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[WoD] Mage: The Ascension. Polling interest


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I’m thinking of running a game of Mage: The Ascension. Before diving further into development, I’d like to see if there’s any interest in such a game.

About Mage
For those who’ve never heard of it, Mage is a White Wolf game. It is set in the World of Darkness, a world not unlike present-day earth. However, many things that are taken to be fables or myths are actually true. There exist a multitude of supernatural creatures, such as vampires, ghosts, spirits, etcetera. And to top all that, man is capable of wielding magic... Not mere illusions or tricks, but true magic. Reality is shaped by the minds of man, but not many people realize this. Those who do, these awakened ones, can use this knowledge to bend reality to their personal will.

Of course, it isn’t as easy as that. Just because an awakened mage has a better view of reality, doesn’t mean that she understands all of it. Each mage shapes her own Paradigm, her view of the world. It is through this view that she can influence the world and shape reality. By forcing her paradigm on reality, she can work magic. Just like all other people, awakened or nor, have their paradigms and try to force their view of reality. This conflict is what lies at the heart of the game.

Paradigm. Growth. Power. Pride. Paradox. These are the things that Mage is made of.

About me and the game I’m planning to run
I’ll admit it... I’ve never played in a game of Mage, let alone led one as storyteller. I’ve had the book for years and have loved the game ever since buying it. Running a game seems really daunting to me given the game’s scope, but I’ve decided to try it nonetheless.

Because I’ve never played Mage, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t either. I don’t require any experience in either playing Mage or with PbP games. I would just be looking for players who would like the opportunity to play in a somewhat philosophical game, and are willing to invest the time to truly flesh out a character and her paradigm. Posting rate should be at least about once a day.

Also, and rather important: For this game, I’d like to be in firm control of the rules. For players, there’s enough to worry about. The game’s focus is on humans, their goals and views, and how these clash with others. This game is not about blowing things up with fireballs. Mages can have an awful lot of power, but it is up to the player to exercise restraint and set boundaries. I expect players to be able to set their own limits, so that everyone can enjoy the game. (and yes, that includes me. ;) )
Player will be able to make a character sheet as they wish, but I will keep very strict control over the rules of working magic. Intentions and style are up to you, game effects are entirely up to me, within the rules. I’m fair and I’ll try to stick to them as much as possible. I’m not doing this so that I can ‘screw’ the players, but I’m not comfortable enough with the system to give you control over the game effects of magic.
Rules definitely take a back seat in this game, and player will be as unaware of them as possible. If you can’t deal with that, this may not be the game for you.

All that said... Are there people here who would be interested in such a game? Please post your thoughts or questions in this thread.


(P.S. disclaimer). This is not a recruitment thread. If there is enough interest, I’ll flesh out the concept of my game. After I have a more definite picture of the campaign, I’ll post the specifics here and start recruiting. Posting in this thread now does not oblige you to actually enter the game once I’m recruiting, not does it give you any privileges if this game makes it that far. Just wanted to make that clear to avoid possible confusion later. Thanks. :)

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First Post
I'd definitely be interested in a game of Mage. It's been a couple of years since I've gotten to play it myself, actually. I'm not terribly familiar with the current status of White Wolf's World of Darkness right now, considering I've not picked up any of their books in quite a while, but Mage has always been one of my favorites of theirs.


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I'm very interested. Like Mickerus, I haven't bought any WW books in a while, but I do have the latest copy of the Mage rulebook (3rd ed, I think) and some older sourcebooks. I've played Mage in both tabletop and LARP.

Can you tell us more about the game, like where it will be set or what sort of style/theme you're looking at?


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Well, I'm definitely curious. Unlike most of the previous posters, I had never heard of Mage until maybe... 4 or 5 months ago. My experience with White Wolf games is currently limited to Exalted (which I bought a couple of weeks ago and am trying to wrap my head around). Needless to say, I am interested in seeing how a Mage game runs for a counterpoint to my experience with d20.


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I hope more people will step up, but at Byrons_Ghost's request, here's some of my thought on what I'd like to run.

For now I'm thinking about using Japan as a setting, or possible Great Brittain. I've thought about a European mainland game (stick with what you know ;)), but to me this would lack the larger-than-life mood that a Mage chronicle would have. Just my personal view, I guess...

As far as mood is concerned: it seems that the basic storyline of Mage has changed quite a bit between the second adition (which I have) and the Revised edition. From what I gather, the Tradition Mages have lost the war with the Technocracy, and are just fighting for survival now. To me, this 'darkness' is not what Mage is about, so I'd like to stick with the story before the revision:
- The War for Ascension between Tradition Mages and the Technocracy is still going on, but Mages are on the receiving end. Still there is magic, and there is hope. It is this hope that I'd like to center my game on.

Some themes I'd like to include: personal change (growth, but not necessarily), mystery, hope, changes in society, maybe a bit on hierarchy.

For the game itself, I'd like to focus on mysteries, the place of magic in history, interaction with normal people, non-mages. I don't think the Umbra will play a big role, the Technocracy will probably play a role. I haven't decided on the main antagonist, but I'd like this to be a game about the mage-mage and mage-nonmage interaction.

I'll probably start small and take it from there. Depending on the knowledge that the players have of Mage, I might like to play an Initiate game, in which each PC starts as a normal human and learns about magic in-game. Maybe we could play this out and fast-forward the game several years once everyone has a grasp of the concepts and rules?

Wew, enough rambling for now. Nothing is really fixed yet...
I'll keep thinking about what I want to do and post updates here. I think I'll start recruiting before the setting and plot have been finalised, so I can keep in mind the player's preferences and prior knowledge.

Please fire away with any questions or comments you might have.



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Like I said before, I know next to nothing about Mage, so I would be interested in an Initiate game, where I learn most of the deatails of the setting In Character. Exploring the themes and more character to character interaction would be fine with me, and I think I might even prefer it that way.

Finally, how many people do you intend to have in this game? I'm curious as to how big the group will be.


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I was thinking about four or five players. Less players would cut down too much on player-player interaction, which wouldn't do the pace of the game much good, I think.

As it stands now, we have four people who have shown interest. I had hoped for a bit more, so that we'd have some extra characters or replacements, in case one of the player would have to bow out due to unforseen circumstances etc. (That kind of thing just happens, nothing personal to any of you who have shown interest so far.)

Ah well... This topic has only been open for a few days, I'll give it some more time. ;)



First Post
I wouldn't worry too much about a lack of response. I had all of two people replying to a thread I posted about any interest in a game I was thinking about running, and now that I've started an actual recruitment thread, I'm up to five players.

As far as the theme and material goes, that's fine with me. Second edition Mage is what I'm actually familiar with.


*raises hand*
"I'm interested!"

Of course, to play second edition, I need to grap the book from the library, 'cause my copy is a revised one.

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