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World at war IC


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"Well, if by 'on purpose' you mean through a series of disagreements about our destination, methods of locomotion, and the general intractability of certain partys that shall, in the interest of fairness, remain unnamed, I was forced into this not-very-comfortable chest at sword-point so I could 're-adjust' my attitude, then yes, it was totally 'on purpose'. They call me Rik, Lady...?"

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Rickol feigns offense, "Hey, we're not bandits! We have way more panache! And what's the ruin you're talking about?"


Barak off in his own little world rides quietly, his attention is drawn by the bursting of a chest with, a gnome in it?

"Well, that's odd."

Amazing Triangle

First Post
Slate gray is my new color!

Tommy looks at the goings on with disdain thinking the halflings are up to their normal trickery. When they begin to stab at the chest Tommy only pays a slight bit more attention.

"Great another one of them short things,"
the air think with his dislike, "What can it hurt we are a freakshow that is for sure."

OOC: You missed all the earlier hating time to bring it back! ^_^


The man with the probe
ASuperHero said:
"They call me Rik, Lady...?"
Orb chuckles, "Orb silly, Orb Kaftan.*"

"So, where are you from, and why exactly did your previous companions see fit to lock you in a box?"

*If you have any knowledge:local, you may have heard a little bit about her back in the capitol of where we came from. She was a reasonably well known performer known for exceptionaly inspiring music.


First Post
[sblock] you have heard of Orb Kaftan. from what you know she is supposidly one of the best musical artists in the known world. you also know that she is seeking a special song, but what it is and what its for you have no idea [/sblock]


First Post
"Kaftan! The Orb Kaftan!?! I am honored by your presence on my humble wagon. I am a simple performer trying to make his way in this world. I was in the process of doing so (And making quite a good go at it, if I do say so myself!) when I was cruelly set upon by a troupe of so-called "performers" who pressed me into service as a buffoon. They chained me up in that chest at night, and hobbled me by day whenever I was not "performing" for them or an audience. It was horrible, Horrible I say!"*

As Rik relates his story, he takes on an overly morose pose. When finished, he snaps up his head and exclaims,

"However today is a new day! I am free of foul bondage, I have guests, and guests, well guests should be entertained!"

With a spin**, Rik spreads his Arms wide as a great many colored balls of Light erupt from his person exploding into a silent rain of multi-colored glitter. The wagon is covered by Tiny Mice balancing on Marbles while engaging in feats of acrobatics. They make no noise***.

[sblock=*Sense Motive DC 21]While the respect shown towards Lady Kaftan is sincere, Every word of his story is, if not an outright lie, fundamentally untrue in the way it is told.
Bluff Roll[/sblock]

[sblock=**Spot DC 15]He is casting a spell.
Selight of Hand Roll
[sblock=Spellcraft DC 16] It is a Silent Image, you gain +4 on the Will Save[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=***Will DC 14]Obviously this is an Illusion[/sblock]
<<4 rounds till 1st level bard spells are recharged>>


First Post
[sblock] the onlything that rings true in his little tale is the fact he was locked in a trunk. also you remember that the last time you saw a gnome who freely used his mgic to trick and entertain, he was a cleric of one of the gnome or halfing gods, you never were able to figgure it out[/sblock]

[sblock] the world famous, extreamly beautiful lady just smiled at you. you think that maby she is telling the truth and that in helping her you may be able to assist the betterment of the lower countries.[/sblock]

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