Willow - Official Teaser Trailer

Well after 4 episodes it is good, could even become great.
Castle Nockmar was a brilliant dungeon.
The humour/ joke level is spot on
Constant PC bickering but we will save each other is very D&D.

The first fight scene against the liches was very weak ( 2nd was better).
Was convinced Hubert/Anne were the brownies in disguise!
Warwick's acting is all over the place, some very good, some very poor.

Thumbs up from me.

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New Publisher
Well after 4 episodes it is good, could even become great.
Castle Nockmar was a brilliant dungeon.
The humour/ joke level is spot on
Constant PC bickering but we will save each other is very D&D.

The first fight scene against the liches was very weak ( 2nd was better).
Was convinced Hubert/Anne were the brownies in disguise!
Warwick's acting is all over the place, some very good, some very poor.

Thumbs up from me.
Ya. I've played over forty years. I've never seen that level of bickering.


This week's episode had an absolutely dreadful start. Just terrible. In media res is fine in principle, but when that media is Scooby Doo, you've taken a wrong turn somewhere.

Aside from that, though, I rather enjoyed it.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I dunno. This episode was kinda bad to me. From the (IMO) inappropriate use of modern songs, the plot-convenience cameo of Rool, Willow and Graydon escaping in some unseen manner (really, did I miss something?), the Bone Reavers' dizzying turn to be a bunch of chaotic good freedom fighters (neglecting that they straight-up murdered the elder guardsman escorting the quest in episode 2), and just general time wasting in this episode.

Is this season going to end on a cliffhanger? I don't see how they can (satisfyingly) wrap up the quest and all dangling plot threads in just three episodes. I mean everyone reacts to the idea of crossing the Shattered Sea like it is an impossible task.

They keep playing Sorsha's line about Bavmorda's spirit living on, and some scenes last episode hint at Kit falling to the dark side, but I wonder if Sorsha is bad? Some stuff this episode hints she has made some less than nice decisions. Or maybe Airk will be Bavmorda reborn? It might explain why he was captured.

Well truth plums are going to be making their way into my D&D games shortly.

In terms of characters I think this was my favorite episode so far. In terms of everything else there were definitely some questionable decisions.

An in media res start in the middle of a fight would be great if this was a fight with some random mooks or something where the beginning is predictable, perfunctory, and doesn't do any important character building. But since it involves villains who are being established and built up as major antagonists it seems like the start of the fight is something we should see, especially since the prior episode left us on a cliffhanger of them finding the party. It feels more like we just skipped 3 or 4 scenes. Maybe the scenes were planned and didn't quite work. Maybe they were too expensive.

Willow has a flamethrower? I'm probably fine with that, but it feels like something you need to explain relatively quickly after throwing it out there. Especially since he also possesses a magic wand which is what I assumed he was using, until a later shot where he clearly is holding a very different object.

The brownie cameo made little sense, but it satisfied one of the obligations of a Willow revival in a way that was fun, didn't overstay its welcome, and didn't derail the plot, so I'll give it a pass.

Voidrunner's Codex

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