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World War Z


Jim wanders the store, grabbing a pepsi and a couple chocolate bars before heading back to find out what's taking Adam so long.

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First Post

Running like the wind, Jason reached the bottom of the bridge before the crowd, spinning off away from it he headed for his little home, a single story bungalo not far from the bridge.

The gun was loaded, a quasi-legal handgun that had slipped through gun registration back in the mid-nineties, and the news flipped on. He would catch the beginings of what the others had already seen and heard, a Riot, a burning building, a more recent explosion rocking the night. All unexplained.

[sblock=ooc]You just barely Make it with one success. Winded but you don't have to stop and keel over in the street hehe.



With one of the best vantage points in the city, Mike probably knew more than many of the reporters covering the incident from the far side of broadway. The TV belted out reports of a riot, starting in front of one of the bars, spiraling out of control, fires being started and consuming that beautiful part of the city.

What they could not see was the stream of people fleeing away from the police barricade that had been set up on 8th street. Hundreds flooding down the bridge. They couldn't see the cars, getting more and more impatient driving through the ones who had tried to bypass the clustered walkways by jumping onto the roads. They couldn't see the bodies of people falling off the edge of the bridge as they struggled to climb around others.

This was no riot, it was a panic. And after a few moments of horrified watching, Mike would see that which they were afraid of. Behind the crowd came others, a slower moving group of perhaps a hundred, stumbling as if wounded after the others. With the congestion it was not long before they caught up to some, and even with the distance between himself and the bridge, mike could make out the groups swarming over any they managed to catch, brutalizing them, striking with their hands, feat, heads, whatever they could bring to bare.

No, mike knew it was no riot. In fact, a master of little bits of trivia and facts he knew exactly what he was looking at.

African Rabies. Zombies.

[sblock=ooc]We have a winner of who figured it out first hehe. I gave the basic knowledge of "what the hell is that" To Mike with his Encyclopidiac knowledge. Don't worry, most of you will figure it out soon enough.

In case you're wondering, you managed Two successes which, in my book allows you to know what they are, and that something is seriously wrong (Finding 100 people who aren't vaccinated is almost impossible considering its so cheap =)[/sblock]


Gathering his weapons, Darwin hunkered down, making triple sure of the locks on his door. Eventually the car alarms died to nothing, though he could now easily make out the sound of sirens, police and fire not far up his street.

He was on the phone, leaving a message with his girlfriends machine when he heard the first thump. With the environment, it was enough to send a jump through him, as was the second, the sound recognizable now, hands pounding on glass.

Eyes followed the sound, settling on the glass of his front window, the curtains still somewhat ajar from his looks out. The reflection of his indoor lights made things almost indistinguishable at first, but as he looked, squinted, he could see a face.

It was a beautiful woman standing on his lawn, or at least it had been at one point. While one side of her face retained its youthful vigor, the opposite was ruined, a burn from the looks of things, streaching from the left side of her forehead, down over a ruined nose to her cheek and jaw, the flesh ripped but surprisingly bloodless. Her left eye was a mere white orb now, empty and obviously sightless, leaving her turned towards him with her right more often, something he would give thanks for, as it prevented him from being sick.

She looked, well she didn't look as though she would be alive, though her actions, pounding again and again at that glass made perfect sense with the amount of pain she must be in.

[sblock=ooc]And our second zombie encounter! *Snickers* I'm sorry, I've given you the hardest of the intitial ones to roleplay since she just looks like a brutalized human being. Try not to get bit![/sblock]


"Breaking news 650, with John Gormly." Came the rediculous announcement, arriving just in time as he phoned 9-11. The emergency signal was getting worse it seemed, For instead of waiting seconds, Ethan was still on 'hold' as he listened to the radio, leaning against his makeshift baracade.

"This is... well its just a catastophy folks." Came the breaking voice of John Gormly, a self-appointed expert in the community, his voice gave the image of an overweight, angry caucasion, though in reality he was skinny and quite calm when spoken to in person. "Police have attempted to expand their blockade on broadway but... well the rioters are being difficult. With so few on duty night cops available, the barracade is actually under attack, with the police using everything from batons and stunguns to tear gas to keep the rioters at bay."

"It is a bizzare scene out here folks, Five officers are already down, beaten viciously by otherwise normal people. We also have reports of at least a dozen dead among the rioters. Police are begining to... yes we have words that police ultimatums about lethal force have gone unanswered. They are shooting the rioters!"

A click goes off on the phone, the nine-one-one officer obviously misclicking as she tried to switch lines, hanging up on him. It was something to be concerned about, as the sounds coming from the ground floor grew. What was worse was the banging noises, bodies throwing themselves against doors.

Then came the scream, the first one being young and obviously feminine an initial shriek of terror, followed by another, The woman begging for her life, heard easily from only a few floors up.

