D&D 5E Wizards Do Suck;)


Fire proof suit time. Incoming!!!

In the fine tradition of Bards Do Suck type threads and Wizards are Boring threads I thought I would start a Wizards suck thread.

This is mostly a 5E type thing but I've noticed a distinct lack of Wizards being picked since 3.0. It's become even worse since 5E.

I've had my suspicions why for around 20 years. They take to long to ramp up to their potential power. Not to long ago WotC revealed 70% of games online are level 1-10 and 10% hit level 10 and only 1% are epic levels. A wizards true capstone ability is level 10 not 20.

This also over laps a bit with 4E reception and focus on balance. They "fixed" problems the vast majority of players never experienced.

The Wizards never got to the levels required to really break the game. And casual players never really knew how to break them anyway. They'll just be happy dropping a fireball (which hasn't really been a that good since 2E).

The other issue is the power creep on the other classes and less of exclusive access to key spells starting in late 2E. Once upon a time to drop a fireball you had to be a wizard or to cast a level 8 spell.

5E wizard has to deal with all of that and compete with the power levels of the charisma based assessment in 5E. It's one redeeming thing assuming one even has the required knowledge to build it is ritual casting and exploration pillar. Tome lock says hi though. Exploration is also the neglected 5E pillar and charisma based classes are a lot better in the social pillar.

Wizards versatility is also over rated along with more spells. Both a mostly hypothetical concepts and a simple twinned spell puts even the most spells claim in doubt. The other classes may not have an many spells true but they can cherry pick the good ones the wizard should be casting anyway.

Another example is the invoker vs light cleric. Boh can cast fireball on paper the wizard is better at it. With two short rests though the light cleric is going to have 3-6 uses of radiance of the dawn to use at levels where it matters. The Wizards going to run out of resources first. Replace radiance of the dawn with metamagic, bard dice, other channel divinity options or invocations and you see what I'm talking about. Hell even Druids might give them a run for their money.

Even the saving throws suck
Intelligence is a rare save category and wisdom saves whole proficient use a tertiary stat at best. A Sorcerers charisma+ con saves are the best combo in the game imho.

The charisma classes are just sexier as well. Tashas power creep as well (Sorcerers, Druids and Peace and Twilight domain's).

TLDR version. To many competing class option have access to wizard spells, more resources and switch on earlier in the game at levels that matter. A Wizards power is mostly hypothetical requiring system mastery and higher levels to achieve.

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You can cherry pick examples of other classes that get access to wizard spells, but only wizards get access to the entire wizard spell list. Combine all the other casting classes together and sure, you'd end up with something better than the wizard. But such a class doesn't actually exist.

The wizard is quite strong even at low levels. At 1st you have Sleep and Color Spray. At 3rd you have Web. By 5th you have Hypnotic Pattern. All very powerful spells that can end a fight outright or at least trivialize it.

Wizards do require a bit more system mastery than some of the other classes, but not really more than other prepared casters. Basically, you need to read and know your spells.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Fire proof suit time. Incoming!!!

In the fine tradition of Bards Do Suck type threads and Wizards are Boring threads I thought I would start a Wizards suck thread.

Yeah, well .... Bards blow.... horns, that is.



Dragon Lover
Wizards are boring, uninspiring, and the fact that it is suddenly the worse thing in the world if any other class gets even remotely similar access to more of there spell list shows that. They have nothing else but their spells. Every other class has something else, even Sorcerers have something else to add and its often called the discount wizard (despite my liking them a whole heck of a lot more the wizards). Even their subclasses aren't that great, with only a couple getting a decent feature at an early enough level to spice things up.

Honestly, they shouldn't even have the largest spell list anyways. Warlocks and Sorcerers should due to having a greater range on patron/origin options that can draw on different magic sources from. But no, it hurts the wizard's little feelings if they don't have all the spells to make them look like an actually interesting class.

Gods I wish Wizards actually had interesting mechanics and subclasses so other classes can actually get more spell options! I don't even want to hate on the Wizard class, I want them to be more interesting but they aren't and its frustrating! It's the only class I can't stand and it's so hard to come up with a concept that is interesting or desirable that wouldn't just be better using a different class for!


I enjoy wizards. I like the fantasy story of the intellectual magic-user. And I don't care if other classes now get spells that are traditionally wizardly, as I just take other ones instead. There's more than enough magic in the game for every PC in a group to have different modus operandi. When you play to theme rather than powergaming, there are at baseline 8 different ways of playing a wizard, one for each school. And that's just spell mechanics-- it doesn't even take into account character personality and background, which will expand the different types of wizards exponentially.



You can cherry pick examples of other classes that get access to wizard spells, but only wizards get access to the entire wizard spell list. Combine all the other casting classes together and sure, you'd end up with something better than the wizard. But such a class doesn't actually exist.

