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World War Z


Jim jumped down off the car, glancing back guiltily at the muddy bootprints he'd left on the guys roof. Oh well, at least whoever owned THIS vehicle hadn't had his car blow up like that other poor sap.
"Looks like a god-damn war up the street." He said, heading over to Arell. "Hey man, I wouldn't suggest being out here, there's a war down that... Why the hell are you carrying a club?" Jim stops moving forward and takes a step back.

Damit, I'm having a problem with this. IRL I tend to swear a fair amount when stressed or excited, so when I'm typing my own reactions, I'm having to change my mode of speech to compensate for ENWorld censors, so you guys aren't really getting the full-Jim.

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Answer the damn phone Darwin! Derek yelled as he speeds up in his truck. He was going as fast as he could without spinning out around the corners. For the first time in his life, he wished he owned a sportscar.


First Post
University or Victoria? Jason thought as he walked, though the answer was obvious. Victoria. Not only was it less used, it was a shorter walk to 8th and he wouldn't have to head toward broadway. I shouldn't have sold my car. he said though noone (that he knows of) was around and started whistling 'On the Road Again'


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"What the -ell is wrong with you. I was trying to help. Crazy drugged out freaks."

Darwin kicks at the door and scrambles grab the knife back off the floor running back to the kitchen.


First Post
"Holy hell, this is not going to help me fall asleep tonight." Ethan looks around, each moment, each scream, each sickening crunch and slurp increasing his unease. "I should have never taken this job." Loading his bag with a few foodstuffs and his fire extinguisher, he moves around his house, frantically putting a few necessary items in: first aid equipment, climbing rope, and just in case a small candle lighter. He grabs his jacket, zips it up and heads onto his balcony.

The scene in front of his is one of chaos and destruction. The black sky lit orange by fire with clouds of grey; the smell of blood and death hung heavy. Ethan stands there for a moment, remaining perfectly still, baseball bat in one hand, bag drapped over his shoulders. He looks down at the balconies below. "I could jump, but that's not going to be easy." A scream from behind him causes him to jump. Looking back everything seems perfectly still and normal in his apartment. Looking up at the wall behind him he wonders if it is possible to get onto the roof at all, or if there was roof access from the building at all, having never explored yet.

[sblock=OOC]So, I forsee a balcony jumping exercise in the near future, but until then I'd like to take my chance up on the roof it it's possible. My thinking is that if things become dire and desperate on the roof, what's three balcony jumps compared to two? But if the roof has no access other than me getting up there, it could prove to be my sanctuary. Let me know your thoughts, Caros. I'm really liking this so far![/sblock]


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Yeah. I quessed you would be calling me to work" Mike curses as he irritatedly puts the phone back to his pocket. "Well, at least we have pepper-sprays there. Not that it's any help against those who have the African Rabies." Mike gets to his car and starts to drive to the St.John's.

Brother Allard

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Alan rolled over in bed and looked at the clock for what feet like the thousandth time that night. Almost 4 o'clock. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, trying not to do the math. Of course that never worked.

He sat up in bed, figuring that if he wasn't going to get any sleep, he might as well do something more entertaining than lying here torturing himself. He stopped at the fridge, taking a gulp of orange juice straight from the carton and then trudged out into the main room. He paused to consider the computer for a moment, but he was too wiped to do any work and frankly too crabby to spend any time online. He plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote, taking another swig of orange juice. Maybe he'd get lucky and Hogan's Heroes or something would be on.

A moment later he was standing, open mouthed, as orange juice spilled out on to the carpet from the forgotten container.


First Post
((First off, once PC's are together, as is the case with Jim and Arell, I'll be running you in singular blocks when you decide to do something. If you start talking I'll only interact via NPC till you try and go/do something. Sorry if this seems a bit lazy, but a good update for me takes nearly an hour, which, when you have 5 off after work, makes me REALLY not want to update some days ^_^.

That said. I'll not be updating for Jim/Arell till after the latter posts. =) ))


While things were perhaps a little dicey coming out of your house, the crowds already surging down the street towards you, things seemed relitively safe once you got onto Victoria street bridge. Aside from a few slow moving stragglers, no one seemed to want to go anywhere in the direction of 8th street, most of the paniced people doing their best to work good time AWAY from it in fact.

[sblock=ooc] As I said small update, sorry =(

On the plus side you get to do some rolling, a perception check and, if you're doing anything more than power walking, an endurance check. *Grins evil like* Choose your speed wisely [/sblock]


The woman did not respond to words to your shouts and cusses with ones of her own, instead there was merely a shriek, violent and bizzare, sounding more like a roar as she shoved again, trying to claw her way inside.

Luckily she failed to grab and clear hold onto any bit of you as you fled towards the kitchen, her shrieks slowly diminishing into that omni-present moan, the sound echoing in through the open door, coming closer, in masuline as well as feminine voices now.

[sblock=ooc]Okay, one question for you. Back door or no? Personally I think it is more interesting if you don't, but you've got a much better survival chance if you do. I'll leave this call up to you =)[/sblock]


Things were chaotic as he sped down the road, only a few blocks now from Darwin's house. So far, other than the plumes of smoke everything seemed quite normal, most doors closed, street lights glowing happily against the darkness while headlights illuminated the road.

Then those same headlights caught on something, a glimmer of metal as you neared, barely a block distant from your friends house, a car stopped dead in the road.

[sblock=ooc]Drive check. You did say you were speeding at night hehe. Don't worry, I won't kill you unless you completely screw up =)

Kidding kidding![/sblock]


The trip to St. Johns, once you got out of range of the crowds, was completely normal save for a spare few police cruisers headed in the opposite direction. While normally this was one of the worst areas of the city to drive in, tonight it actually seemed relaxed, compared to the chaos he had witnessed not long ago.

And then there was parking. The hospital already overflowed with emergency victims, it took far longer than you would like to park, responding for duty a mere ten minutes after the call, the hospital security chief pulling you aside the moment you entered the door.

"Jesus! I was wondering if anyone was going to show up. Look, its gonna be a crazy night, I've already got three of my men on the floor helping out. Now, its outdated, but we've got some riot gear..." He paused, noting the look on your face with a grim chuckle. "Yes, its that bad. Here's the key, its in the cage in 201. Get geared up and then come help restrain these wackos."


[sblock=My thoughts]Alright, you've really got two choices. The roof has an overhang that you 'could' get up on. Its gonna require some... I believe dex + Athletics to drag your ass up (Whatever climb is) Simple check to get a handhold, then an extended check to pull yourself up. Fail the simple you fall. Fail the extended repeatedly, you fall.

Alternately, you can drop down from the balconies, trying to figure out what kinda check that would be, but my head hurts like hell and you're my last post ^_^; Its safer since you could, if need be, tie yourself off to something.

Take your pick, if you need to discuss it more before posting, chat in the ooc =)[/sblock]

The view from the balcony thankfully spared him the vast majority of the city. While once he had lamented the 'crappy' view from his suite, now it was a blessing, protecting his eyes from things no one should have to see.

Still, he had to make a choice sooner or later. He could hear the people just below him screaming, and if they were being attacked, it was only a matter of time before they made it to his floor and he didn't have any option but to jump.


First Post
Ethan looks up at the overhand and shrugs, "Balls to the wall." He cautiously stands on the railing and balances himself. Reaching up to his fullest height, he grabs ahold of the ledge with both his hands and tries to hoist himself up, but a close scream from just below startles him and he loses his grip...badly.

[sblock=Actions]Well, I chose to climb up to the roof. Climb's a strength+athletics. And I failed, there's even a 1 in there too. This could be a lot of fun![/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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