[sblock=ooc]Alright, you do have a balcony, though on the third story up you're going to have to fall to the one below you, and then the one below that with I dunno, maybe dex+Athletics to keep from hurting yourself.

Sadly no fire axe. You've got an extinguisher if that helps hehe.[/sblock]


Things are relitively slow in the house. Outside the epicenter of the major incidents life continued mostly as normal. Arrel watched simpsons, for there was always an epidsode of the simpsons on, no matter time of day or night.

Arrel's repeated flipping would leave him with mostly the same information as Ethan's radio, perhaps a bit more graphic with video, but less accurate in some ways, more sensationalist with video attached.


"We're leaving, she's coming with us." came Adam's reply to the curious question on Jim's face as he returned. "There is a huge riot on Broadway, and... well lets just say I don't feel comfortable sending her home when she lives downtown." He gave a nervous little chuckle as they moved to the till, quickly paying for their things, encouraging the staff, who mostly ignored them, that they should close up for the night.

Back on the street, Things were getting bad. From the moment one stepped onto 8th street they could see the smoke coming up in giant plumes from Broadway. Moreover they could see a wrecked car smoldering in the street, the former security chief from the looks of things. Business' everywhere were closing down, bars shutting their doors a little early as everyone rushed home, and the trio of them were no exception. "Jim, This is Annabelle, Just Ann."


He could indeed see quite a bit from his window. Perhaps not as vast a view as Ethan, lower down as he was. What he could see was the condition of the crowd as they reached the base of the bridge. Many of them were beaten, cut, burned or just plain torn up. While some seem to have managed to survive unscathed, they were the exception, not the rule.

[sblock=Everyone OOC]Alright, should be fun continuing from here. I'm gonna try to work up a map to point out where you are all located for simplicities sake. Should be up with my next post assuming I remember. Hehe.

Any questions, post'em in OOC][/sblock]
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Jim smiled at Ann and looked up the street "What the hell's going on? Did the States finally invade?" Jim jumps on the hood of a car, trying to get a better vantage point to look down the street.


First Post
Arell becomes decidedly unsettled. As far as he can tell, its simple unrest, but a dark nature to see whats going on, to understand what he may have to deal with creeps at the back of his head. What if it isn't nothing? What if something really serious is going on? He takes a look around his home. Hardly a defensable place. Too many large windows, and the locks aren't that great. If there is violence here, chances of running away aren't that great. Its not like he owned anything worth guarding. He doesn't even lock his doors.

"Screw it!" He says to nobody in particular. Picking up his backpack arbitrarily loaded with snacks and a few canned meals he has prepped for long days out of the house, he grabs his metal pole and makes his way down Preston on his way to 8th Street. If its nothing special, at least he'll get a walk out of it. He also switches his butteryfly knife trainer to a more usable pocket. If he lost his pole, it would be useful in a pinch to hurt someone long enough to get away. He looks over to his Katana/Wakazashi set in longing, wishing he could bring it with him. Instead, he puts them behind the couch out of plain view and decides that if he needs to come back in a pinch, he'll no where they are. He adds his longsword to the pile of potential weapons, a tribute to his small town competition winning gaming skills. He also tosses his rifle into the mix, something his military Dad left him because it wa too much of a hassle to transport.

Confident that he was prepared in case of the worst, he sets out into the streets to catch his bearings.


First Post
After sitting for 10 minutes to watch the news and catch his breath, Jason got up and grabbed a backback, filling it witha knife, a few clips of ammo, some snacks and water. After securing the safty, he sticks the gun in his belt and covers it with a big shirt. He also grabs a lighet before heading out.

I'm not staying here with that so close by, Jason said while turning off the TV I'll head to 8th street and figure out where to go from there. Jason thinks as he locks the door and sticks the keys in his pockets. Well, he said to the night here we go!


What the hell? Derek couldn't believe they were walking with the injuries they had. Something was definetly not right. He grabbed his shotgun, 2 boxes of shells and his phone and hopped in his truck. He was headed to Darwin's house. Derek didn't know if Darwin knew about this or not, but something huge was going on. Darwin needed to know. Besides, there is safety in numbers.

[sblock=Clarification] I hated to edit my post without letting you know it, so I didn't lol. I wanted to let you know that I was going to call Darwin as soon as I got into my truck. I wrote this post in a hurry. Kinda a rookie mistake. Forgive me? : ) [/sblock]
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"S**T! What in the name of Bast is going on." Mike curses with his funny little habit of swearing in the name of egyptian gods. There shouldn't be that many unvaccinated people running around. This is definetly not good.

OOC: If the mass of people is moving towards Mike's place he will gather his belongings (cell phone, laptop, tanto, multipurpose tool, keys (including the key to the maindoor of the shooting range) and work-keys (masterkeys to a hospital and three office buildings and the electric key to a small general store)) and get to his car to drive somewhere more defendable (Good choise would probably be the shooting range he goes twice a week). If most of them goes to some other way he will instead just double lock the door and keep watching.
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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Darwin jumps as the woman pounding on the glass startles him. "Holy Sh-" He drops his knife to the floor.

