Hopefully I will be teachng my GRANDCHILDREN to game, and maybe one day produce a book written by three generations of gamers in the same family.

three generations of writers... that would be interesting...


Well... They read me Lord of the Rings as a bedtime story when I was a toddler. I played the Lord of the Rings RPG first time when I was... Nine, I think. I got my first of RPG rulebook when I was ten. Started playing Warhammer when I was eleven.

I don't think there's even such an option for me as 'not gaming for the rest of my natural life'.:rolleyes:


I wish there were an I don't know option, because that's what I'd select. There are many things unforseen that could change the way I choose to spend my spare time.


EricNoah said:
I wish there were an I don't know option, because that's what I'd select. There are many things unforseen that could change the way I choose to spend my spare time.

You seem to have been sad lately, EN. I hope that all is well.

Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
I have to agree with Eric on this one. While I voted for the second Yes option, I more likely would have choosen, I do not know. Life has away of making radical changes that one can not expect.


First Post
EricNoah said:
I wish there were an I don't know option, because that's what I'd select. There are many things unforseen that could change the way I choose to spend my spare time.

I think that a "do not know" option might be a little to populiar as who can really say what they are doing in 20 years? So, I left it off hoping that people would back the tough choice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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