Willow - Official Teaser Trailer


New Publisher
I'm enjoying the series so far, but it has been very uneven. Wooden acting, from actors I've seen do amazing work in other shows. Terrible, terrible fight scenes. Stilted dialogue. But also lots of fun moments and hilarious one-liners sprinkled throughout.

I'm really enjoying Boorman, despite him being over-the-top and that giant cleaver thing. I'm even enjoying the understanded Graydon.

In the episode 3 fight scene . . . did they have regular swords with removable hilt extenders? I swear both Jade and Kit were using them . . .
That's how I feel. Also, where are the wererats? Terrible name for this things.. .

It's fun, it's decent fantasy. But the acting is mediocre. And I don't get the fight scenes at all. The good guys just can't fight well enough.
Whilei cold see everything fine, maybe but every fight but one is in the dark?
Also, why are guys guys always stupid and don't finish killing things? I would have enjoyed a big, strong, fighting woman.

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The weakest part of the show is the dialogue, which is often tonally inconsistant not only with the movie it is based on, and but even with itself. Even some of the more clever lines are tonally inconsistent and pull me out of my fantasy epic. This was at its worst in the first episode which focused so much on the several youths talking the way Hollywood writers would write modern day teenagers (I say "youths" because by the timeline aren't they supposed to be in their mid-to-late 20s?). It hasn't been as bad by comparison in subsequent episodes because the mix of characters got less pseudo-teen-centric once the quest began, but this most recent episode (four) was a bit more characters-sharing-conversations-heavy, and it was a step down from episodes 2 and 3 which basically just worked for me, with minor quibbles.

I don't think the writing on the whole is bad, because there is more to writing than just dialogue. The story and character beats are mostly pretty good, and I at least kind of like the characters. The episodes have all ended making me want to watch another episode. And, once again, I think some of the lines that bother me are actually funny, or cleverly written, or whatever; they just don't strike a consistent tone for the series, and pull me out of it. And other than one woodswoman not having any combat sense, and a bit too much retreading of tired teen-angst tropes that I just never really enjoy, everything that has bothered me in this series has ultimately boiled down to awkward dialogue.


The weakest part of the show is the dialogue, which is often tonally inconsistant not only with the movie it is based on, and but even with itself. Even some of the more clever lines are tonally inconsistent and pull me out of my fantasy epic. This was at its worst in the first episode which focused so much on the several youths talking the way Hollywood writers would write modern day teenagers (I say "youths" because by the timeline aren't they supposed to be in their mid-to-late 20s?). It hasn't been as bad by comparison in subsequent episodes because the mix of characters got less pseudo-teen-centric once the quest began, but this most recent episode (four) was a bit more characters-sharing-conversations-heavy, and it was a step down from episodes 2 and 3 which basically just worked for me, with minor quibbles.

I don't think the writing on the whole is bad, because there is more to writing than just dialogue. The story and character beats are mostly pretty good, and I at least kind of like the characters. The episodes have all ended making me want to watch another episode. And, once again, I think some of the lines that bother me are actually funny, or cleverly written, or whatever; they just don't strike a consistent tone for the series, and pull me out of it. And other than one woodswoman not having any combat sense, and a bit too much retreading of tired teen-angst tropes that I just never really enjoy, everything that has bothered me in this series has ultimately boiled down to awkward dialogue.
This is one of the things that makes it feel so D&D to me. The dialogue sounds like a bunch of players talking in-character, with all the odd mix of modernisms and traditional fantasy-world dialogue that entails.

Voidrunner's Codex

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