"You scared me. Are you alright? What happened to you? Come inside and I'll call you some help."

Darwin moves to unlock the front door.


First Post
At hearing the screams, Ethan turns off his radio and television, takes the phone and puts it in its charger and waits. The silence in his apartment is enveloped by the death screams from below and the pervasive sirens. He puts his head in his hands and runs his fingers through his hair. Okay, okay, no sound, I don't want them knowing I'm in here. I'm sure people will be poking their heads out of the doors and giving these attackers new victims, so as long as I stay quiet I should be okay. Oh god, how could I think that?

As each progressive scream and loud moan, Ethan's face visibly winces in shocked disbelief. He looks around the room and moves to grab a large book-bag. He opens it up and looks blankly into it, not knowing if he's leaving so would need to supply, or if he's waiting around to see if his apartment remains safe. Just in case, he reaches under his sink and pulls out the fire extinguisher that made its home in the dark recess.


First Post
((First off, sorry for the lack of updates the last few days. Also, sorry for the relitive simplicity of this update compared to others. Busy busy busy cuz I'm headed back to work. Should be able to update once every two days. A few new PC's are welcome to join in at their leasure. As far as things go, just try and remember where you were on the stated day, and pick up from there =) ))


Jason busied himself packing as he watched the news. Broadway was near a warzone from what the news reported, and the bridge had allowed most of those fleeing into downtown, police detainment impossible, though off duty officers were being woken in an attempt to cordon the riot back to one street.

Jason's best bet, as far as travel was concerned, was to head down to university street bridge, or perhaps back up victoria, the only two nearby pedestrian bridges, and from there head to 8th street.

[sblock=ooc]Kay, far as I'm concerned, pick a bridge and start hoofing it. =)[/sblock]


The streets around Mike's building were slowly begining to fill with a trickle of those fleeing the chaos on broadway. Unfortunately that was not going to last.

While the shooting range might have made a good idea during the day, getting in during the evening, paticularly with armed and somewhat arrogant security guards. The dillema of where to go was somewhat solved for him, his cell phone beeping with a text message telling him to get his backside to the hospital.

[sblock=ooc]Just a heads up, I'm not giving you keys for the shooting range. The two in the city are privately owned and guarded, and pretty much aren't accessable by night (Due to canada's stricter gun laws. Sorry![/sblock]


Spooked, Darwin nearly hit the roof at the sound. Basic human nature took over as he approached his door. Then came another spook, the cell phone in his pocket ringing, the number of his friend Derek halting him just as he was to open the door.

This didn't stop the woman outside however, glass shattering as she threw herself against the screen door, ripping her way through and slamming against the unlocked front door. The blow drove the door open, allowing half the woman to spill out through the open door, her shoulders and upper torso preventing it from closing as she tried to both pull herself through and grab at Darwin at once.

[sblock=ooc]You Failed to keep the door closed and the zombie Succeeded in opening it.

Try not to die![/sblock]


The screams and moans grow in number and volume over the next few minutes. While some of those in the building likely survived, the screams tended to give an indication that less lived than died.

The attackers, whomever they were had made it at least to the floor beneath him, indeed, he could hear quiet sobbing coming from the appartment beneath him, repeated bangs on the door. Then the splinter of wood, the screams of a child.

And then the worst of all, the wet sound, the sound of chewing slipping up through the vents between appartments.

[sblock=ooc]Ewwwww Hehe.[/sblock]


The trip down from Arell's house to 8th street was largely uneventful. It seemed peaceful, even tranquil, a cool, relaxing fall evening. Then he arrived on 8th street and things began to get disturbing. No traffic could be seen coming or going on the usually busy road. Indeed, the only cars visible were a flaming wreck some 10 blocks down, and the cars parked overnight by the local drug mart.

Of one was unique, Jim standing atop it attemping to get a better view down the street, the other two chatting up at him, perhaps asking what he sees.

[Jim & Adam & Ann]
Jim could see very little down 8th street, at best the flashing lights at the far end of dozens of police cars and, if he were to squint, the plumes of smoke jutting out from broadway ave.

Other than the street however, he had a commanding view of the Area, noticing Arell across the street just as the other man noticed him.

[sblock=ooc]Sorry bout the simplisitic post![/sblock]


Loading up his truck with 'necessities' Derek set off, headed up university street bridge in the hopes of circumventing most of the problems. It was a roundabout route, but probably his best considering the reports on the news.

Radio in the truck spewed out a train of information regarding the incident, how apparently the police baracade against the riot was begining to show signs of stress, how the reporters had been pushed back several hundred yards "For their protection."

Worse yet, was the fact that Darwin, so far at least, was not answering his phone.
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