The wizard is quite strong even at low levels. At 1st you have Sleep and Color Spray. At 3rd you have Web. By 5th you have Hypnotic Pattern. All very powerful spells that can end a fight outright or at least trivialize it.

Wizards do require a bit more system mastery than some of the other classes, but not really more than other prepared casters. Basically, you need to read and know your spells.

Sorcerers get most of those spells you mentioned, Bards get most iirc.

Wizards don't get more spell slots do that large spell list doesn't matter that much.

This is mostly a 5E type thing but I've noticed a distinct lack of Wizards being picked since 3.0. It's become even worse since 5E.
It's because Wizards in D&D are just incredibly boring and lack a niche.

"I can cast alllllllllllllllllll the different arcane spells!!!!" isn't a niche. It's barely an idea.

It's not something players actually care about.

Basically you have two kinds of players playing Wizards at this point:

1) Super-strategic types who really love analyzing the hell out of spells and situations, and coming up with cunning plans relying on various OP Wizard spells. These guys have been around since 1E, probably earlier. But they're very rare now, because very few people enjoy playing this way, and the 5E Wizard doesn't support it well, because you can't memorize the wild breadth of spells you could in 1-3E.

2) People who want to be Harry Potter-types and heard this was the book-caster. They are almost inevitably disappointed with how extremely boring and featureless D&D magic. Basically nothing Harry Potter-ish is going on. Even 4E, 4E the supposedly Wizard-hating edition, which supposedly "ruined" Wizards with AEDU, had way cool and more distinctive Wizards who actually felt like Wizards from a fantasy story.

And WotC just profoundly doesn't get it.

They're in the process of changing the entire spell list design (and probably spell design) of 2024, simply in order to make it so Wizards are still defined solely and entirely by their spell list, and are still a deeply featureless and boring class that doesn't really match with any kind of inspiring or exciting vision of spellcaster.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Basically you have two kinds of players playing Wizards at this point:

1) Super-strategic types who really love analyzing the hell out of spells and situations, and coming up with cunning plans relying on various OP Wizard spells. These guys have been around since 1E, probably earlier. But they're very rare now, because very few people enjoy playing this way, and the 5E Wizard doesn't support it well, because you can't memorize the wild breadth of spells you could in 1-3E.

2) People who want to be Harry Potter-types and heard this was the book-caster. They are almost inevitably disappointed with how extremely boring and featureless D&D magic. Basically nothing Harry Potter-ish is going on. Even 4E, 4E the supposedly Wizard-hating edition, which supposedly "ruined" Wizards with AEDU, had way cool and more distinctive Wizards who actually felt like Wizards from a fantasy story.
This is why i think the wizard should be converted into a near pure utility caster with limited offensive spells, it appeals to the first group with strategic and intelligent spell use for problem solving, then you make a sorcerer subclass ‘spark of magic bloodline’ that rather than a creature/nature thing based theme is just the ‘person with inherent magic potential’ studious harry potter caster
Edit: i think a variant ‘magical secrets’ would be good for the HP caster, one secrets spell learnt per spell level but it can only be learned from the other arcane classes, making them highly customisable but still limited.

If players want a blaster-caster there’s plenty of other fullcasters to pick from, and maybe the utility wizard could have a blaster focused subclass
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It's because Wizards in D&D are just incredibly boring and lack a niche.

"I can cast alllllllllllllllllll the different arcane spells!!!!" isn't a niche. It's barely an idea.

It's not something players actually care about.

Basically you have two kinds of players playing Wizards at this point:

1) Super-strategic types who really love analyzing the hell out of spells and situations, and coming up with cunning plans relying on various OP Wizard spells. These guys have been around since 1E, probably earlier. But they're very rare now, because very few people enjoy playing this way, and the 5E Wizard doesn't support it well, because you can't memorize the wild breadth of spells you could in 1-3E.

2) People who want to be Harry Potter-types and heard this was the book-caster. They are almost inevitably disappointed with how extremely boring and featureless D&D magic. Basically nothing Harry Potter-ish is going on. Even 4E, 4E the supposedly Wizard-hating edition, which supposedly "ruined" Wizards with AEDU, had way cool and more distinctive Wizards who actually felt like Wizards from a fantasy story.

And WotC just profoundly doesn't get it.

They're in the process of changing the entire spell list design (and probably spell design) of 2024, simply in order to make it so Wizards are still defined solely and entirely by their spell list, and are still a deeply featureless and boring class that doesn't really match with any kind of inspiring or exciting vision of spellcaster.

Yeah they're boring. Kinda works in AD&D as they have a semi monopoly on it (illusionist says hi in 1E).

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